First trip, but not the last.....

Welcome and congratulations on your animals! Great kudu and really nice impala!
Thank you! My first trip I was so worried I wouldn't appreciate the trophies because I had no sense of scale for these animals. My only point of reference at the time were pictures and numbers I had seen on the forum. It's a whole different game going and seeing these animals in person and on the ground for the first time! The Kudu was 52" and the Impala 24"
Thank you, Mark! I was actually just looking at the thread the community made for you, I'm glad you got better and hope you continue to do so! Best wishes
Looks like you had an exciting and productive first safari. Like most of us it sounds like your hooked. Look under hunt reports and read a few. I think that the best ones include some of the details of the stalks and shots. We always love to hear where a outfitter went above and beyond. A few challenges along the way help us to relate to you.
Very nice Impala. I like your Kudu too. Has nice mass and a great shape. Proper trophies.
Looks like you had an exciting and productive first safari. Like most of us it sounds like your hooked. Look under hunt reports and read a few. I think that the best ones include some of the details of the stalks and shots. We always love to hear where a outfitter went above and beyond. A few challenges along the way help us to relate to you.
Very nice Impala. I like your Kudu too. Has nice mass and a great shape. Proper trophies.
Will do Bruce! I'll write a proper hunting report when I get some time. I'm looking forward to learning more here and making more trips to the dark continent. What place in Africa or species of game do you think I should add to my bucket list?
If you had told me 5 years ago, I'd be addicted to anything; I would have laughed at you. I have been hunting and fishing in Texas most of my life and aspire to check off my boxes for western hunting one day, but nothing could have prepared me for my first African Safari. Africa captured my heart and imagination on my first trip in May 2022 the bush was still healthy and green, the game was challenging and rewarding, and the people were warm and friendly. I was even luckier to be able to share this first experience at just 24 years old with my dad! The success of this first trip can largely be attributed to the threads on this forum that I spent hours of my time every day researching to make sure everything went right, from importers, exporters, and gear I was able to research here, which I used to combine with the knowledge and experience of my PH. I want to thank all of the current members for their time and knowledge that they lend to us on these threads. I am excited to join this community today and look forward to growing in knowledge and experience alongside all of you and to hear some of your campfire stories. If you are in the Houston area, don't be afraid to reach out to connect as well!

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I went on my first safari at about your age. Needless to say, it changed my life. Now I spend some of my time advising others on their first safari! It is a passion.
Congrats and thanks for sharing!
Now you can start planning your next( few trips) trip and what critters to put on the possible list. Keep an open mind as to what you might run into, it may very well change your priorities.
Now you can start planning your next( few trips) trip and what critters to put on the possible list. Keep an open mind as to what you might run into, it may very well change your priorities.
What are some places and species you think I should add to the list?
Welcome to AH Greenhorn! Glad you made it to Africa. Some very fine trophies you got there.
I went on my first safari at about your age. Needless to say, it changed my life. Now I spend some of my time advising others on their first safari! It is a passion.
Life-changing indeed, and I am looking forward to future adventures!
Hello Greenhorn,

Khomas Highland Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.

I can see by your concise and precise writing skills that, you are a particularly bright fellow.
We’re glad you joined AH.

Velo Dog.
Welcome to AH Greenhorn, I am pleased that Africa treated you well. Don't be too long coming back.
Hello Greenhorn,

Khomas Highland Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.

I can see by your concise and precise writing skills that, you are a particularly bright fellow.
We’re glad you joined AH.

Velo Dog.
Thank you Velo Dog! Your praise is appreciated and like your mustache, very distinguished!
Congratulations. You need to ask Jerome to change your handle, as you are no longer a greenhorn. ;)
It was supposed to be once in a lifetime for me too, but there's no way I cant go back haha!
I can TOTALLY relate! Now I always warn people to be prepared, once will NEVER be enough. Great trophies by the way. You got some amazing animals. The warthog looked like a really old boy, broken tusk and all. My husband finally got a warthog this year after 3 times trying. It was a proper old boy too. Hardly any teeth left and broken tusk.
I can TOTALLY relate! Now I always warn people to be prepared, once will NEVER be enough. Great trophies by the way. You got some amazing animals. The warthog looked like a really old boy, broken tusk and all. My husband finally got a warthog this year after 3 times trying. It was a proper old boy too. Hardly any teeth left and broken tusk.
Thank you Sue! A pig with a broken tusk always adds a good bit of character to the trophy room. I bet your husband was more stoked than I was after completing a 3-year chase!

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?