....so I am to assume that this isn't about dead children and teachers...just a funny joke.
Slow down, step back and read it for what it is rather than what you think it might mean.I find you and all those who like your joke about dead children and teachers to be abhorant.
....so I am to assume that this isn't about dead children and teachers...just a funny joke.
Nevermind that it specifically is designed to make fun of the failures that allowed those children and teachers to be killed.
I could provide you the same advice. Humor is 100% context dependent...the words and images used in humor are that just words and images without context. There are two contexts here...yes there is a background context of the entire gun advocacy/control...but the MAJOR context is the Parkland shooting. The reason the Parkland shooting is the major context is it uses the words and images embedded in that event.Slow down, step back and read it for what it is rather than what you think it might mean.
Only you have applied the parkland shooting to my comment.I could provide you the same advice. Humor is 100% context dependent...the words and images used in humor are that just words and images without context. There are two contexts here...yes there is a background context of the entire gun advocacy/control...but the MAJOR context is the Parkland shooting. The reason the Parkland shooting is the major context is it uses the words and images embedded in that event.
If your argument is that the overall gun debate is the major context...I understand that position...I don't agree with it...but reasonable minds CAN disagree.I think you have that completely backwards, Scott.
Don't know who the young man is above and I don't own and have never own an AR type of weapon, but unless you are bumping me up to business from main cabin.......I don't care about travel discounts either!!!
Don't know who the young man is above and I don't own and have never own an AR type of weapon, but unless you are bumping me up to business from main cabin.......I don't care about travel discounts either!!!
Not true, most of Cody's firearms either have bolts or two barrels!!! Actually I have seen this pic before somewhere. My son knows who this is and how he made his money, maybe "got" his money. He was showing me this pic and telling me the story 2 or 3 years ago!You don't know who that is???? Really????
That's @Bullthrower338 when he was younger and before he really got into guns.
All those guns and not a rigby in sight... the youth of today... no class
Bet he has the latest most expensive phone though!All those guns and not a rigby in sight... the youth of today... no class
Yep, because it takes such amazing photos...Bet he has the latest most expensive phone though!
As a career educator...I disagree with arming teachers...but we SHOULD be able to discuss differences of opinions. I appreciate and applaud your involvement in your local educational community and your honest attempts to protect children in your school district. I totally respect your right to a different opinion and would enjoy the opportunity to discuss my extensive reasons for my differing opinion if my child were in your district.Ok I’ve got to get in my 2 cents here when you want to protect something that is worth a lot cash, gold, or anything of high value you surround it with guns.
But when it come to our children we put them in one place and disarm all around them except those who don’t follow the law.
I am the president of my local Board of Education we are a very small district in a very rural setting we do not have the luxury of local police force we have to rely on State Police who’s station is 28 miles away our county sheriff is 38miles away.
Our average police response time is over 45 minuets and it all depends if there is a unit on the south end of the their district.
So yes I want to arm our teachers custodians and anyone else of sound mind.
Yes we are in a different setting than most schools but our kids need protection just as much as the city and town kids do.
Now as I watch tv surf the net all I see is gun control BS.
People who have armed guards at every entrance to their work place and armed details that escort them to and from work on the tax payers dime Hollywood Stars that hire bodyguards to protect them and liberals who think it’s the gun that does the killing.
Do I think school shootings are funny absolutely not but sadly the liberal answers to the problem is.
If you want to see if armed teachers make a difference check the statistics of school shootings in Israel since the armed teachers hardly any school shootings.
But taking guns away or putting up gun free zones is inviting disaster because criminals don’t obey laws that what makes them criminals.
Are we really going to take pointers on how to protect our children from a group of people who a little while back were dressed as vaginas and protesting for the right to kill unborn babies?
I would like to see their prospective but I can’t get my head up my A$$.
A book by Dave Grossman titled On Killing covers much of what I believe you are getting at on the mind set area. Grossman used research by S.L.A. Marshall from WW2 that showed less than 50% of the soldiers were unable to fire their weapon and engage the enemy in combat due to an innate resistance to the emotional toll that killing has on a person. The US Military used this research to change their training practices to effectively raise this percentage to over 90% during the Vietnam war. He also references police involved shootings with the same procedure used. Concluding that with the decline of morals and values came less resistance to killing. Hollywood, video games and all of the other pollutants that our kids are subjected to help to break this resistance down more and more each day. Yet all of this is socially acceptable and no one is screaming to ban television or the Nintendo machine that are turning our youngsters minds into gelatin.The concern I have isn't with gun control but competence. There is a lot of studies about effective armed response and fear. Last I read the police in the USA will hit a target in a firefight 20% of the time. The criminals have about a 12% likelihood of hitting their target. If we assume teachers will not have time to do specialist firearms training they will send lead into rooms and hallways crowded with children up to 80-88% of the time. I will be interested to see how this gap in competence will be met.
The other thing that has gotten lost with this deputy is that the US military has a lot of data on fear. Bottom line is there is no actual way to control it. Once you brain goes into self preservation mode you do not act rationally. Loads of examples of this.
So, I really question whether the deputy response was intentioanl in that sense when it has nothing to do with his training. But, also, he was probably not skilled enough to conduct a firefight in a hallway teaming with people. So I think things would have gotten messy if he tried to identify a 19 year old target in a sea of 17 year olds who were probably running around with bags and who knows what else.
From the studies whomever is carrying a weapon, and does not have active shooter training, will only provide safety in a very limited scenario. Certainly not in a complex school shooting situation. That's probably why in some 53,000 firearm incidents in 2015 only about 1300 where self defense situations. Most of the time it is better to leave it to the specialists.