Reading the bylaws, it would be possible to insert a petition process into the bylaws but it would take a 2/3rds vote of those present at the Annual Meeting and the notice of the amendment would have to be contained in the meeting notice.
That would be doable, but would be a very high and difficult hurdle to get over. You’d have to amass a fairly significant number of people to show up at the annual meeting (no time for that this year) and have them all firmly onboard with the plan.
It’s been a while since I’ve been to an annual meeting, but my experience in the past is that it’s largely been attended by the board, officers, and a handful of heavily involved locals from the Dallas metro area… there’s not a lot of people that travel from out of town outside of officers and board members that attend.. but those that are there are generally the most involved in the club and whatever it’s current path is…
So you’d have to convince more people (by a full third) than that to either come in from Dallas (that likely aren’t very active in chapter or national activities or they’d already be there) or to travel from out of town to attend…
It could be done.. but it’s a difficult path.. and not one that would be available until next year..
Assume the bylaws change is made.. it would then be the following year (2027) before the first petition candidates make their way onto the ballot..
And I’d guess we’re probably looking at 2029 or 2030 before enough of them get elected to start pushing the organization back in the right direction..
4-5 years really isn’t a long time in the scope of things if that’s what it takes to salvage the organization…
The question would be, by 2030 what’s left to salvage?
TTHA will have been firmly planted at Kay Bailey for 5 years… SCI has already announced that they have secured the venue until 2030… and they have stated that they are increasing their marketing substantially starting this year..
DSC has got to figure out how to have a successful show if it intends on participating in conservation (to whatever degree they intend to, or not).. their business model is reliant on show revenue.. it’s where the overwhelming majority of the organizations money comes from…
If participants continue to refuse to attend, vendors will drop out… it’s simple math… no participants = no sales.. so no attendance.. if vendors drop out, auction donations (where millions of dollars come from) disappear… and if auction donations disappear, we’re left with a shell of an organization..
DSC will continue to exist no matter what.. it doesn’t take a whole lot of funding to keep a “club” together… but if it falls to even just 50% of what it was a couple of years ago (which would still be something significant), it definitely won’t be the same animal that it was in yesteryear..
And looking at DSCs financials, they can’t afford another ATL like the 2025 show… if that happens again, we’re going to very likely start seeing a major decline immediately after…