From other movies:
"Oh, Eddie... If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now." - Clark Griswold, Christmas Vacation
"Austria?!? Well then, G'day mate. Let's put another shrimp on the barbie" - Lloyd Christmas, Dumb and Dumber
Jeremiah- "The injuns put you here?"
Del Gue- "T'weren't Mormons!" ... Jeremiah Johnson
"You're gonna stand there, ownin' a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistlin' bungholes, no spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistlin' kitty chaser?" - Joe Dirt
"Can I start over? I want to say something. Gonna put it out there and if you like it you can take it, if not send it right back. ... I want to be on you. ... Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, I... I wanna be on you!" - Ron Burgundy, Anchorman
Lt. Dan: "Thought I'd try out my sea legs."
Forrest: "Well, you ain't got no legs, Lt. Dan." - Forrest Gump
I could quote movies all day long.