Hang in there

We got over a foot of snow! Not a record but not common in February.
A week ago, our group of friends on the Internet gave advice to a lady who lives somewhere in Germany. There was a snow storm, she was in isolation - for three days it was impossible to leave (in the European Union, studded tires are prohibited, and not everyone has jeeps and even chains). The bus didn't run, and the grocery stores didn't work. The snow was knee-deep, judging by the photo, but it wasn't very cold. Neither she nor her husband had any clothes or shoes adequate to the conditions. Our ladies advised how to make a headdress from an old jacket. Now, judging by the climate map, there is already a plus.
Three days ago, the same story was repeated with another friend of ours, who lives in Texas, near Montgomery. She's a former Marine, by the way, and she lives on the positive side, but she seems to be having a hard time there. Although she has dogs - you can't freeze with dogs. Our people advised her to buy a tent and sleeping bags in Walmart (oddly enough, they are still on sale there, people buy toilet paper during the apocalypse, and not what they really need). It turns out that putting up a tent in the house in cold weather is what they do in South Korea. You can also heat insulate one of the rooms with foiled sheet foam, which is well attached with a conventional stapler.
Alas, if there is no normal fireplace with a chimney, all sorts of gas, gasoline and other heaters are very dangerous. Even we have many cases of fires and carbon monoxide poisoning every year, although winter heating is part of our lifestyle.
We got 10 inches here the day before yesterday and calling for another 6-10 tonight. We have been without power for about 36hrs now but rewired my electric water heater to run off the generator and running drop lights and all the freezers, refrigerator, WiFi, and tv off the generator...we have a wood stove so it’s about 80 degrees in the living room and about 60 in the bedroom...perfect to me for sleeping lol. Rather enjoying the time spent with the family so far even though I hate the cold. Burning vacation time from work the next few days so I can keep the ponds and animal troughs busted up so they all have fresh water. May do some load testing tomorrow...been needing to sight in a few rifles with new scopes. Looks like I’ll have time this week lol.
Dang cold and snowy here at the Rocking G, but as of now we still have power. Fighting a bit of a water problem but we have great facilities and this too shall pass. Animals are fairing well due in large part to the feeding program we have in place on the ranch. Our next group of hunters are due in tomorrow afternoon and I’ll keep updates posted as time allows. Hope everyone stays warm and dry.
The -41C sucks.
You know it's cold when the snow crunches under your boots with every step and the snow is actually a very small ice crystal, not a flake.

I just looked up the temp./humidity level in Otavi. It is sitting 23C and at 55%.
Out my back door it is -18C and 37% max.

The local cold snap is ending here today. 10 days of this all to chilly weather.
Today, nearly T-shirt Weather.
It will be T-shirt weather on Saturday +10C BBQ time.

I feel for the folks who do not get this cold on an annual basis and have no time and or the ability to prepare properly. Stay safe everyone.
A useless bit of trivia and information for you.
-40 celcieus and -40 Fahrenheit are the only two temperatures on the scales that are exactly the some
Whitetail seem to like it:
I thought about going bow hunting earlier since our season is still open til the 28th but I went down the road to the store and there were vehicles flying down the road way to fast, sliding through ditches, crossing my lane...I decided I’m not getting out in this heading across the mountain to the deer stand...these other drivers have no clue how to drive right now it’s downright dangerous...not gonna put my truck at risk lol.
A useless bit of trivia and information for you.
-40 celcieus and -40 Fahrenheit are the only two temperatures on the scales that are exactly the some
My dad experienced that temperature while in Korea during the war. Whole on parade they had to kick the but of their rifles to free them so they could shoulder arms.
While they were on patrol behind enemy lines they used to piss their pants in that temperature instead of risking frost bite.
One thing he did say was in that temperature the fighting was far less active but going on patrol really sucked.
I learned something new today. I didn’t know the Aussie’s had troops in Korean War, and my grandfather was in that war.
Going to go read a history book now.
Weatherman this morning said it got down to -25C in our town in Oklahoma last night. I wasn't outside or awake to know. That is the coldest it has been since 1899.

Went for a walk at -12C and it wasn't too bad. There was no wind.

We had about 8" of snow Sunday and about that much more supposed to come tonight. The ranchers out feeding cattle and breaking ice are the ones suffering right now. Homes here aren't insulated for this temperature. Many houses will have frozen pipes, along with floods when the pipes thaw.

At the moment all the green energy is worthless. The wind farms are frozen up. Natural gas for the electric plants is in short supply.

Texas is getting this same weather. Just as Kansas is a little better prepared for this type of weather than us, we are a little bit better prepared than Texas. It seems they are getting the worst of it even though it may be a tad warmer there.
We have a gas oven in the kitchen and the times the power has gone out its done a pretty good job of keeping things warm with the door open.
on a gas stove, you can heat several bricks. They work as heat emitters when the hot air escapes.
Me I like warm and dry, like my dog. After a lifetime in Africa one gets an itch to go somewhere else, Scotland looked so idyllic. Then I spent a month there on a project, nearly died of cold, and that was before the cold cold. So Harare it is forever.
I’ve seen it several times since in other African countries but I remember hunting in Zim in July 2012 and seeing the trackers get all bundled up with heavy coats, stocking caps and gloves each morning while I just wore a long sleeve shirt and shooting gloves while riding in the back of the cruiser with them.

In CAR in 2016, the tables were turned and I was the uncomfortable one but this time from the heat and humidity while sweating from weird places, like the top side of hands and kneecaps, in addition to everywhere else! Took me several days to adjust. For me, I can always warm up from activity but it is much harder to cool down.
Today here in Anchorage, Alaska the temperature is around +23 degrees Fahrenheit (about -3 Celsius ?).
No wind at all, dead calm and mostly cloudy.
It snowed about 2 inches last night and forecast for a couple more inches tonight and tomorrow.
But, snow is normal here, approximately November through April.
The -41C sucks.
You know it's cold when the snow crunches under your boots with every step and the snow is actually a very small ice crystal, not a flake.

I just looked up the temp./humidity level in Otavi. It is sitting 23C and at 55%.
Out my back door it is -18C and 37% max.

The local cold snap is ending here today. 10 days of this all to chilly weather.
Today, nearly T-shirt Weather.
It will be T-shirt weather on Saturday +10C BBQ time.

I feel for the folks who do not get this cold on an annual basis and have no time and or the ability to prepare properly. Stay safe everyone.
Not close to temps in Canada, but -18/-32F windchill here in Colorado Springs this past Sun/Mon was pretty brutal, and I was working out in it. As a side note, I’ve grilled/BBQ in -24 ONCE, and many times in the low teens to zero. Makes you feel alive! Ha! Ha!
I drove from Seattle back to Boise last night. Took 3 hours to get over the first pass and 12 hours to get home. Usually it’s under 8 hours. Pass was closing when we were on it and we kept going as I knew we’d be stuck another day or two. The pass is still closed 24 hours later. It was not a fun drive, getting home at 1:45am, but I had my daughter as a driving companion and it’ll be something we remember a long damn time.
I gained a huge amount of respect for the truckers of this country. They put on and take off chains before and after every snow zone. I can’t imagine having to do that all night. Luckily we have 4WD and studded tires so we were in good shape.

these storms are good reminders that we are just passengers on this planet. Mother Nature is rather indifferent to us at the end of the day...
WHY did you HAVE TO drive in that vs. waiting?

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg