It is unfortunate that you then will not have the opportunity to hunt with an SCI measurer like myself or B&C measurer like Brickburn. We value the tape but value the game even more. Lumping us in with the miscreant this thread was started about is just another wedge driven between hunters with slightly different "tastes" or goals shall we say, despite still having the same morals. When we categorize each other like this to the point of exclusion we become weak, and we all know we need to be strong for all our sakes.
Hi Diamondhitch,
I am pretty sure you and Brickburn are great people, well spoken, above average intellect, etc., and I am not trying to pick a fight with you two or anyone else here.
But, my experiences with people who find their motivation in tape measures, record books, "gold medal awards", and whatever else such things are called., are not my people, no offense intended.
I do not see my dissent on this topic as weakening anything (but, if I had any sense at all I should have known that somebody would get their feathers ruffled when I voiced my opinion on the tape measure subject).
RE: "we become weak" ... to the contrary, I feel our stock goes up as hunters when, non-hunters have admitted to me that they have to agree with the notion that, "at least some of us hunters go for the adventure, the camaraderie of like minded people and take pride in preparing the game meat as something of a delicacy and furthermore, at least we are feeding our families/friends meat that is free of hormones, antibiotics, synthetic coloring, etc."
In the case of Africa, we can add that in some cases, at least a few very poor folks get to have meat in their diet from the safari trade that they either would not get at all or else it could potentially be from a rhino calf, etc., snared by the village poacher (non-hunters sometimes can be led toward the light and thereby conclude the wisdom in that).
Even if some of the tape measure crowd does all of that as well (but I have seen that some do not care one wit for the above concepts), the general public tends to frown on the fact that any animal is hunted primarily for it's horns, antlers, tusks.
That is offensive to the average Joe who is not necessarily an anti-hunter but is merely not a hunter themselves (I have both relatives and neighbors as well of that description).
I'm not bending to anti-hunters because they are haters and haters love to hate, there is nothing all the Biltong Hunters in the world can do to change their tormented little brains.
But for the main-stream person who is neither a hunter or an anti-hunter, the non-trophy hunter is something of an ambassador - IMO.
There is a cultural war on, it is being fought savagely with propaganda and we are loosing.
Hopefully we can agree to disagree on this specific point and remain friendly enough to discuss other topics from time to time.
Kind Regards,
Velo Dog.