OK. let me advertise my own country, why not!
Croatia is small country end you can reach every part from north to south in a matter of hours by car, using modern highways.
Around 4.5 milion total population. Costal area is very long and diverse, with cca 1000 islands, 80 to 90% of islands uninhibited, and perfect for summer cruise with sailing boat.
Large plains in the north, divided by hills and high mountains in central part from coastal areas.
In Croatia hunting season is 12 months per year, but season per each species depends on national hunting regulations and time of year.
For example, for wild boar (male) hunting season is 12 months per year.
Roe deer season opens on 1st may, till end of September, and roe doe season then opens on 1st od october.
etc, etc
There is 8 + 2 (ttl 10) big game species in Croatia.
Roe deer
Red deer
Fallow deer
Brown bear
European boar
Wild European boar
And lately added to the big game list by agreement of SCI and Croatian govt, were dalmatian sheep, and kri kri ibex.
Thus it makes ten of big game species, which may be of interest to non-resident hunter.
These sheep and goats can be found near coast and on numerous islands, but us (locals) do not consider them as much of a tropheys, more as domesticated annoyance on the hunting grounds. Personally I never had a slightest wish to shoot a sheep, and this generally summarizes local views on this matter.
However, there is interest in this with non resident guests from other countries.
What we locals say is this:
Red deer is the king of the woods.
Brown bear is the tsar of the woods
Roe deer is the prince of the woods.
Boar is black game.
We dont even have any kind of similar expression for goats and sheep. (Who shoots the sheep????!!! To me this is still unthinkable)
Big game hunting is stalking, hunting from the stand, from the blind or similar.
Wild boars may be hunted in same way, or optionally they may be driven by dogs.
Fallow deer is introdeced and controlled species, and as such available for hunting in fenced areas or on the islands. The other big game is mostly free ranging.
Small game include pheasant, rabbits, hares, partridge, quail, woodcock, doves, ducks, geese, etc
Most of small game and wing shooting traditionally is rough shooting were dogs drive free ranging game infront or towards the hunters, however some commercial hunting may be organized when game is released from pens as per previous booking or agreement.
Most common hunting pests and varmints are jays, foxes and jackals. Huntable, of course.
Protected species:
Previously hunted, but now protected species are wolf and cappercaile.
As wolf population is recovering on fast track, for cappercaille there is a struggle still going on, which includes partial reintroducing from other countries plus ban on hunting.
However, wolf and cappercaille may be hunted legally in neighboring Bosnia.
Wild cat, has been hunted species but under newest EU hunting regs, it is protected.
Bob cat, reintroduced, protected as well.
In Croatia there is possibly most dense population of brown bear in Europe, present population estimated at about 1300, with roughly 10% of this to be allowed on annual hunting permits. This is never achieved, and bear population is in increase, now visiting suburban areas, turning garbage bins, getting on the roads, and creating hazards to the traffic, which is not unknown when compared to black bear habits in the states.
The northern part of Croatia (as well as parts of Serbia and Hungary) were flooded by prehistoric Panonian Sea which later dried and left the huge dry plains, which then erroded by winds and nature, thus exposing a rich mineral soil. (Including prehistoric sea shells still found in the ground)
Those minerals found in the ground, make extreme quality pasture for most popular species of roe deer and red deer producing well developed antlers.
This type of soil is unique in the World.
The tropheys are measured as per CIC standard usually, generally accepted in this region of central Europe.
For Croatian citizens the options are to be hunters as members of hunting clubs, which have their own hunting grounds under concession from govt, or as members of Croatian hunting federation, in which case they may hunt as guests of other clubs, in some kind of agreement, courtesy call or commercially.
For non residents, or for other nationals, the Croatian hunting federation usually recognizes their own national firearms permits, and hunting certificate (some form of basic safety in hunting or similar), and then they will issue Croatian hunting ID card, based on this.
Croatian hunting card is valid 12 months per year, and with this basic document you may hunt all over croatia, in agreement with whoever has concession over particular hunting ground.
Practically, the outfitter who is arranging your hunt will apply for this on your behalf, and hunting ID card will be routinely issued.
Based on Croatian hunting ID card, you will get hunting permit with each hunting ground concession holder, or whoever is running the hunting ground. Once again, all this will be sorted out by your outfitter.
Guns to use:
Big game 30-06, 270, 8mm mauser, or similar will cover most of all big game hunting, however they are on lower limit for bear, so something more powerful would be recommended.
Small game, shotgun 12 ga, is perfect.
Boars may be also hunted with shotgun, but using slugs.
If auto loader (shotgun or rifle) is used, then magazine capacity is limited to 2 rounds in mag, plus one in chamber.
Hunting with pistols or revolvers is not permitted, but you may have one for purpose of shot of mercy for wounded animal.
This is link to croatian hunting federation pages.
(I did not find english version, but you may use google translator for this)
And at this moment, as far as outfitters are concerned presently two come in my mind.
I did not use outfitter service, as i have different possibilities, but I believe those are most famous:
(J&P agent, has outfitted Craig Boddington hunts few years ago)
And this one, a Croatian guy, with outfitting firm established in London, UK but specializing in local hunts in Croatia:
My own disclaimer is that I did not hunt with them, but you may check their websites and get further feedback form other hunters experiences, as refferences are listed on their web sites.