First episode of Al Jazeera undercover report on money laundering and gold smuggling in Zimbabwe


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zambia, tanzania, zimbabwe,Mozambique ,hungary, france, england
I’m shocked! Corruption in Zimbabwe? Who could have seen this coming?

Seriously, until Zim makes some serious progress in reducing flagrant corruption and organized crime, there’s no hope in fixing their economy. Few are willing to do business with a thief.
I’m shocked! Corruption in Zimbabwe? Who could have seen this coming?

Seriously, until Zim makes some serious progress in reducing flagrant corruption and organized crime, there’s no hope in fixing their economy. Few are willing to do business with a thief.

You beat me to it.
I enjoyed this....but don't fully understand all of it. The small time gold miner still gets paid. He buys food and fuel in Zim...........that money stays there..............The Govt and the banks don't get their cut......difficult to blame the little guy here. .... I'm with @Doug3006 ....Corruption in Zim? In Africa? surprises there. FWIW...........Al Jazeera used to be a joke, but they do some actual investigative reporting now. Unlike our propaganda mouth piece....thanks for posting....MSNBC.......FWB
Interesting watch
I cannot bring myself to trust AlJazeera, but believe the story. While crossing Nairobi in a taxi some years back, the driver began to laugh and talk in Swahili...then apologized, realizing we didn't speak it and explained: "Six billion Kenyan shillings in gold bullion has been accidentally uncovered at the airport, enroute from Zimbabwe to Switzerland! and no one is claiming it!" I don't know how much that equated in dollars, but it turned out the lady Minister of Finance was the culprit. This at a time when things were so bad, many of the africans were begging to be paid in food, not currency. Absolutely dispicable.
I’m shocked! Corruption in Zimbabwe? Who could have seen this coming?

Seriously, until Zim makes some serious progress in reducing flagrant corruption and organized crime, there’s no hope in fixing their economy. Few are willing to do business with a thief.
Next thing you know somebody is going to suggest there are more countries in Africa that are corrupt. Who'd a thunk it?!
This is a fantastic bit of investigative work.
A country can never move from 3rd or 4th world status until corruption is brought under control.
What does that say for where Biden, FBI, DOJ, Democrats are taking the USA?
Going to be interesting to see what's in the next 3 episodes....glad I stayed away from anything gold.... :E Rofl:

Interesting story. Please post the next episodes as they are released.

Around 15 years ago I was trying to figure out how to move monies from Tanzania to America legally. I was told, "you don't want to do that" and basically the above method was described to me. Buy gold locally in Tanzania, hire a courier (they had one) to fly it to Dubai. Sell the gold for USD. Deposit in a Dubai bank account. Utilize those funds for all transactions that could take place outside America like airline tickets, hotels, safaris, travel, buying a beach front home in Belize, etc. I didn't do it, but find it fascinating how bright people will always figure a way around issues.
During my awakening to our universally biased, left leaning MSM being brought to clarity and light when Al Gore was running, I watched a little Al Jazeera news before it was taken off (censored) normal, over-air TV. I’ll be damned if they weren’t more truthful and unbiased than all the common MSM outlets we’d been raised on and brainwashed by since at least the early 50s.

For me an awakening and revelation. I haven’t watched a single minute of MSM crap since the late Peter Jennings was gleefully calling Al Gore the winner of some important state during that presidential election. That BS of course turned out to be false, but was ultimately revealing of the whole corrupt nature of the MSM. So… no I would not dismiss Al Jazeera as a legitimate source of news and may even consider them far less corrupt than our own Shiffsho CNN.
From what little I know I believe most of what was being reported was several years old. Rutledge was shot, but not killed in RSA about 2019? I believe that would have been in the article.

I know one thing stay away from gold!
Part 2..
On the screen showing part one swipe left , and it will take you to part two...


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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.