Hello from Alaska

Say Man

AH veteran
Mar 25, 2014
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Hello AH members,
Just signed up yesterday after looking around at the forum section and getting some great tips and tricks about hunting Africa. I have never been to Africa but it is #1 on my bucket list to do so. I feel so blessed being able to live in AK and get to hunt here every fall. I have hunted in Texas, Alabama, New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont mostly for deer and birds with the occasional hog thrown in. My ultimate trip would be to hunt Buffalo, Croc, and Hippo with Eland and Gemsbuck thrown in for good measure. I often wonder with my limited budget if it would be better to take two separate trips to Africa and pick off the species that I want in two trips rather than one. OF course the wife might question the validity of taking two trips to Africa but that is for me to figure out(Plead for dear life). Any suggestions on a course of action for completing my ultimate dream would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to looking through more of the site and getting some great tips from those of you who have been to Africa. Thanks for taking the time to read my spiel and happy hunting to you all.
Welcome to AH Roy! Your sure to find all the answers to any questions you may have. LOTS of great outfitters that are active members here on AH.
Hows the spring bear season shaping up for you guys up North?
Welcome to AH Roy! Nice to have you with us Explore AH some more and you will soon be on your way to Africa!
Welcome Roy !

Yes one or two trips ... I say one for the animals ... You will start picking animals for the second unintended hunt on day 2 :ballchain: !!!! Enjoy the Forum ! It will be very informative and a blast !

Happy Hunting !!!
Welcome to AH, Roy.
I would say two trips, and choose the best ç–µeas for the different animals.
Anyway, you will get professional advice from the Outfitters on the Forum.
Thanks BnC 04. The winter here was opposite of what went on down in the "lower 48" as we were actually much warmer than normal. Expecting an early spring but that is just my expectations. It has been in the 40's a couple of times already this month with temps in January reaching upper 30's and the thaw seems to be under way so it may not take long. Mother nature sure seems to want to do her own thing though so will have to see how we end up but the beginning of spring sure looks promising. Bears should be on the move earlier than normal. I like your quote about the wife and a job since I can relate due to having both. Thanks for the response and happy hunting. By the way, I live in Fairbanks.
Thanks Jerome,
Look forward to looking around!
Hi Richard, It's the unintended animals that I am afraid of. Getting there will be half the battle, the other half will not be shooting everything that I possibly could while there. Thanks.
Welcome to AH.
Enjoy your time here.
Self restraint is always an issue when hunting in Africa.

Good luck planning your tripS.
welcome to AH ,roy
enjoy the site .
id do it in two trips , enjoy the planning and the hunt .
Hi Bluey,
I was thinking it would be better to do it in two trips just for the amount of animals I want to take. I looked at your profile and noticed you are from australia. I had the pleasure in '06 of going there and fishing off the GB reef for Black Marlin and had a blast. That was actually #1 on my bucket list so now that I have done that the Africa trip has moved up to take it's spot. Hope to make it back to Australia someday and see more of your country than just the coast. Happy hunting.
Say Man,
Welcome to AH - you'll find folks who have a lot of experience in African hunting. They'll have the answers you need. If they don't have the answers, you must not need to know. :)

One trip or 2? That's an easy one. The odds say that if you make one trip, you'll make another. Africa is addictive. So, you might as well plan for two trips from the start.

Thanks Mtgoat,
The more I think of it the more that two trips sound better and fun. Just a matter of figuring what to get and when. Good hunting to you!
Hi Bluey,
I was thinking it would be better to do it in two trips just for the amount of animals I want to take. I looked at your profile and noticed you are from australia. I had the pleasure in '06 of going there and fishing off the GB reef for Black Marlin and had a blast. That was actually #1 on my bucket list so now that I have done that the Africa trip has moved up to take it's spot. Hope to make it back to Australia someday and see more of your country than just the coast. Happy hunting.

roy , now its bad manners to tell and not show ,a tale of black marlin . we need pictures mate.
hope you make it back down too mate . theres a lot to see and do
Sorry bluey,
It was an excellent trip with captain Bill Billson aboard the viking. I had three days and caught eight marlin between about 250-800 lbs. Will dig up some pics and post tomorrow. Sorry to keep you in suspense.
no need to be sorry mate .
just shit stirring , but would enjoy seeing your fish pix .
Welcome to AH, Roy! Two trips for sure.
Welcome to AH

With your list 2 trips. Heres why
1) You have an expensive list. 2 trips means you can go on one while saving for the next. Either dangerous game or Plains game.
2) The plainsgame can be found in either South Africa or Namibia as a cheap safari. The DG can be found in any number of countries that have great DG hunting but may not have much plainsgame. No Gemsbok for sure.

Take the wife on a limited plains game safari while you save for a DG hunt. You will both become addicted.
Thanks Diamondhitch,
I wish the trip would be as high on my wife's wish list as mine but alas it is not. Although I would have no doubt she would have a good time she has several other trips that are higher on her list. I think I am already addicted and I haven't even gone yet!! I was thinking that an introductory safari would be in order but just have to figure out what to go for to "ease" into hunting Africa. Good hunting and thanks for the info.
Thanks Diamondhitch,
I wish the trip would be as high on my wife's wish list as mine but alas it is not. Although I would have no doubt she would have a good time she has several other trips that are higher on her list. I think I am already addicted and I haven't even gone yet!! I was thinking that an introductory safari would be in order but just have to figure out what to go for to "ease" into hunting Africa. Good hunting and thanks for the info.

Fix this by explaining to her how much money she can "save" buying diamonds while on the trip. This is also a reason for trip two. The diamonds on trip one cost a lot, but they pay off by your getting to go back!

And welcome to AH!!

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African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well