some types of bullets available today:
- jacket swaged onto a lead core = cup and core bullet. (most inexpensive SP and HP bullets)
- jacket chemically bonded to lead core = bonded bullet (ex: Woodleigh SP bullets)
- two seperate cores swaged into a two compartment jacket = dual core bullet (ex: Noslar Partition)
- two seperate cores chemically bonded into a two compartment jacket = bonded dual core bullet (ex: Swift A-frame)
- solid copper base with a bonded lead nose = there are two makes of bullets like this to my knowledge. Federal offers factory ammunition with the trophy bonded bear claw and North Fork makes their softs this way.
- solid metal bullets with no lead core usually made entirly of copper, copper alloy, bronze, or brass. = mono-metal bullet (ex: Barnes TSX)
example of the solid copper base bullet (North Fork):