Greater KNP Hunting Protocol For Reserves Where Hunting Takes Place


AH fanatic
Nov 11, 2014
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Greater KNP Hunting Protocol For Reserves Where Hunting Takes Place



Demands for competing land uses that are not compatible with conservation practices, make the need
for viable conservation incentives more urgent. Well governed trophy hunting, generates critically
needed incentives and revenue to maintain and restore wildlife as land use and to carry out
conservation actions, including anti-poaching interventions. It can return much needed income, jobs,
and other important economic and social benefits to local communities.

Extending conservation areas through appropriate co-operative arrangements, allows for the
maintenance of ecological patterns and processes which provide greater ecological resilience and
promotes the long-term persistence of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the broader landscape.
However, such an approach should be interlinked with the local socio-economic context, whilst
recognizing that these drivers operate at a regional and international level as well.

The National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (NEMPA Act 53 of 2003) recognizes the
access to biological resources in protected areas for traditional, subsistence and commercial purposes:
“to promote sustainable utilisation of protected areas for the benefit of people, in a manner that would
preserve the ecological character of such areas.” Section 17 (h) further states that the purpose of a
protected area is to provide for the sustainable use of natural and biological resources. Excess game, is
such a resource and hunting a legitimate activity which is consistent with the sustainable management
of wildlife.

Wildlife economic benefits in and adjacent to National Parks are also in line with government’s
commitment towards the development of the green economy in South Africa, recognising that natural
resources and ecosystem services are shared between different users. This is in line with the Buffer
zone strategy of National Parks. The Vision is to integrate National Parks into local landscapes for the
benefit of those living adjacent to the parks whilst maintaining the larger system’s integrity and
promoting environmentally sound practices. This forms and integral part of broader multi-stakeholder
co-operation which seeks to improve livelihoods, whilst improving the environmental estate through
sound environmental practices and programmes. The KNP and neighbouring Conservation areas are
contributing jointly towards the conservation effort, having for many years shared the Vision of a large
open ecosystem with the Greater KNP (GKNP).

Key guiding principles govern such integrated conservation land use approaches: ethical practices,
maintaining the sustainability and integrity of systems, compliance with the legal framework and
relevant protocols, transparent decision-making, accountability, and co-partnerships allowing for the fair
and equitable distribution of benefits from the use of the natural resources.


Certain of the Reserves do not permit hunting and do not benefit financially or otherwise from hunting
activities and accordingly have not subscribed to this Protocol.

The series of hunting protocols have been established which are adapted by those reserves and regions
within the GKNP area, which hunt. All utilisation of the natural resource are governed by the underlying
principles of ecological sustainability1, taking into consideration economic and social best practice.
Professional (commercial) hunting is conducted in these areas with the goals of providing the income to
contribute to the management of the environment in a manner in line with each reserves objectives and
the best sustainable practice possible and to support social initiatives of community development as per
Reserve specific programmes.

In determining off take numbers, due regard is given to the population dynamics and general well- being
of the particular species. All decisions must be based on accepted techniques and methodology and be
in the realm of accepted conservation practice. This will be based on recent, up to date and relevant
data on the particular population. As far as possible the populations should be seen in the broader GKNP
context and not merely on a farm or reserve basis. In this regard any off-take should be based on preapproved
numbers and in terms of the Management plan and approved by the JMC.

Bearing the above in mind, the protocol will be adapted as new information becomes available. All
hunting must be undertaken within a responsible, professional and ethical manner.


This Protocol reflects the agreement reached between reserves practicing hunting, SANParks-KNP,
MTPA and LEDET, and in compliance with the APNR Management and reserve specific Management
plans regarding the management of hunting for Hunter Outfitters and members.

 To promote the ecological integrity of the GKNP through sustainable hunting practices within the
context of a broader Resource Use Strategy.
 To harmonise hunting practices with other conservation-related practices within the broader
integrated system.
 To support social investment initiatives within communities as per reserve specific programmes.
 To develop transparent co-operative arrangements and “best practice” with regard to hunting.
 To promote good governance by reporting, monitoring and evaluating on the hunting practices.
 To develop a shared communication strategy and protocols on ethical and sustainable hunting

This protocol is subject to and subservient to the Cooperative Agreement(s) between KNP and the legal
entity(ies) within the APNR.


3.1 Hunting within the GKNP reserves are guided through the following principles

 Sustainability – Specific to the GKNP Open System
ie. Numbers/ population size, strong healthy genetics, desirable outwards features (horn/ body size)
 Commitment to local community involvement and empowerment, contributing a percentage of
proceeds to identified community development programmes
 Transparent, effective and efficient communication through appropriate governance mechanisms;
 Fair and mutually beneficial partnerships and alliances promoting trust
 Accountability
 Align with the overarching Resource Strategies of the respective Reserves, and their Management

3.2 Ethics

 The obligation is acknowledged to respect animals and appreciate that they are sensitive to pain,
respond to stress and may remember such experiences.

It is acknowledged that the legitimacy of hunting animals from wild animal populations subject to
compliance with the highest moral and ethical standards in recognition of a reverence for life and
good sportsmanship.
 Hunting should be conducted according to set rules to ensure that the spirit of fair chase is
 A fair hunt may be defined as a competition in which the tracking and shooting skills of the hunter
are pitched against the evasive abilities of the hunted.
 Professional and owner hunting must be executed on foot with only limited artificial aid.
 The hunter must preferably be physically fit and able to cope with climatic and environmental
 The animal must be within its natural habitat under free-roaming conditions and must be in a
position to escape the hunter.
 An aircraft may not be used for the location of animals immediately prior to or during the hunt.
 An aircraft may however be used to locate a wounded animal if other ground based efforts have
failed or on the discretion of the reserve representative.
 All precautions should be taken to ensure that the possibility of wounding an animal is limited
 The weapons and ammunition used must be adequate to ensure quick and humane kills and that
the hunter and the PH must prove his/her proficiency in the use of the weapons before commencing
the hunt.
 A minimum of a .375 H&H Mag is required for elephant, buffalo, lion, hippo & rhino.
 The minimum calibre approved for leopard hunting is .270 with standard ballistics of the .270
Winchester cartridge or greater.
 The minimum weight requirement for bullets for the hunting of elephant, rhino and hippo is 286
grain or heavier bullet of monolithic solid or full metal jacket construction.
 It is recommended that both PH and Reserve Representative carry larger and more powerful calibres
than the minimums listed above.
 The code of ethics of the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA) should be strictly
adhered to.
 At all times only the highest levels of professional conduct should apply.
 All hunting shall be conducted in compliance with the relevant Provincial Legislation


The hunting protocol is implemented with the Management framework and philosophy of the GKNP,
APNR Management Plan, relevant reserve-specific Management Plans and associated Policies and
Protocols. Hunting off-takes are implemented and managed within the broader Resource Use
Strategy/Protocol of the GKNP.


5.1 The following guidelines must be adhered to for professional hunting:

All hunting activities in the Reserves will be subject to the respective Reserve Warden’s/management
discretion, subject to this hunting protocol. All hunting clients must be under the control of a registered
Hunting Outfitter or Professional Hunter – (where applicable) and be accompanied by an authorised
registered Professional Hunter as well as a suitable Reserve representative.

With regard to hunting of the potentially dangerous species listed below it is recommended that both
Professional Hunter and Reserve Representative make use of the dossiers compiled on species specific age determination and horn/ tusk estimation. All reasonable attempts will be made to adhere to the

 No elephant may be hunted from breeding herds.
 Only bull elephants may be hunted.
 The hunting of any collared elephant is prohibited.
 The categories of elephant that may be hunted in are:
 20 – 30 yrs old with a maximum tusk weight of 30 lbs per side. (Guideline maximum
dimensions – 13 “ at lip x 2.5 feet)
 30 – 40 yrs max. 40 lbs per side
(Guideline maximum dimensions – 14.5 “ at lip x 3 feet)
 50 yrs upward
I. The focus is on maximizing sustainability and desirability.
II. The elephant must be 50 years or older, maximum tusk weight of 70 lbs per side.
III. May not be one of the iconic tuskers.
IV. KNP representative will be present on the hunt to assist with ageing.
V. Reserve specific protocols could indicate the inclusion or exclusion of this age class.

 Each of these classes would be assigned a maximum tusk length, which should aid the hunting
outfitter/professional hunter and reserve representative to stay within the weight/age classes.
 The elephant should be viewed from all sides before the final decision is taken.
 It is recommended that the hunters walk elephants of the class on permit before shooting one
in order to familiarize the client and outfitter with behaviour and anatomy of elephant in the
 As part of the records kept the circumference of the trunk at the lip is also required for future
assistance with tusk judgment.
 Photos of the elephant when still alive is recommended
 Permit condition will state: Animal to be hunted in accordance with GKNP protocol and in
accordance with the approved off-takes for each Reserve.
 In the hunting of the elephant, it is preferred that the client shoot for a ‘Brain Shot’ with his/her
initial shot. By doing this it will be immediately apparent whether the elephant has been
wounded or not.
 If the animal falls to the initial brain shot a further shot will be shot at all times to ensure that
the animal is dead, either by client or PH.
 If the animal does not immediately fall to the initial brain shot the Professional Hunter and
Reserve representative shall both immediately put in a heart/ lung shot and then while the
wounded elephant is still visible shall continue to fire further back-up shots, either lung, brain or
disabling shots, as preferred.
 Before the initial shot is taken by the client the Reserve representative shall move into a
position (clear shooting lane) to enable a clear back-up shot. Only once the PH has received
confirmation of this from the Reserve representative shall he advise the client to shoot when
 If a heart/ lung shot is preferred as the initial shot by the client the PH and/or the reserve
representative will fire back-up shots.
 Within a distance of 1km from the KNP boundary a brain shot will be mandatory for the first
 A coup de grace shot will be done at all times to conclude the hunt.

 The following categories of Buffalo bulls may be hunted:-
 ‘Classic buffalo bull’ – unlimited spread’ , no limit on Rowland Ward spread must be a
minimum of 12 years of age.
 ‘Classic Buffalo bull – sub 38’, must be a minimum of 10 years old.
 ‘Management buffalo bull – sub 34’ , (Rowland Ward) spread, minimum 6 years old, not
a scrum cap or broken horn bull
 Only cows without dependant calves may be hunted.
 A back-up shot by either the Client, PH or Reserve Representative or preferably all, is
recommended at all times to ensure that the animal is not lost.
 Photo portfolio should include lower front teeth.

 Only male lions of 6 years and older may be hunted.
 The aging of the lion should be done according to the aging structure by Viljoen and Packer et al.
 Reasonable steps should be taken to gain knowledge of the males with pride affiliations and
their ages. Thereby ensuring that pride males under the age of 8 years are not selected.
 It is recommended that the lodges and land owners within the relevant area be consulted in this
process since they have a sound working knowledge of lions in their traversing areas.
 Males should not be hunted in the presence of females.
 Lions having the outward appearance of the recessive Leucistic gene, commonly known as
‘White Lions’ may not be hunted.

 Only adult male leopard may be hunted, recommended minimum of 7 years old.
 Leopard may only be hunted during hours of daylight – ie. 30 minutes before sunrise and 30
minutes after sunset, unless it can be proven that the most sustainable animal to be hunted only
feeds on the bait during hours of darkness. In this case the sustainability of the hunt may
override the ethical consideration.
 It is recommended that the lodges and land owners be consulted in this process since they have
a sound working knowledge of leopard in their traversing areas.

White Rhino
After consultation with rhino experts, the following were deemed to be reasonable guidelines to
practically apply to white rhino hunting.
 Only adult bulls may be hunted.
 It is recommended that the individual selected be old, and or under social pressure from the
younger dominant bulls.
 The bull should adhere to the following criteria:
o The back horn length should not be less than 8 inches.
o The SCI (Safari Club International) total score should not be less than 88.
 Animals may not be hunted in the presence of other rhinos (within sighting distance).
 All TOPS regulations related to white rhino should be adhered to.

Black Rhino
Hunting of black rhino is prohibited

Only adult or past-prime hippo bulls be considered for hunting. Fully-grown, adult males are usually
easily recognised by their bigger heads and relatively thicker necks. Such individuals generally also have
clear scars as a result of regular or occasional territorial conflicts.
 Animals should be single individuals in dams or pools away or not near other hippos, particularly
breeding groups. This will ensure that other hippos are not disturbed, especially when young
calves are present, this will ensure that the animal is a past-breeding bull.
 Hippo may be hunted while in a water body.
 Hippo bulls that show clear signs of territorial disputes should be selected.

5.2 Hunting Applications, Approvals and Permitting

 A game census should be conducted annually in the Reserve and this together with the results
of on-going ecological monitoring will inform the hunting allocation.
 The proposed sustainable resource/ (hunting) allocations, once formulated at reserve level, are
then discussed and debated and if necessary, revised, at a meeting of the reserve Wardens, two
independent wildlife management consultants, the provincial authorities and the KNP, with final
approval through the JMC.
 In the spirit of good co-operative governance and in line with the protocol, the hunting
allocation and the ecological report is then discussed at a JMC, where the final quotas are
approved. The KNP then confirms or revise the hunting allocation in consultation with the
Warden Representative of the Reserve and through the JMC, and within the Co-operative
agreement(s) between KNP and the Reserve entities. The hunting allocation is confirmed at the
beginning of each new hunting season. Overall quotas will not be increased for those reserves
that hunt as a result of certain APNR members opting not to participate and take up any portion
of the quota.
 Once satisfied with the recommendation from the JMC and on receiving a written confirmation
from the KNP, the issuing authorities (LEDET and the MTPA in the case of KNP) will give the final
approval of the hunting allocation. Since these are open systems straddling both Mpumalanga
and Limpopo Provinces, the total hunting quota is submitted as one quota to both the MTPA
and LEDET, who then monitors off-takes against the total quota.
 The issuing authority will engage with the reserve warden on additional conditions that may be
required, before the permits are issued.
 Ecological off take quotas may be revised in April each year, taking into account the previous
rainfall season, and the need to adjust off takes for ecological management needs.
 The hunting permit must be forwarded to the applicant and copies forwarded to the relevant
reserve manager.
 No species that is not on the agreed quota or permit may be hunted
 In the event of an outfitter and/or hunter not complying with the permit conditions, the penalty
normally associated with such a contravention will be imposed as per provincial legislative

5.3 Wounded Animals

 The Wardens of the Reserves where hunting is practice, and the neighbouring KNP Section
Ranger are to communicate with one another regarding hunting parties in the Reserve and
conflicting activities in the Kruger National Park and non-hunting Reserves.
 If an animal is wounded on a hunt and seems to be heading towards the KNP border the Reserve
representative on the hunt must contact the neighbouring Section ranger in the KNP or the nonhunting
Reserve Warden as required, and the MTPA/LEDET and inform him/her of the situation.
Should the animal cross over into the KNP the hunt stops at the boundary and the KNP Section
ranger must be summoned to do the follow-up. The animal may not be pursued into the KNP.
Should the animal cross over into a non-hunting Reserve, the Warden of the Non hunting
Reserve will decide on the course of action.
 The KNP Section ranger, at his/her discretion, may invite the Reserve representative and/or a
tracker to accompany him (without a firearm). The hunter can be invited, BUT WILL NOT BE
PERMITTED TO SHOOT THE WOUNDED ANIMAL, or carry a firearm. This invitation is at the
discretion of the Section Ranger.
 The KNP Section ranger will be in charge of the follow-up and destroy the animal with or
without the Reserve representative/hunter or anybody else being present.
 Any expenses such as helicopter time etc will be for the account of the Outfitter/Hunter, if such
is required to locate a wounded animal.
 In the event that a wounded animal crosses into the KNP, the KNP Section Ranger and the
Reserve manager will investigate the incident and submit a detailed report to KNP management.

5.4 General Protocols to be adhered to following the hunt

 At the end of each hunt the reserve representative must compile a Hunting Report stating the
species, sex and number of animals hunted as per permit issued. Report on wounded animals, if
any, and any incident that has occurred during that particular hunt must be reported.
 This report must be submitted to the Hunting portfolio committee of the joint management
 Hunting report submitted by the Hunting Portfolio committee/reserve representatives during
May, following the hunting season.
 Reserves and the Hunting Portfolio committee must submitted an annual report must be
submitted to the first JMC following the post-hunting off-take committee (July).

5.4 General Protocols to be observed

 It is understood by all parties that the protocol is necessary to regulate the species and number
of individuals hunted and that the proposed take-off quotas are based on an annual aerial
wildlife census
 Communication between the reserve representative and the appropriate KNP Section Ranger is
essential to communicate the whereabouts of hunting parties in the reserves particularly when
they are in close proximity to the KNP and/or when animals are wounded and crosses the KNP
 Advertisements placed by hunting outfitters applying for permits to hunt in these reserves must
be screened to ensure that they do not advertise hunting in the KNP.
 Health and safety of guests and landowners to be ensured in all hunting regions.
 It is the Reserves responsibility to ensure that the Hunting Client has signed the Protocol prior to
the onset of the hunt

5.5 General Protocols Applicable to the province of Mpumalanga

Hunting Permit Applications
1. All applications shall be submitted by the dedicated relevant reserve representative
2. All applications to be submitted at least 10 working days prior to commencement of the hunt
3. All required documentation constitutes a complete application
4. Required documentation:
a. Completed application form
b. Copy of the clients passport
c. Copy of the agreement between the hunting outfitter and the client
d. Copy of the transfer of hunting rights
e. Proof of payment of fee (Permit fee + Admin fee)

Remuneration Agreement

Required information contained in the Remuneration Agreement in terms of the relevant
i) the name and permanent postal address of the client;
ii) the name and business address of the hunting outfitter;
iii) the name and business address of the professional hunter who will escort the client;
iv) the address to which trophies are to be sent;
v) particulars of the species and sex of the wild animals offered for hunting;
vi) the duration of the hunt and
vii) the hunting outfitter and his or her client shall sign the original document.

Transfer of Hunting Rights

The hunting rights shall be transferred from the owner by means of a document containing:
i) the owners name and residential address
ii) the registered name, number and area of his or her land;
iii) the name and residential address of the person to whom the hunting rights are transferred;
iv) particulars of the species, number and sex of the wild animals in respect of which the hunting
rights are transferred;
v) the date on which and period for which the hunting rights are transferred;
vi) the owners signature and the date thereof and
vii) the signature of the person to whom the hunting rights are transferred and the date thereof.


6.1 Reserve Representative

 The reserves representative should be appropriately qualified and experienced, and fulfil the
following criteria:
 Legally competent with the appropriate firearm (SAPS) Competency certificate. The
individual should have at least 5 years Professional Working Experience as a Game
Ranger, FGASA DG Guide or Professional Hunter that includes the pursuit of Dangerous
 The Reserve Representative must have passed the “Reserve Representation for Hunting
Course”. If the Representative has not represented a reserve on a hunt in 3 years then
they are required to requalify.
 Must have a good working knowledge of the reserve including roads, camps, boundaries
and other infrastructure
 It is the reserves prerogative to elect the reserve representative.
 The final decision on the suitability of a selected animal (size and age class) lies with the
reserve representative.
 The animal can only be shot with consent from the reserve representative.
 It is the Reserve Representatives responsibility to ensure that all the necessary
information of the hunt is recorded and filed appropriately. The records shall include the
permit, the category of the animal to be hunted, good photographic evidence before if
possible, and as prerequisite after the hunt to be able to assist with judgement and
assessment of the animals age and horn/ tusk judgement. An example of this record is
available for inspection. This report must be concluded within 2 weeks of the hunt
taking place.
 The Reserve Representative shall be liable for disciplinary measures in the case of
repeated errors in application of the protocol.

6.3 Decision making w.r.t the hunting quota

 Approval at Reserve level
 Consultation and agreement at Joint Committee level (with Cooperative Agreement partner)
 The JMC is responsible for approving the final recommended annual hunting off-take quota;
 The reserve entity representative will sign the Protocol, as per Cooperative Agreement;
 The JMC will consult with the KNP within the spirit of the Management/Co-operative
agreements, for their recommendations;
 The MTPA and LEDET as issuing authorities will issue the permits once the JMC have submitted
their recommendation in writing, including the supporting letter by KNP;
 Post hunting off-take records will be presented to the JMC to inform future off-take quotas, and
within the consideration of the broader Resource use/Animal off-take context.


7.1 General

 This protocol will be discussed by the Warden or his representative and agreed upon before
commencement of the hunt with the professional hunter and his client, furthermore this
protocol will be signed by professional hunter and his client prior to the commencement of the
 This protocol will be attached to all tender documents as well as landowner permits.
 It is imperative that the hunt be conducted as professionally and clinically as possible.
 It is thus incumbent upon the Warden or his representative to ensure that the professional
hunter back his client up and if in the Warden or his representative’s assessment, this still isn’t
adequate to ensure a swift death, he will immediately endeavour to destroy the animal himself.
Due cognisance will be taken of owner and lodge sensitivities to hunting and the hunt will be
conducted in a way which has the least impact upon these vital components the Reserves.
 Communication between management and landowner (calling on and informing him of their
presence on his property) and management and the lodges (informing them of the hunt
beforehand and of the potential impact it may have on their operation if it so develops; by radio
during the hunt) is vital to the sustainability of professional hunting in our Reserves.
 Daily hunting cut off times will be at the discretion of the Warden or the Reserve representative
accompanying the hunt.
 Hunting of any collared animals is prohibited.
 All hunted animals should be covered with a canvas when transported to slaughtering facilities.
 Price-fixing, insider trading and syndication of hunts are prohibited.

7.2 Pre-hunting off-takes

Wardens/ Representatives from the Reserve will present the following during the Hunting Committee
meeting and JMC to inform the annual hunting off-take quotas:
 Annual census numbers (and demographics, where available) for the Reserves, and KNP for the
adjacent land use zone (as feasible).
 The previous season’s off-take reports (including demographics, where feasible) – hunting and
other off-takes.
 Other records/observation reports as relevant, which might influence the final decision-making.
 Further ecological data and report(s) to inform total off-takes, such as vegetation, rainfall and
water point data.

7.3 Post-hunting off-takes

Wardens/ Representatives from the Reserve will present the following to Hunting Portfolio Committee
and JMC following the hunting off-takes:
 Reserve hunting report (number of animals, demographics, photo records, permit numbers)
 Incident reports
 Social-investment reports (community beneficiation)
 Financial audit reports: priorities to conservation, security, community beneficiation, other
 Record keeping as per electronic Hunting data management system


8.1 Hunting outfitters

Due to the sensitivity towards the hunting industry, the Reserves will only do business with reputable
outfitter companies and take effort to ensure that outfitter companies are not involved in illegal or
unethical activities associated with the hunting industry. The following steps should be taken to ensure
 Hunting outfitters that are in good standing with CPHCSA (Custodians of Professional Hunting
and Conservation South Africa), & the Provincial Conservation authorities will be favoured
during the tender process.
 Individual reserves should get clearance from Authorities on every outfitter company before
tenders are awarded.
 The outfitter must be registered with the relevant province.
 The outfitter remains responsible towards the client in terms of horn/ tusk size.

8.2 Important note

The Reserves that share a common boundary with the Kruger National Park and a concession has been
granted by the KNP with regard to the reserves utilising the KNP boundary road during hunting
operations as this road falls within the KNP. Any reserve misusing this concession runs the risk of
foregoing this privilege. In line with the above the following must be adhered to:
 The boundary road is only to be used for traversing from one point to another and for locating
tracks. No hunting is to take place from the boundary.
 All weapons are to be bagged and out of view when traversing this road.


The Reserves which hunt and/or third parties will carry the costs of the hunting off-takes and associated
The guiding principles and criteria to inform hunting allocation between reserves, are:
 Proportional size of Reserve (hectares).
 Demographics of animals.
 Census done at the relevant time of year
 Specialist studies to address species specific concerns
 Specialist reports with recommendations for offtakes
 Further ecological data and report(s) to inform total off-takes, such as vegetation, rainfall and
water point data.
 Post season off-takes report for the reserve.


Public Statements

This protocol is used by the hunting Reserves of the Greater KNP and in order to protect the nonhunting
areas, may not advertise as hunting in the APNR, Greater KNP.

It must be made clear that any and all hunting issues are the responsibility of the hunting Reserves and
not the APNR as such. Accordingly the name of the APNR cannot be used in any public statement on or
marketing of hunting.


Any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever between the signatories that relates to, arises out of,
or is in connection with the GKNP Hunting Protocol, may be referred by any Party to and finally settled
by arbitration. The Parties shall appoint a single arbitrator under the Rules of the Arbitration
Foundation of South Africa (the “Rules”). Each of the Parties agrees to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of
that arbitrator. The venue of arbitration shall be Johannesburg, South Africa. The arbitration shall be
governed by and conducted in accordance with the Rules, and the rules of procedure not expressly
provided for by the Rules shall be determined by the arbitrator according to the laws of South Africa,
whether mandatory or not. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

Signed in acceptance of the outlined conditions presented above on
this……………….…. day of ……………………..…….. 20…………………..
Professional hunter / outfitter …………………………………………………
(Print name and sign)
Client ………………………………………………………………………………
(Print name and sign)
Reserve representative ……………………………………………………………………..
(Print name and sign)
Witness (2) …………………………………………………………………….
(Print name and sign)

Read full document: Appendix 4 The GKNP Hunting Protocol Rev 201801 (3)


Thanks for posting this.
Am I to view this correctly that the Hunting Outfitter has to follow PHASA’s Ethics 3.2, but has to be in good standing with CPHCSA 8.1 to do business with the Reserves or at least to be favored in doing business with the Reserves?
@safari A and @PHASA ? Any thoughts on that?
Interesting. While i don’t agree that all of the provisions are necessary or desirable, I certainly agree that the authorities can set their own standards, and I can decide if I wish to hunt there or not.

Am I right that you cannot hunt “scrum cap” or broken horn buffalo? My favorite . . .
Thanks for posting this.
Am I to view this correctly that the Hunting Outfitter has to follow PHASA’s Ethics 3.2, but has to be in good standing with CPHCSA 8.1 to do business with the Reserves or at least to be favored in doing business with the Reserves?
@safari A and @PHASA ? Any thoughts on that?
Thanks for posting this.
Am I to view this correctly that the Hunting Outfitter has to follow PHASA’s Ethics 3.2, but has to be in good standing with CPHCSA 8.1 to do business with the Reserves or at least to be favored in doing business with the Reserves?
@safari A and @PHASA ? Any thoughts on that?
I have forwarded to exco . We will post reply . Thank you
I am not sure how registered Outfitters with legal permits from Provinces can be excluded in tender process.

My honest opinion is this would be an illegal action. Provinces were consulted in this process ....

These roomers that just individuals belonging to CPH-SA would be allowed to hunt in these Reserves surfaced last year but was denied.

Not sure if this is the final and current document. Should it seem to be true for the current year I guess we can expect some interesting repurcussions following .

Secondly should this be true I guess the notion that certain Individuals made decisions to further their own interests makes more sense ......
Last edited:
My question is....Will this allow for more hunting in and around the reserves! If so wonder what the pricing will look like for the mentioned 50 year old bull elephant?
We referred this to our Legal coucil . Obviously it is weekend so not much will happen in next few days.

We will keep you posted as we move along on this one !

Happy Hunting !
Any update here? What about plains game, it mentions nothing here. Thanks.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!