AH ambassador
As per my experience, in Namiba. No.Am I required to hold a valid FAC (Fire Arms Certificate) in the UK to be able to rent Firearms from an outfitter in Africa?
But... the skill to use rifle is essential. You can not expect that without any formal training and experience, to place accurate shot up to 200 meters, in field conditions, to game animal vital zone. You have to ask honestly yourself, are you able to hit what you aim for, standing, from the stick?
Have you ever fired a high powered rifle, at range?
General rule is, if you spill the blood, you will spill the money. Wound an animal, and lose it, pay the fee.
Another, there have been few horror stories, when clients came, with new rifle, which they never fired.
My advice, do not go that route.
I understand ammunition and Firearm rental won't be cheap, but this wouldn't be an issue providing I had the opportunity to practice with it.
Rental of rifle depends from outfitter, to outfitter. It can be for free, or free rifle, pay for ammo spent, or 20 to 50 usd, per rifle per day. In any case, price is not astronomical.
But rifle practice is must. Your skill with rifle is must!
In reality, first day on arrival to hunting camp, you will go to the range. It is standard that all outfitters keep.
For experienced hunters, it takes only one or two shots, to confirm the rifle, and their skill in the eye of PH.
In your case, clarify this point with your PH.
For example, 2 day training, 50 centerfire cartridges, or 100 cartridges for training, etc... I think, it is possible, but not common. So this must be clarified with outfitter. In such case, you dont go to heavy duty stalking, and shoot from african sticks, my advice would be shooting from blind, on a tree stand, near waterhole, at distance less then 100 meters, with rifle at good steady rest.
There is one thread on this forum, preparation for safari.
Plan a year in advance. At least.
But two years in your case would be more realistic.
While reasearching various options deals, and offers, join shooting club in UK.
Make focus on high power rifle training, or basics with 22lr rifle.
It will be a year well spent.
O BTW welcome to the forum!