He’s at it again


Since 2015
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Jun 26, 2014
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Well ladies and gents Seth is at his first shoot of the year. He just had a very serious surgery in November. He is having a hard time walking as a result but he’s been looking forward to this shoot since June so there is no way he was going to miss it. He can stand and put weight on that foot and can walk a little but he’s had quite the challenge. He’s a tough little shit though. He’s been working hard so that he can get to where he can stand long enough to shoot.
Here is a post surgery x-ray.

This shoot is in San Antonio at the National Shooting Complex. There are 953 kids shooting for over 20,000 dollars in scholarships. Yesterday was a rough day an he struggled with international trap. Considering he hasn’t been able to shoot since his surgery he went out cold on international skeet. He struggled through it and put up a 76.
Today however, he went out and dug deep to shoot a 96 in American trap which has him sitting in shoot off position for some $. Very proud of him.
They are now shooting a team sporting clays round and Brandi just told me they are shooting very strong. He can’t walk the course so some of his team mates are ferrying him around on side by sides and helping him get his gear squared away.
He was pretty sore last night after the the days shoot. I hope he can can keep the pain under control enough to finish and finish strong. I told him when he left to do his best and if at any point he hits a wall there is no shame in bowing out considering the circumstances. Being my son off course he said “to hell with that, I’m going to finish and I’m going to win”. I am so proud of this boy and it’s an honor to be his father.
First station of team Sporting Clays shoot That smile says it all.
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Right on! Always move forward!
Good stuff !!
Oouucchhh!! Those are some very big pins/screws there.

BEST OF LUCK and MUCH SUCCESS on his and his teams shooting skills.
He shoots better on one ankle than I do with both!

Ouch!! That is some mean looking hardware in that foot but it doesn't seem to be slowing him down much. Give him a big CAN DO and give 'em hell, Seth.
He just shot a 91 in sporting clays for the team shoot. I’m not sure what his team members shot. That’s a solid score all things considered.
No quit in that young man, gotta love it! Hope he and the team do well
Remember the ALAMO,Give em hell kid don't take any prisoners
Atta boy!

Seth is a fine young man. Glad to see him putting in the work. It will pay off!
91 in sporting clays is very good
Go gett'um Seth!!
Thank you all for the support. He really appreciates it and I am forwarding all of this to him.
Tell Seth to keep working hard because I need a bird boy come September!
Ouch!! That is some mean looking hardware in that foot but it doesn't seem to be slowing him down much. Give him a big CAN DO and give 'em hell, Seth.
yessir it is some serious hardware. He’s had a pretty tough time with this one. Unfortunately it’s not over, he has to do the other foot after this one heals. That should buy him 5-10 years before he has to have ankle replacements. We’re hoping that technology will advance enough in that time maybe he won’t have to have such intrusive treatments. He’s tough though and is soldiering on. This was a heart break to him as he always dreamed of going into the Airforce to fly planes, unfortunately that isn’t an option anymore. Soooo now he’s a junior trying to figure out what he wants to do in life. Fortunately he’s able to shoot again which has been about the best therapy for him since he was little. He’s very passionate about it. He also has a pretty serious interest in physics so he’s trying to figure out what direction to go with that. I gotta say I was very impressed. He takes a dual credit physics class this year and score a 100% on his mid term final. The instructor was shocked as she said she’s never had a student do that before. I was too actually, he’s always been smart but that was just shear impressive.

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
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