I understand the difference. Here in Texas we have the Penal Code, which I am well familiar with, and has nothing to do with an airlines policies on baggage. The penal code starts outside the airport as far as having a weapon on you or on your person, such as luggage. But I don't enforce those laws until they are on my property, which is off of airport property, and I don't enforce the airline 'in house' rules on their property. Yes, TSA here in the states is the enforcer at airports, as well as the in house airport police, but same difference.
If someone is inside of an airport with weapons, then yes, they will be dealt with as per the laws of the land. But checked bags are not in your 'possession' in most places. Maybe the Netherlands disagree?
I was merely stating that those rules with the link I copied may not apply to checked luggage. And while the law will always supersede the house rules of an airline, the airlines, especially the airlines of that country such as KLM is to the Netherlands would be negligent to write house rules that conflict with the local laws. That would lead to a possible situation where the accused could plead an affirmative defense, using the airlines policy as a defense. Obviously the law is the top document, but I don't see any lawyer allowing an airline to write a rule that contradicts the local/state/national laws. Those rules written by an airlines have to be, or you'd think they'd be, looked over and scrutinized at the highest levels before being approved.
My original post, which included that link someone else provided, refers to what appears to be a type of penal code, possibly that of the Netherlands. Which leads me to believe that rules/laws quoted there refer to a person that is out and about in the country, such as a visitor or resident. Not a person passing through the airport with a layover, never leaving the airport, and having checked bags never in ones possession while at the airport?
But it wouldn't be the first, nor last time, that I have been proven wrong and I certainly am not trying to provoke a fight over the matter. Was merely suggesting that maybe that link was as described above and not pertaining to checked luggage and layovers where the luggage is never in your possession.
And I guess I need to be more clear in my posts, even though I made my comments in regards to archery equipment and made those lines in BOLD print. I don't fly with firearms. Nothing against firearms, I have plenty, but if I'm going to Africa, it's with my bows.
Again, no hard feelings on my end, I was merely bringing up the link and what I 'assumed' it was and how it might not be applicable to archery equipment in checked bags for a layover in Amsterdam while flying with KLM.
Happy New Year to All!