Health and Wellness PSA

I’ve been in Cardiology for 30 years. Do as you please as I won’t argue with what you feel is best.

Interested in your professional opinion of Calcium Tests (MRI of the heart) to determine early plaque build up? I’ve read (also discussed with several Doctors) that the Calcium Test is a good follow up test “if” you have high cholesterol or borderline high cholesterol vs just going on a statin immediately as a preventative. The premise appears to be that different people process cholesterol differently and that cholesterol levels alone aren’t as accurate a predictor of Cardiovascular disease as a Calcium Test.
Some people with cholesterol levels within the “normal range” may still develop plaque build up while others with borderline to high levels of cholesterol may Not have early plaque build up. I understand that the majority of people with high cholesterol will have higher risk but before taking a statin (which can have unpleasant side affects) - is having a Calcium Test also worthwhile —- to see exactly what build up (if any) that you have and THEN determine course of treatment. (As you can tell - I am NOT a Doctor and don’t want to play one in this Forum).
Interested in your professional opinion of Calcium Tests (MRI of the heart) to determine early plaque build up? I’ve read (also discussed with several Doctors) that the Calcium Test is a good follow up test “if” you have high cholesterol or borderline high cholesterol vs just going on a statin immediately as a preventative. The premise appears to be that different people process cholesterol differently and that cholesterol levels alone aren’t as accurate a predictor of Cardiovascular disease as a Calcium Test.
Some people with cholesterol levels within the “normal range” may still develop plaque build up while others with borderline to high levels of cholesterol may Not have early plaque build up. I understand that the majority of people with high cholesterol will have higher risk but before taking a statin (which can have unpleasant side affects) - is having a Calcium Test also worthwhile —- to see exactly what build up (if any) that you have and THEN determine course of treatment. (As you can tell - I am NOT a Doctor and don’t want to play one in this Forum).

Well my comment was meant as a general “health rules” for all of us as we get older. The advice of your physician should always be considered when making personal health choices.
Calcium scores are excellent predictors of cardiac disease. I personally like the CAC scoring offered by the 64 slice camera. I find it extremely accurate when determining the base level of someone’s cardiac disease and recommend them when insurance will approve. Sometimes physicians have to be creative when trying to get one procedure approved while going through a different procedure code.
As to the side affects of Statins that is generally overstated. Crestor is very well tolerated amongst patients with little to no complaints and usually diminish over time.
Needless to say that Cardiology is more than quick blurbs on a message board but hope everyone gets to see a specialist as it becomes appropriate for their age.

Well my comment was meant as a general “health rules” for all of us as we get older. The advice of your physician should always be considered when making personal health choices.
Calcium scores are excellent predictors of cardiac disease. I personally like the CAC scoring offered by the 64 slice camera. I find it extremely accurate when determining the base level of someone’s cardiac disease and recommend them when insurance will approve. Sometimes physicians have to be creative when trying to get one procedure approved while going through a different procedure code.
As to the side affects of Statins that is generally overstated. Crestor is very well tolerated amongst patients with little to no complaints and usually diminish over time.
Needless to say that Cardiology is more than quick blurbs on a message board but hope everyone gets to see a specialist as it becomes appropriate for their age.

HH, completely understand “general health rules” and would never take your comments otherwise —- I shouldn’t have used the phrase “professional opinion” as this is just s Chat Forum.....and we are “chatting”.
I appreciate some of the info and details that you’ve shared. Regards, HankBuck

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