First man-eaters !


AH veteran
Jul 22, 2009
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Sweden, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Spain, Austria, Germany and Canada
First Man-eaters at Nhenda Cahora Bassa Mozambique


Late one evening in September, my friend Bernhard at Nhenda Hunt and Fishing, called me and asked if I Was interested into try to get an female lion that had been snared by the locals, and escaped, but of cause she was very hurt around neck and had severe problem to eat and breath. Finally she couldn't get food at normal way, so cattle and people came on her meny. Same time there were some crocodiles that had attacked fisherman's in their canoes and a few was missing, so, can I come to Cahora Bassa very quick ? I asked my friend Anders if he was interested to come with me, and we both decided to get necessary docs and find a flight asap. We was ready for Africa and on the 10/10 we left from Gothenburg via Frankfurt ( with new airbus 380. Fantastic flight.) to Johannesburg and from there direct to Tete in northern Mozambique. We left a cold and fresh Sweden and arrived into +39 and that was a real temperature shock ! Anyway, into jeep and of to Cahora Bassa southern shore, a drive of about 4 hours. As usual we had a lot of fun so 4 hours passed very fast. When we arrived to camp, we met rest of family Bernhard van Dyke, meaning, wife Brenda and kids, Jeanine and Lenka. Fantastic meal, good sleep and next day, we went to our first fly-camp, "Tetentsi", met our PH Walter and "little" PH Gerard. Time for sight in our rifles, Anders with his Blazer 9,3x62 with Impala LS bullets 10,7 grams and 940 m/sec, and me with mine Sako TRG-S HH375, with Impala roundnose 17 grams and 840m/sec. PH Walter was satisfied and we all went to the boat to try to find a good hippo bull so we had some bait for Lion and crocs. To make a long story short, we didn't want to shot anything in water, and we looked for tracks were we could find hippos when they went up in afternoons and back at early morning. PH Walter made a plan, and we decided to try early early next morning. We went up next morning at dark and slowly with the small boat we paddled over a small bay, and slowly slowly we approached were we seen a lot of tracks the day before. Bad luck cause when sun started to come up the wind turned a little bit, and we heard to hippos run to water, we just rounded a corner, and in very low light, sun just start to wake up, we saw one big bull standing half way in the water, Anders immediately got the shooting sticks under the stock, and with no time at all, he shot a perfect brain shot and hippo fell were it stood ! This was Anders first animal in Africa, and happiness was total ! We got help and within 3-4 hours we had some bait for our lion hunt. Afternoon, we baited on 4 spots and at evening, we took some small bait, just cross the bay, in case of the "Big Croc" would show him self.


Next morning we rather tired after checked all baits and stay up late with hope to hear the lions, but Africa always wakes you up with some surprises.... suddenly we saw this monster croc coming slowly into the bay, and after just and hour climbed up an lay down right on top of our bait ! Now, planning was very urgent, PH Walter took us to boat and slowly we crossed the bay and in perfect wind condition and hidden from high grass we came into position, about 120 meters from croc, and Anders asked me to make a backup shot as soon as he fired first one. Crocodile looked like a dinosaur from 120 meters, and i wundered, 4 or 5 meters ? 500-700 kilo ? This will be one of the really big crocs. Anders aimed to spine and I also aimed to spine, we decided to have next shot in front shoulder and at tail, so we were going to get ballistic ! Anders shot his first shot, and almost in same second, I fired, then we had 4 shots each, and I promise you, that this 4,4 meter and 700 kilo crocodile was "IMPALIZED" ! Thanks Diana, 2 great animals in 2 days ! Anders looked at me and said, hey Mike, this is not so difficult, lets get the lion to night ! I just smiled and told him hes just been very very lucky !




Back to camp, food plus rest and around 1700 we took the jeep to check the baits. After 4 hours drive we checked all baits and no hit, we decided to go back to camp, and after 20 minutes PH Walter braked hard and went out to check to new tracks in our 4 hours old car tracks.... HYENA, LEOPARD and 2 BIG BIG lions ! We drove very slowly, and after 30 minutes we could see back side from one lion. Stopped the jeep and jumped out, walked about 50 meters from jeep, and started to make sound like a hurt duiker ! In 2 minutes SHE came and yes she came running, no fear of anything and about 30 meters in front of us she stopped and turned a little bit to the side, and PH whispered : SHOT , Anders fired immediately and I want more than 1/2 sec after, SHE jumped straight up in the air and that growl I will never forget ! We started the jeep put all lamps on, 2 guys on the back of jeep with spotlights, and we slowly started to walk against the lion, suddenly, we heard the other lion call, and now we was really exited, one lion that we shot at and another one also couldn't see, but hear very well. After 40 meters we could see the big lady on the ground, PH told Anders to shot her once more and about one feet back from the eye, but Anders made little misstake of feet and inch, and shot her 1 inch behind the eye. We came up to her and she was enormous, and suddenly our game ward shouted : LION LION ! we looked in the direction of his spot light, and 3 rifles were aiming, and when animal came out from the bush it was a beautiful silverback jackal ! We took some pictures of the lioness, and then 6 guys to get lion on jeep, and back to camp ! What a day ! After these first 4 days we moved to head camp " NHENDA " ( Home of Lions ) and my self hunted one 4,9 meters croc + one Chobe bushbuck 16,75 inch.... but this is another story ! Dear fellow hunters, be carefully out there and God bless.

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Great report! Thanks for sharing and congrats. I have to admit, I love the Bushbuck the best... What a great looking animal..

Excellent hunt report & fabulous trophies, the croc is a Monster , thanks for sharing ..........

Congrats! It looks like you had a good time. Thanks for posting your hunting report.
Hi Christian. Advantage or disavantage ? Really dont understand the question ? I would really have a big disadvantage without my rifle, but I dont think this is the answer you want.....:D If you perhaps thinking about bipods, these can be on or of in 30 seconds. If caliber choise, HH 375, can be used, if correct ammo, for everything from Blackbirds to Elephants.
Christian line that reads "Does your rifle give you an advantage, or put you at a disadvantage?" is actually in his signature, it will appear on all of his posts...

Thanks for sharing all of the excitements of the hunt and those beautiful animals with us!
Thanks for the great hunting report!!! Awesome hunting adventure! Absolutely love your chobe bushbuck! Glad you got to do some dangerous game hunting!
Great hunt report!! Sounds like one heck of a hunt and great adrenaline boost - ta boot!!
Congradulations on your fantastic hunt.

Was the lioness the injured one or a different one?
Hi Thunderhead. Jepp, lion was snared by natives, and was badly damaged around neck and throat, however when we inspected the "Queen" we could see that she got rid of the metal snare, and wound was healing well. BUT when cats and bear gets taste of humans, there are no alternatives.... This lioness was one of few to be able to get CITES so it can be exported to Sweden.

A great story. I really enjoyed it. Thanks!

- browningbbr

Congratulations on all these excellent trophies you got!
Did PH Walter have his new 500NE?

Im not,
Congratulations. Tremendous trophies. The southern shore of Cahorra Bassa is my favorite area ever hunted. That is a huge croc, and a great picture.
Hi Jumbo. Yes PH Walter got his 500NE. However this time he didnt use it.......
Dear fellow hunters. First of May we will be back to Mozambique and Nhenda. This time for 21 days, hunt for male lion, buffalo, crocodile, hippo and elephant. Will give full report when we are back.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip. I love looking at your photos, and reading your reports.
Have a safe trip Michaelhh375, can't wait to hear how you did!
michaelhh375, Looking forward to your hunt report and photos, have an incredible time in Mozambique.
Congratulations, and thanks for sharing your experience.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
