Emergency Suspension of Johannes Gysbert Du Preez, Tieldman Roos Erasmus, Hermanus Bernardus Rossouw


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I am copying this article from the Safari Times, Dec 2011 for the members of AH to know and beware of.

Emergency Suspension of Johannes Gysbert Du Preez, Tieldman Roos Erasmus, Hermanus Bernardus Rossouw, Out of Africa Adventurous Safaris

Information was provided to SCI that indicated that Messrs. Du Preez, Erasmus and Rossouw were served indictments on September 30, 2011, in the Musina Magistrates Court in South Africa, for violations of the wildlife laws. The charges against these three and seven others who were also arrested at the time include 59 counts of killing rhinocerous, 381 counts of dehorning rhinocerous, 375 counts of possession of rhinocerous horn, and 385 counts of selling rhinocerous horn. There were also counts related to leopard and elephant hunting.

On October 20, 2011, based on this information, the SCI Executive Committee placed the SCI membership of theses three persons, Du Preez, Erasmus and Rossouw, on suspension and directed the SCI Board of Inquiry to take up the matter. All three were offered the opportunity for a hearing on the emergency suspension, but none of them requested a hearing within the required time. The suspension of the memberships of these three persons is effective for 90 days, beginning on October 20, 2011, and may be renewed. During the period of suspension, all the privileges of SCI membership, including attendance at annual SCI Hunters Convention and advertising in SCI publications are suspended. These suspensions also apply to any business entity controlled directly or indirectly by the sanctioned member, his or her spouse, or other closely related family member. SCI chapters are required to observe the suspensions and to have no further SCI dealings whatsoever with these three persons. The term"nodealings" includes, without limitation, allowing such a suspended or terminated member to: be a member of the chapter;to hold office in a chapter; to advertise or sell goods and services, either directly or indirectly, at a Chapter function or activity; or to sponsor, donate or otherwise participate in Chapter functions and activities, either directly or indirectly.

This shows that if reported and with good cause SCI will do something about it and it can hurt the bad Outfitters on this side of the big pond as well.

Good information...did you put this in there Outfitters section of AH?
These people were black listed out of Zimbabwe for perfidious and unlawful activities some years ago. I am not surprised that they have surfaced again....with a bit of luck they'll get put away properly this time! Pity it's not a zim cell for them.
Like the krauts once said...Ve haf ze veys und ze means of meking you talk!
Once again it took SCI almost 8 years to act on this after our meeting (phasa) with SCI 4 years ago, it still took them this amount of time to get to this point....at last.

They are single handedly responsible for almost destrouying unit 4 in Matetsi, as well as burning down the camp that was once in the care of a African hunting legend, they had issues in Mozie shortly after the Zimbabwe debackel, they had issues in Bots thereafter and BEFORE and AFTER all this they have been a constant source of investigation in S.A. into their dubious (spelling??) dealings.

I hope this gets sorted for once and for all, it has taken allot of effort to kill fires surounding other SA operations because of a cloud of doubt and distrust caused by certain individuals in this, and one or two other companies.

My best always.

Good information...did you put this in there Outfitters section of AH?

No james I haven't but I will the first chance I get. Thanks Bob
I am copying this article from the Safari Times, Dec 2011 for the members of AH to know and beware of.

Emergency Suspension of Johannes Gysbert Du Preez, Tieldman Roos Erasmus, Hermanus Bernardus Rossouw, Out of Africa Adventurous Safaris

This shows that if reported and with good cause SCI will do something about it and it can hurt the bad Outfitters on this side of the big pond as well.

Thanks Bob.

Once again it took SCI almost 8 years to act on this after our meeting (phasa) with SCI 4 years ago, it still took them this amount of time to get to this point....at last.

Jaco, does PHASA or other PH associations have a list of the disreputable sorts that can be made available to the public?
It's about time! the only thing I don't like is 90 days? for what these guys have been charged with it should be years!
Everyone in the area knew they were up to something and that they were on the wrong side of business. Took them too long to catch them in my mind. One of my good friends were one of their last hunters before this happened. Took back a bad impression of outfitters in the area.
Membership of SCI used to be limited to those who have made a hunting trip to Africa. Now it is open to everyone and is just a money making organisation that creates countless subdivisions within species based on geography to enlarge the revenue from trophy registrations.

Being banned from organisations like SCI and PHASA means SFA to operators like this. SCI/PHASA and similar organisations exist to assist their members first and any altruistic motives are purely secondary and only if advantagious to the income stream or self glorification to the participants.

Do you think SCI have any real concern about their activitys within 'the industry' as they have known about those activities and ethics for years ? If SCI members benefited from those activitys and they provided income, why ban them ?

Not a fan.
Code4. Understand you are not a fan of SCI. I have been a member once or twice and dont much care one way or the other about it. Curious though as to when as you state they would only accept membership from those who had hunted Africa. That is news to me unless it was quite some time ago. I joined the first time in 1984 before my first safari. Just curious if you know when that started. Thanks!
It's about time! the only thing I don't like is 90 days? for what these guys have been charged with it should be years!

Or lifetime....
Code4; Like 'em or not, SCI has NEVER been only for people who have hunted Africa. Pay your money, you have always been able to join. Brian
Code 4 think your off par with phasa, there is a major difference in operational protocol, of the two, I agree whole heartedly with your feeling towards SCI, but on this one you are off base as far as PHASA is concerned,

The latter being Representative of a league of profesionals put it in a cometely diferent pool, Phasa had been taking action on this matter almost a decade ago before the ---- even hit the fan in Zim.

SCI ignored our pleas as an organisation, representative of the profesional hunters in this country, due to a very high level connection to the presidency of SCI by one of the owners of the
original company.
Excuse the spelling i'm on my phone!!!!arggghhh!!!

PHASA is all about ethical hunting and sticking to regulations, as well as negotiations on goverment level for our brotherhood, and took action long before anyone else by doing this they are the one in this case with no egg on their face, as these members were expelled long ago
No egg might have been put lightly..... We will always be dissapointed if a profesional hunter/s from SA get involved in this, point is simple if action was taken over the broad spectrum of organisations when members of this company came into the lime light for the first time, who knows we could have had a different result. Or an earlier expultion!

My best always!
Thanks for posting this information Bob!

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African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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