that pen is a work of art.. .
I definitely dont have those kind of skills.. I can probably get the barrel shape correct, and get the finish to come out nicely (slick and consistent)... but I definitely dont have the ability to do the fancy engraving or checkering..
I think Im going to try to turn 4 or 5 pens just using inexpensive kits (you can buy cheap roller ball type kits for less than $10) and just whatever scrap wood I can find thats long and wide enough thats out in the scrap bin and get a little bit of experience before I go putting the nice walnut on the lathe and hit it with the tools.. once I think I've got the process down well I'll pick up one of the higher end / quality fountain pen kits from one of the supply houses and see how nice of a pen I can build..
Worst case scenario.. I realize I am not capable of making a nice pen.. and I end up with 4 or 5 cheap pens to put in a desk drawer and use for work... and I dont sacrifice a nice piece of walnut on a junk project
Best case scenario, I end up with a pen that I can be proud of, that I can use for the rest of my life.. that looks like it was made alongside my 416