Welcome, I feel like most fellow BC’er growing up with so much Crown land and access we are spoiled with huge tracts of land and no fences.
And because of this most enjoy the same in Africa, the wild places as I call them. Yes it’ll cost you more then other places, but it is worth it 100%. I know a few guys hunted smaller acreages in SA and it just wasn’t the same feeling, and the expierence was not what they hoped for. But then I know there is places that do it right or are large enough so it’s not a rule there are lots of exceptions I’m sure.
I saved up and hunted buff the Zambezi Valley. Hope to go back, Zambia, Tanzania, Moz, Botswana all places I hope to see too.
Best of luck, this exchange rate is killing my chances of going back soon, can’t stomach the 25-30%. A 15-20k usd hunt will end up being 25-30k CAD and when I think about the difference of living just 20 miles further south and being paid the same wage and a hunt that much cheaper it grinds my gears hahaha