Yesterday, I went to shoot the Astra 12 Bore side by side shotgun at our local shooting range , for the very first time . I was using 2 3/4 inch 32 gram Winchester No. 2 birdshot cartridges . I noticed that whenever I pull the right trigger first , both barrels of the shotgun would discharge simultaneously .
@Red Leg Sir was 100 percent correct in his assessment that the Astra shotgun had been shot a little “ Off Face “ .
Thus , I immediately took the damned shotgun back to “ Gun Max “ and I returned it to the shop owner . The owner kindly refunded the money , which I had paid for the Astra . He then offered to sell me a side by side shotgun , from his personal possession . It was a beautiful German GECO side by side shotgun , built in 1938 .
It is equipped with double triggers , 2 3/4 inch chambers , automatic ejectors and 29 inch barrels ( full choke ; both barrels ) . The condition of the shotgun was miraculously impressive . I purchased it for the equivalent of 220 American Dollars , warning the shop owner that he would be in trouble if this German GECO shotgun proved to be defective , as well .
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I took the shotgun to our local shooting range a few hours back , to “ test fire “ it . After firing 24 cartridges through it ( 32 gram Winchester No. 7 1/2 cartridges ) , I must say that I am quite impressed . The shotgun locks up extremely tightly and the trigger pulls are extremely crisp !
Some highly educational information from
@Major Khan Sir and
@Red Leg Sir helped me to appreciate the fact that I truly have a pre-war German gem on my hands , now .
I shall conclude by saying this : I shall never purchase another Astra shotgun , ever again ! They are cheap , Spanish junk ; best forgotten .