There has been a change in plans. I called Winchester and talked to either a Tech Rep that I asked for, or a Customer Service Rep. As a result the rifle is boxed up and will be going to their Service Facility in Arnold MO. My only concern is that if it comes back fixed, I'll probably never know what was wrong with it. Tarbe, may have hit the nail on the head when he asked about a profile of the case neck. That got me to thinking and I got out my micrometer. Much to my chagrin, I discovered that the first 1/8th inch down from the mouth measured .395" . That is .010" less than it should be. From there back it measured .405" like it should. The "band" that I thought was a depression is an optical illusion. I have the feeling that a chamber is cut and then finished in separate machining operations. In the case of my rifle the finishing pass could have been a little short. that could leave a chamber that would produce fired brass like what I experienced. I'll close the loop on this issue after I get the rifle back from Winchester and take it to the range.