Ontario Hunter
AH legend
No debt of any sort but I live modestly. I allow myself to spend without dipping into investments any further than interest. I've managed to do that so far even with four safaris and significant medical bills ... for my dogs.
When my investments topped $2M I called my daughter and invited her to come over for a steak dinner celebration. Afterwards we sat on the couch with my laptop to go shopping. "You need a new car, Dad." Hmmm. Okay. This should work. "A Laborghini!?" Yeah, why not? "Because you're not stupid. Just buy a normal new vehicle." But if I did that, then there'd be less money for you to inherit if I get hit by a truck tomorrow (her mom was hit by a truck and killed). "Hmmm. Maybe you can keep the old Jimmy running another year?" End of that shopping spree.
When my investments topped $2M I called my daughter and invited her to come over for a steak dinner celebration. Afterwards we sat on the couch with my laptop to go shopping. "You need a new car, Dad." Hmmm. Okay. This should work. "A Laborghini!?" Yeah, why not? "Because you're not stupid. Just buy a normal new vehicle." But if I did that, then there'd be less money for you to inherit if I get hit by a truck tomorrow (her mom was hit by a truck and killed). "Hmmm. Maybe you can keep the old Jimmy running another year?" End of that shopping spree.