AH ambassador
In previous post, accidentally I made mistake.
There is 8 big game species (plus 2), but I mentioned boar twice.
Instead Axis deer should be mentioned.
There is 8 + 2 (ttl 10) big game species in Croatia.
Roe deer
Red deer
Fallow deer
Axis deer
Brown bear
European boar
kri kri ibex
dalmatian sheep
A few words about tradition:
The Croatia's hunting tradition is influenced by mid European hunting, primarily by German and Austrian nobility hunting customs.
Some customs are rapidly disappearing in average daily hunting, but in very well organized hunt by respectable hunting clubs there is and should be given respect to hunted game.
On the beginning of the hunt, hunt master will say to the hunters of the species and sexes to be hunted, general safety rules etc. For this meeting, hunter should not be late. If attending the meeting with firearms, they should be either in bags, or unloaded, break actions open, bolts open.
After the hunt, big game is turned on its right side, lined, and bonfire may be light. (game always on the right side)
The hunters will line up behind the game, and the hunt master will have few words about successful hunt, and will thank and congratulate hunters for their participation.
If varmints such as fox or jackal are hunted, they will be lined behind the boars, on the right side, and their tail will be positioned sideways from their backs.
Putting the leg by hunter over the hunted game, is sign of total disrespect.
(unlike in other places where hunters are taken photos by sitting on large game, or resting the leg over it)
In Europe, dont do it.
For young local hunters, after their first successful hunt, they will have special baptism within their hunting club, as being accepted in the ranks of seasoned and more experienced hunters. They will have a set up of trial, judge and jury, and young hunter will face a trial for his first game,and sentence may vary as buying a BBQ, or drinks to everybody, etc. It may differ.
When walking to the hunting area in a group, during breaks, snack or other socializing during the hunt, break action guns should be bopen and shown to be unloaded, while other guns should be empty as well, bolts in rear position, mags out or similar.
Informal dress code.
Hunting in trousers, blue jeans is not sign of good tradition, it is more taken as ignorance or disregard to tradition.
Dont wear "Levi's" during the hunt.
Any type of hunting clothes is accepted: green, or hunting type real tree camo.
Military camo, similarly, not appreciated.
There is no written rules, or dress code, but these are the ways of tradition.
There is 8 big game species (plus 2), but I mentioned boar twice.
Instead Axis deer should be mentioned.
There is 8 + 2 (ttl 10) big game species in Croatia.
Roe deer
Red deer
Fallow deer
Axis deer
Brown bear
European boar
kri kri ibex
dalmatian sheep
A few words about tradition:
The Croatia's hunting tradition is influenced by mid European hunting, primarily by German and Austrian nobility hunting customs.
Some customs are rapidly disappearing in average daily hunting, but in very well organized hunt by respectable hunting clubs there is and should be given respect to hunted game.
On the beginning of the hunt, hunt master will say to the hunters of the species and sexes to be hunted, general safety rules etc. For this meeting, hunter should not be late. If attending the meeting with firearms, they should be either in bags, or unloaded, break actions open, bolts open.
After the hunt, big game is turned on its right side, lined, and bonfire may be light. (game always on the right side)
The hunters will line up behind the game, and the hunt master will have few words about successful hunt, and will thank and congratulate hunters for their participation.
If varmints such as fox or jackal are hunted, they will be lined behind the boars, on the right side, and their tail will be positioned sideways from their backs.
Putting the leg by hunter over the hunted game, is sign of total disrespect.
(unlike in other places where hunters are taken photos by sitting on large game, or resting the leg over it)
In Europe, dont do it.
For young local hunters, after their first successful hunt, they will have special baptism within their hunting club, as being accepted in the ranks of seasoned and more experienced hunters. They will have a set up of trial, judge and jury, and young hunter will face a trial for his first game,and sentence may vary as buying a BBQ, or drinks to everybody, etc. It may differ.
When walking to the hunting area in a group, during breaks, snack or other socializing during the hunt, break action guns should be bopen and shown to be unloaded, while other guns should be empty as well, bolts in rear position, mags out or similar.
Informal dress code.
Hunting in trousers, blue jeans is not sign of good tradition, it is more taken as ignorance or disregard to tradition.
Dont wear "Levi's" during the hunt.
Any type of hunting clothes is accepted: green, or hunting type real tree camo.
Military camo, similarly, not appreciated.
There is no written rules, or dress code, but these are the ways of tradition.