I drew a tag to hunt anterless moose in a muzzleloader specific winter hunt near Fairbanks this year. The season runs the full months of December and January, and any anterless moose is legal. Alaska allows modern muzzleloaders but no optics in the special muzzleloader hunts. I have been hunting with flintlocks for over thirty years so that is what I used. I shot a good sized bull that had shed his antlers at about 125 yards with my .60 caliber longrifle loaded with 120 grains 3F and .595" patched round ball. The moose was standing perfectly broadside, ball went through muscle of both shoulders, cut a rib on entry and exit, took out top of heart, and was found stuck in off side hide. Moose went about 20 yards and was down for keeps. I didn't even bother to reload. I have shot quite a lot of game with my flinters from squirrels to bear, but this was my first flintlock moose.