Finally The Time Has Come To Drop Kick The Big White Hunters Out of Africa

Well that was a lot of Bla, bla, bla…

Allow me to add my own.
I wish I had all the “Special” powers that Captain Paul Watson has. His ability to know the precise thinking of all the parties involved is astounding. His accumulative knowledge and expertise on all things wild on the planet make me wonder if he’s not the “All Mighty” himself. I wish blowhards like these would stand on their soap boxes and lay out all the facts, not just the ones that server their sermon.
Indeed there may be issues regarding what took place that night. Let the investigations take place; let the real facts speak for themselves. If they are guilty, then let them be punished to the fullest extent of the law. If they are found to be innocent, then let the horns of Jericho be heard! Let all those who released so much energy, besmirching the names of hunters, outfitters, and all involved in this business of trophy hunting be cast under the same spotlight to see how they prevail. Let them be seen as the narrow minded myopic misfits they truly are.
If there is a story to be told, then tell the story - all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly - give it all up, not just your pin-headed biased crap, just to win the argument of the day. There are lots of wrong issues when it comes to hunting of trophies that could and should be fixed. There are lots of things right about trophy hunting that seem to always fall way, way back. The Press carries a heavy load on this issue, they could’ve lighten the load of this incident if they would put as much energy showing the good of this industry as they do this one perceived to be bad incident. This would have most likely faded away by now if they had shined some light on the good stuff.
I’m scheduled for a hunt in Namibia next April and I can’t wait to get there. I may have to find a different way to get my trophies home should I be successful, but so be it. No mamby, pamby tree huggin, varmint kissin, just got off the turnip truck, sissified urbanite is going to make a rats different in my final outcome!
So there…
Someone take him out on his boat and introduce him to a rogue wave. Please.
This is pretty much why "Captain" Watson is confined to driving his boat on the ocean.
What if he came on land and went to Zimbabwe? And not the national park either, say a village somewhere along the Save or the Zambezi?

I think he'd get the Diane Fossey treatment, and I don't say that lightly. There are a lot of Zimbabweans (all Africans really) who are tired of Western progressives wagging their fingers at them,telling them what to do.

Let's be honest, If Paul Watson and Ricky Grevais went to rural Zim., speaking their minds, how long would they last?
You could have a literal discussion about who would get the machete first.

not good

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