As far as mountain lions go, there are a couple of U.S. states that require the hunter to quarter the trophy and take the meat to the check-in station. If they do not want it, it goes to a food bank. Lots of westerners that hunt them eat it...Maybe there is a member on here from one of those states who could comment further..
And, as for you guys squeamish from eating an animal like a wild boar because you are afraid of what they comsume, you are being a bit naive... Just about every animal on the planet will comsume something nasty from time to time to survive. Almost all newborn mamals consume feces from their parents to get bacterial cultures in their systems necessary for their immune systems to develope...
From that mindset, lobster & king crab would have to be the most vile, disease-ridden creatures on the planet based on what they comsume. They are scavengers... They eat rotten flesh and feces of other marine creatures...Feel free to send me all of your unwanted lobsters and crabs...I'll be glad to take those filthy animals off your hands anytime...