I am glad that you are interested in learning our rich language, the people in Spain when you come will help you without any problem, we are one of the most touristic countries in the world for a reason.Welcome, I am interested in hunting Spain and have been taking the duo lingo course for Spanish sine COVID put us on lock down and work from home....
I do not understand what you're trying to communicate here: "Unfortunately, Spain and Europe are not so flexible, removing Switzerland in everything that has to do with weapons". can you explain?
y bienvenido
Hunting in Spain can be of various types, waiting, stalking and the famous "Monteria" are the most common in big game.
It is very simple, in Spain, a country that fully belongs to the European Union, it is very very very frowned upon to have weapons, either for target shooting or for hunting (even more so if it is for hunting, since hunting is not good either seen in Spain, by the vast majority of the population)
For everything you have a license and an exam, for example:
- License E (for Shotguns)
- License D (for Rifles)
- License B (for a defense weapon)
- License F (sports shooting)
Even if you have seen License B, this license is almost exclusive for those threatened by ETA (former terrorist organization that sought the independence of a part of Spain), jewelers and gunsmiths or senior public officials.
Even with this B license, if it occurs to you to shoot someone in legitimate defense, you will surely end up going to jail and paying compensation to the victim or family members.
In the last year a retired police officer has gone to jail for shooting some people who I think broke into his house.
And a man over 77 years old in his house in the countryside shot the thief who was robbing him and has also been sent to jail.
To give you an idea, my last license I obtained, the F license, took me 1 year to get home and at the moment it only allows me to purchase a single weapon. I have the obligation to go shooting with the weapon at least once a year and if I want to be able to buy some more weapon, I should have a minimum score and repeat that score every year.
Switzerland only has treaties with the European Union, but it does not fully belong to it and although Europe tries to block its culture of weapons, they know how to turn it around.
And in Switzerland, for example, it is totally legal for people to own automatic weapons (under some requirements).
Greetings and I hope I have expressed myself correctly.