Fundraiser for wounded PH Bossie Mostert

@drclark Thank you!

Surgery on leg went well today.... they do not believe he will require another one. The has excess fluid around the abdomen, they say that is normal, it is being drained. He has fluid on/in his lungs.... Normal & they are monitoring and tending to. He cannot eat or drink anything, only IV drip.... So he hates that. Has difficulty speaking, but can get, hear & comprehend all of the messages. He appreciates all of the prayers & support. He knows God is great and is with him.

Thanks AH!
Silvio Thank you!

The details & messages are being shared with him.... he cried with gratitude. His son DJ is doing well & in good spirits through it all. We has a positive attitude & docs have reassured them that he is strong. Right now... just the fluids on his lungs & stomach are of concern. Report back more later.... it's getting close to their bedtime.
Thank you for keeping us updated Brad.
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My pleasure sir

Five pages of donations. You have to be spending more time on this than you are on work.;)

Fantastic job. You are obviously a good friend to Bossie!
To all AH members out there that are contributing to a downed fellow hunter, whether you know him or not. My hat is off to all of you. I am humbled to be part of this fantastic community!
As many are aware Bossie was seriously wounded by a buffalo this morning (see:

As @Wheels so eloquently put it over the last couple of years Bossie,
-lost his home and the contents to a tornado and rain.
-wife died.
-raising a pre-teen boy by himself.
-worked at keeping a business going through all of this.
-now, been hit and gored by a buffalo. Not sure how he is going to deal with the medical expenses or keep business going for the next undetermined amount of time, all at the start of the season.
Bossie was gored in the leg and abdomen, broke several ribs, and has all the injuries that go along with that. It will be a tough road for him coming up and I’m sure he would really appreciate any and all help we can give him.

If you would like to make a financial donation to help Bossie we have set up a PayPal account to do so (thank you so much for this @BWH).
PayPal :
List name and AH handle
Please put “Bossie donation”

Ever little bit will help and be much appreciated, Thank you

Bossie Mostert
View attachment 277437
I forgot to put "Bossie donation"...I hope that doesn`t stop the money from getting through,Mike Read.
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Thank you Mr. Stringer.... I emailed you!

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Thank you very much in advance!!!
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