The Drawing was a free hand concept drawing done in MS Paint... It isn't to scale... As for drop o' Comb... One is better to have a wee bit... I have an old Baikal IZH-18M in 12 Gauge 3" Magnum, with a 20" Barrel, that'll rip your shoulder off with a Slug... The Stock is too straight, inline... It's the hardest kicking long gun, I've ever fired!(And that's saying something!)... Other factors come into play, that also affect recoil, considerably... Weight is a big one(My Baikal only weighs about 4.5lbs)... Balance point, Barrel length, Caliber, etc... All have a lot to do with felt recoil... As for Monte Carlo Combs... I have rather fond memories o' a Pre-71 .444 Marlin that had a Monte Carlo Straight Stock... What suits me, may not suit you, or anyone else... One thing I do pride myself in, is my ability to fit a Rifle to a person, like a finely tailored suit...(A dying art, that one doesn't often encounter in North America) Also, the extra wood on the stock can improve the Balance Point... There are a lot o' factors to consider, when designing a DG Rifle... Have you had much field experience, with a Martini?(Not trying to be cause you any guff, just curious?) When I fire a Martini Rifle, Muzzle flip isn't as great o' a concern... Almost immediately after firing, I drop the Rifle to my hip and open the Action, simultaneously... Then I grab a round out o' my Shoulder Bandolier, and reload... I then close the Breech & re-shoulder the Rifle in one smooth motion... I can load and fire very fast, this way... Also, this Rifle design isn't particularly well suited to Scopes... It is designed by for Iron Sights... Myself, I really don't have need for a Scope, at ranges less than 200 Yards... Besides, I've always preferred to stalk game, close up...