Elephant or Buffalos?


AH enthusiast
Dec 12, 2014
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South Africa,Zimbabwe, Canada USA
I don't have much money, but if I can keep doing 70 hour work weeks for another two years, I may have enough to fullfil my dream of a trophy importable elephant someday. This would be a one time in a lifetime thing.
One the other hand, I could possibly take the same money and make a few buffalo hunts instead.
I'm looking for suggestions , especially from those may have hunted both, as to which you would recommend. An elephant once or several buffalo hunts?
Look for deals. I am going to spend less on my elephant than I did on my buffalo. My lion hunt with be the cheapest of the three by far.
Elephant for sure. Many reasons.
Soooo - since I am personally on the "several buffalo plan", I would tend to highly recommend it.
Tuskless and buffalo, then you can experience both and don't have to worry about the drama of getting the ivory home.

This is a really good suggestion.

If though, you're really set on a trophy bull it is really a tough call that only you can answer properly. I've hunted buffalo, and elephant is next on the list. I've also decided that I want to hunt a bull, instead of tuskless. But I've also decided that bull doesn't have to be a trophy bull and I don't care if if it importable (although that would be nice).

This has led me to looking really closely at Zim for a couple of reasons.
  1. The deals are there and the price in general is less
  2. Since trophy/management bull quota is the same you can always upgrade or downgrade.
  3. Zim is still Zim, and I want to hunt in a wild area
Honestly, if I were you, I'd figure out a way to do both, even if I'd went a non trophy ele, and a buff.

Good luck!
Winpartimer, both of them are so much fun and adrenaline filled. I am sure most of the guys that have done buff would tell you that they’ll take the opportunity for a second in a hart beat….that hot African sun on your back scouting hole after hole……a lone dagga boy wallowing in a dried river bed all of that is definitely fun and exiting

But personally for me there’s something about that ivory that definitely just captures you and interreges you and that maybe the reason man has chased it for so long, that last few miles tracking that bull looking at how he spent the day, what was he thinking, what was he trying to do, where was he heading….and then in the gimps through the be it mopani or miombo you just see that shadow moving slow as if he is the last of his bunch, as you get wind and prepare your final descent towards him everything changes this once docile animal you grew too know over a few miles.
Becomes the hunt of a lifetime a memory characid and shared for many more camp fires………

At the end it’s not just about the trophy but about the hunt, I would definitely look into stug and Royal27 proposal that is if you not in it for the ivory but reading your comment I presume you looking/waiting for that trophy all I can tell you that it would be money well spent…………both are formidable opponents and so much fun to hunt
I've had to think about this thread for a couple of days but now that I'm back I'm right where I started.

I would never take a trip just to take an Elephant but if I had the opportunity I don't believe I could ever say no to taking one in a truly wild setting for two reasons.

There's a very good chance that we'll be the last generation that has the opportunity and without trophy hunters like us their future is pretty bleak and it's our dollars that will keep them alive as a species outside of parks and zoos.

They need us.
Sir I have done both and feel compelled to tell you that each represents a very distinct experience. The chance to face down Black Death doesn't come without a great deal of planning and practice with your rifle in order to put one in the salt. A good bull will make you work hard to get a shot and if you are "lucky" a charge could be in the cards. The elephant hunt requires the same but it is a more spiritual hunt from my point of view. Chase an elephant around for a couple of days and you will bond with him in a way like no other beast. Put him on the ground and be the first human to touch his ivory and you will create a lasting memory for yourself and all those who are on the hunt.
If you can pull it off take a chance on an elephant hunt. I doubt you will regret it.
As Royal mentioned there are deals to be had on elephant right now. Non exportable bulls in South Africa are not much more than a good buffalo hunt. If you are interested in discussing via phone PM me and we can set up a time.
Tough call. If it were me, I'd do a trip for buff and maybe add hippo, then do another hunt to Zim for a non export elephant where you can get an amazing deal now.
Man that's a tuff call. Both are tremendous trophies in anyone's book. I'll be hunting buffalo this year so I'm not qualified to answer that question. I can say if you shoot one or the other first I guarantee you'll be looking for a way to shoot the other trophy.
Elephant as it won't be legal for long. You may find more money for more hunts later and buffalo will be there. All the money in the world won't get your elephant in ten years.
Elephant as it won't be legal for long. You may find more money for more hunts later and buffalo will be there. All the money in the world won't get your elephant in ten years.
I fear this may be entirely to true even though I think it will be "possible" a little longer.

There will always be legal buff hunting though and it wouldn't take another decade to save up for one.
You could probably do a couple tuskless and couple buffalo in Zimbabwe. But if you want the tusks that should take priority.
One of the great things about this site, aside from the mountains of information and great people, is the way you all seem to truly grasp and articulate the emotional aspect of my questions and can respond to it. I've never been very good at putting my thoughts into words, but you all still get it. Thank you for that!
I had never considered or even looked into Zimbabwe just because in all honesty, some of the posts here regarding politics and economy in Zim have scared the hell out of me. I could actually consider replicas of my tusks and good photos or maybea video, but would really like a bracelet at least fromy elephant. I assume even that wouldn't be possible from Zimbabwe?
@wipartimer ,

I too am considering the replica option on elephant tusks (if I do an ele hunt) due to the current deals in Zim. I cant tell you for sure about the hair bracelets from Zim, but someone on this surely can tell you!
I was in Zim last year. There was some local protesting in Harare though I never saw any of it. I felt safer in Zim then I did in Jo-burg. I was pretty nervous headed into it but I truly loved it there. I will send you a PM.
Currently in the USA, no part of an elephant from Zim can be imported. That would include tail hair bracelets. Maybe this can change soon.
Shooting a tuskless elephant in Zim and illegally bringing home a pile of elephant hair bracelets is between you and your creator. You'd need to ask the hundreds of others in the USA wearing elephant hair bracelets and calous Bracelets how they feel about what they did with their non-exportable elephant. You could also ask them about the belt and boots they wore back on a subsequent trip made from their leather hides tanned in Zim.

I have no further comment on this common practice to add as I'm not an elephant hunter and I don't bend or break the law.

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akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
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Natural Bridge, Virginia