Thanks AH Family for all the suggestions. Just thought I would update everyone on the progress and my recent losses I guess is the word. Deer season being quarantined sparked interest in Mrs. Whacker to get out and start hunting as well which resulted in her first deer with the 6.5. It sparked a chain reaction that may have me searching for a third job soon lol. As I spent time working with our daughter on shooting...she wanted to partake as well. They have both been launching 12ga rounds at my targets on the hillside like the apocalypse and have been having fun with multiple different calibers along the journey. I fear that my 45-70 now has claims laid upon it by our daughter as she has probably by now shot it more times than I have and earlier today we were out enjoying the morning and as I was fixing a sling swivel stud on the 375H&H Mrs. Whacker has a sudden desire to demolish some targets. She was curious about the first shot but it seemed to set off a chain reaction that went through about 15 rounds of Barnes 300gr TSX...not being able to take 5 rounds back inside I had to finish the box and have a lil fun myself but I fear I may have now lost my two favorite guns...looks like the one looking for a new rifle soon may be me?? She handled that rifle like a champ!!