Everybody seeing this News Break: Trump shot?

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What the hell were those security personnel doing so long on stage? As well as representing him for follow up shots… it took 1 min 40 sec to get him off the stage. Then another 60 seconds to get him from the stage into his car. Or was his car perhaps not close when he got shot?

I must commend also the spectators, despite a fusillade of shots in a political rally, everyone is just sitting still, chanting “USA”

This will get Trump the presidency again.

They were covering him with their own bodies, and if shooting was on ground level he was hidden from view from most also.
Shooter got killed by one of the sniper team members.
Y’all, aside from @mdwest and a couple others who have real world experience are armchair quarterbacking this to death.

What most are forgetting is Trump is a former POTUS. He is given USSS but can refuse or direct them as he sees fit. He’s not required to use or keep them, and if he keeps them security treats dictate how many agents he will have. Some past presidents have had as few as 4 on shift at one time and others have had 25+. The same keep/refuse policy applies to Candidates. Not sure if everyone remembers him keeping his personal security detail as the POTUS-Elect and it causing issues for USSS. Trump has historically been one of the tougher President for USSS because he likes to go off script, make appearances in large areas that are difficult to protect or secure.

Give it some time and we’ll start seeing more info as well as a few heads rolling and people falling on their sword
Yeah well a lot of us have decades of experience killing stuff in all types of extreme terrain, distances and weather and it doesn’t take an LE background to figure out that the rooftop should have been under surveillance. I guarantee that many of us have seen more shooting scenarios and kills than most any LE personnel. Battlefield-tested military personnel would also have more experience than most all LE.
Yeah well a lot of us have decades of experience killing stuff in all types of extreme terrain, distances and weather and it doesn’t take an LE background to figure out that the rooftop should have been under surveillance. I guarantee that many of us have seen more shooting scenarios and kills than most any LE personnel. Battlefield-tested military personnel would also have more experience than most all LE.
Preach brother! TRUTH!
It was a terrible tragedy for those killed and injured. Trump was very lucky that the shooter, I'm assuming here, was not a very practiced marksman. +/- 150 yard shot from an elevated position is not a difficult shot, I would say lack of training compounded by the fact that once he took his actual shooting position he knew it would only be a few seconds most likely before the cross hairs were on him made him rush his shot. I do not have near the experience with protection detail as @mdwest and some of the others commenting on here, but having done some PSD work when I was in the Army, I whole heartedly agree that him being able to gain an elevated firing position within a couple hundred yards of an event that had that level of security is amazing. Perhaps complacency is to blame or something more sinister? We will probably never know for sure, but it is a sad day in America, that I do know! Leave that type of behavior to third world countries.
Sadly it is not only third world countries. The list is long and almost everywhere politicians get shot or attacked. Last couple of years lot of politicians attacked in Germany, last month I thought the leader of Slovakia, Fico, got shot. Shinzo Abe from Japan got killed. Further in history Pim Fortuyn got shot and killed in the Netherlands. Unfortunately history is rife with assassination attempts successfully or not.

Luckily Trump escaped death. Hopefully he will be the next president!
Reading news and online discussions, this seems to by pure fuel for hate, conspiracies and violence.
I hope you’re wrong but I fear you may be correct. Might be a bumpy 4.5 years. Buckle up!
It was a terrible tragedy for those killed and injured. Trump was very lucky that the shooter, I'm assuming here, was not a very practiced marksman. +/- 150 yard shot from an elevated position is not a difficult shot, I would say lack of training compounded by the fact that once he took his actual shooting position he knew it would only be a few seconds most likely before the cross hairs were on him made him rush his shot. I do not have near the experience with protection detail as @mdwest and some of the others commenting on here, but having done some PSD work when I was in the Army, I whole heartedly agree that him being able to gain an elevated firing position within a couple hundred yards of an event that had that level of security is amazing. Perhaps complacency is to blame or something more sinister? We will probably never know for sure, but it is a sad day in America, that I do know! Leave that type of behavior to third world countries.
He very nearly didn’t miss. That’s waaaayyy too close for comfort.
Rest in peace to the innocent.
Never had something like this happen in my life. Massive news. I’m so glad Trump is ok, people need to calm down, the world doesn’t end over an election. Just got 4 years to work on a comeback. Violence isn’t the answer.

This is an absolute failure of the DHS, USSS. They should have allowed him more protection assets.

We are lucky there wasn’t a second shooter. And the first shooter wasn’t a competent sniper.

BUT! This is the trade off when you want huge outdoor events.

I’m guessing security was spread too thin and were focused on the further shooting positions. IE the trees. I’m guessing the two counter snipers positioned directly above and behind the stage were considered close enough to cover the building the assassin shot from.

I’m concerned that serious bad actors just learned how feeble, anemic and unsophisticated our protection is.

What if the initial shooter was the decoy and then professional shooters engaged after the president stood back up.
Something of an iconic photo. Not entirely different than the Teddy Roosevelt incident of 1912.

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Somehow reminds me of raising the flag at Iwo Jima. That photo will win him the election I suspect!
I am however amazed that the Secret Service sniper was so slow taking his shot to neutralise the threat.
This wasn't a complex assassination attempt. It was a simple, amateur job that almost worked because the government systems put in place to prevent it failed. I think it was on purpose. Thank God, literally, thank God that it didn't work.
Trumps reaction was iconic. If he would have cowered and whimpered he would go back to being a normal politician.

His instinct to show defiance when his life is literally In danger shows he is no poser. Having the bullet crack and buzz next your skull will rock the hardest pipe hitter.
Trumps reaction was iconic. If he would have cowered and whimpered he would go back to being a normal politician.

His instinct to show defiance when his life is literally In danger shows he is no poser. Having the bullet crack and buzz next your skull will rock the hardest pipe hitter.
Believe that! Bullets sound like they would hurt when that go by at close range! I have had some real close and it is very attention getting. Not to mention it actually hitting you in the ear! It did take some huevos to stop the security detail and stand upright in the middle of that to basically give everybody that doesn't like him a big middle finger.
So when does the January 6th like committee get formed to prosecute those that rhetoric caused this.

If trumps words caused January 6th. How about dozens of prominent Democrats comments about a threat to democracy and worse. Justification to remove the threat at all cost.

We can only hope they will stop that language moving forward.
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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.