AH ambassador
I apologize in advance for what I know is going to be a long winded post...
I was super happy to see @Dave Fulson join here at AH recently. I’ve known Dave for a long time, basically ever since my wife and I became DSC life members years ago. While we aren’t the best of friends, I do feel like I know him well.. Over the years we interfaced at countless monthly meetings, my wife and I also participated in a couple of different events at his home, and also had chances to catch up at other DSC events over the years.
In a nutshell, I know him to be a good man. He’s always been very direct, honest, and straight forward with me about anything we’ve ever talked about. I trust whatever he tells me to be true.
Anyone on AH that knows me, or has attended events at my home, or spent time with at AH dinners, etc. (lots of you) knows I have been pretty open about concerns related to DSC over the last few years. To be clear, Atlanta wasn’t the first decision made by DSC that caught my attention or was bothersome to me (although I know it has tended to be the biggest DSC talking point here on AH for many people over the last year). Ive had questions about how DSC makes decisions, why those decisions are being made, who is driving those decisions, etc since maybe 2019 (pre-COVID).
Once Corey came on board I thought I saw a good bit of positive, progressive change happening. Most of the concerns I had prior became much less prevalent. I saw some really smart people coming forward more frequently, and getting more deeply involved in the organization (Dave Fulson was among them). I saw Corey stepping into some gaps that had never really been filled (IMO) with the prior Executive Director. So I became a bit less vocal.
Then suddenly it felt like a train wreck occurred out of nowhere a couple of years ago. For no reason that I could come up with or understand numerous board members resigned, and a President resigned, among other officers.. Yet nothing was messaged or discussed with any of the membership to my knowledge to let anyone know what had happened, or why.
Then the ATL decision came out.. lots of people had LOTS of questions and concerns, and DSC appeared to do little or nothing other than release a couple of short videos to explain anything all the way until after the show belly flopped in January, despite several key people being very public about concerns..
Corey then left the organization in the middle of last year, catching much of the board completely off guard (as I understand it). That wasn’t messaged with membership either.
In the absence of information, people tend to come to their own conclusions and the rumor mill flies out of control. For months people openly discussed Coreys “termination” for example (clearly this was not true at all.. he resigned..).. but again, DSC did nothing to let people know anything about what was going on, or why.
At some point there was a major falling out between DSC and Dave Fulsons company Safari Classics. This was a HUGE indicator of a much deeper problem that I hadnt possibly seen before. The fact that I didn’t know anything about it until long after it happened is a pretty strong indicator of both me at that point becoming disengaged with DSC over the prior few years (largely because of the above), and DSC’s continued lack of messaging or communicating with membership..
Again, I’ve known Dave a long time. I know that Safari Classics and DSC have had a relationship that spans more than 20 years, that SC has been the primary (maybe only?) messaging and marketing arm of DSC for as long as Ive been around the organization. I know that MANY of the very popular and very fruitful initiatives DSC has undertaken over the years were the brain child of SC, and that the relationship was much more of a true partnership than a “vendor” relationship. I honestly didn’t think that as long as Dave and Tim were alive that there would ever be any separation between DSC and SC. I believed them to be so tightly intertwined that SC was really operating more as an arm to DSC than it was a different entity. But now we see Tracks Across Africa with an SCI logo attached rather than a DSC logo.
Kudo’s to SCI by the way in picking Tracks Across Africa up. That was a brilliant move on their part I believe (much like their move with TTHA at Kay Bailey). If DSC is going to create voids, Im forever thankful that SCI is filling them rather than someone else. Especially when it comes to conservation or hunting minded efforts.
The new CEO has told membership hes going to continue to communicate about corrective actions the organization is taking (the commitment was to reach out with additional information by the end of January or early February.. but, here we are in early March and no such communication has occurred)..
There are numerous questions about why the 5 people that were put forward by the steering committee that provides board candidates were who was chosen… That hasn’t been communicated either (although I will concede that DSC has never really done a good job at this.. this is not something new)..
I could go on and on and on..
And I should reiterate.. myself and others on AH that have expressed concerns several times have always stated, the concerns are because we love the organization, and want it to succeed.. not because anyone wishes anything ill for DSC.. Its clear that LOTS of people involved in DSC are unhappy.. but no one can seem to deduce if DSC really cares or intends to do anything about it. All people want is to understand what is going on in the organization and why. I don’t think its unreasonable that people that donate time, money, energy, and effort to a global conservation organization be advised about what the board is doing and why they are doing it. A board does have a fiduciary responsibility after all.
Anyway, all of that led me to picking up the phone and having a very long call with Dave Fulson recently (after a few years of no communication)..
With the recent debacle of how voting for the board has been managed the past few weeks, I just couldn’t stand it any longer. I needed to have a better understanding of where DSC actually is, where it is going, and why.. And one of the real burning question s for me was “Why is Tracks Across Africa now sponsored by SCI? I thought it would never be sponsored by anyone other than DSC.”.
Dave is (was) far more of an insider and knowledgeable than I ever have been regarding DSC. He and his business partner have served on multiple boards with DSC, and again, his business relationship with DSC spans more than 2 decades, and I know he is deeply involved in industry and knows leadership at many of the major conservation and hunting organizations (SCI, Wild Sheep,etc) and several of the supporting industries like ammunition and firearms, etc.. hes far and away the most connected person I personally know across conservation and international hunting..
Without going into all of the details of what amounted to more than a 2+ hour phone call. Most of my questions I believe are now answered. Sadly, I really don’t like what I have learned. There seem to be a number of very purposeful steps and actions that have been taken that have led us to where we are. I suppose others may think this is positive, and that’s why DSC is doing what they are doing (essentially desiring to revert to being a “Hunting Club” as opposed to a “Conservation Organization”). Im not among them though.
Dave did say he’s happy to talk to anyone else that has questions though, and that he would answer them as honestly and as directly as he can, which is the purpose for me posting this thread. I figure there are a lot of people here on AH that have expressed the same questions and concerns that would probably like to have some answers as well, but don’t know anyone personally that really knows what is happening or why, or that has had a front row seat to most of the activity. Dave definitely spent many, many years sitting on the front row.
I was super happy to see @Dave Fulson join here at AH recently. I’ve known Dave for a long time, basically ever since my wife and I became DSC life members years ago. While we aren’t the best of friends, I do feel like I know him well.. Over the years we interfaced at countless monthly meetings, my wife and I also participated in a couple of different events at his home, and also had chances to catch up at other DSC events over the years.
In a nutshell, I know him to be a good man. He’s always been very direct, honest, and straight forward with me about anything we’ve ever talked about. I trust whatever he tells me to be true.
Anyone on AH that knows me, or has attended events at my home, or spent time with at AH dinners, etc. (lots of you) knows I have been pretty open about concerns related to DSC over the last few years. To be clear, Atlanta wasn’t the first decision made by DSC that caught my attention or was bothersome to me (although I know it has tended to be the biggest DSC talking point here on AH for many people over the last year). Ive had questions about how DSC makes decisions, why those decisions are being made, who is driving those decisions, etc since maybe 2019 (pre-COVID).
Once Corey came on board I thought I saw a good bit of positive, progressive change happening. Most of the concerns I had prior became much less prevalent. I saw some really smart people coming forward more frequently, and getting more deeply involved in the organization (Dave Fulson was among them). I saw Corey stepping into some gaps that had never really been filled (IMO) with the prior Executive Director. So I became a bit less vocal.
Then suddenly it felt like a train wreck occurred out of nowhere a couple of years ago. For no reason that I could come up with or understand numerous board members resigned, and a President resigned, among other officers.. Yet nothing was messaged or discussed with any of the membership to my knowledge to let anyone know what had happened, or why.
Then the ATL decision came out.. lots of people had LOTS of questions and concerns, and DSC appeared to do little or nothing other than release a couple of short videos to explain anything all the way until after the show belly flopped in January, despite several key people being very public about concerns..
Corey then left the organization in the middle of last year, catching much of the board completely off guard (as I understand it). That wasn’t messaged with membership either.
In the absence of information, people tend to come to their own conclusions and the rumor mill flies out of control. For months people openly discussed Coreys “termination” for example (clearly this was not true at all.. he resigned..).. but again, DSC did nothing to let people know anything about what was going on, or why.
At some point there was a major falling out between DSC and Dave Fulsons company Safari Classics. This was a HUGE indicator of a much deeper problem that I hadnt possibly seen before. The fact that I didn’t know anything about it until long after it happened is a pretty strong indicator of both me at that point becoming disengaged with DSC over the prior few years (largely because of the above), and DSC’s continued lack of messaging or communicating with membership..
Again, I’ve known Dave a long time. I know that Safari Classics and DSC have had a relationship that spans more than 20 years, that SC has been the primary (maybe only?) messaging and marketing arm of DSC for as long as Ive been around the organization. I know that MANY of the very popular and very fruitful initiatives DSC has undertaken over the years were the brain child of SC, and that the relationship was much more of a true partnership than a “vendor” relationship. I honestly didn’t think that as long as Dave and Tim were alive that there would ever be any separation between DSC and SC. I believed them to be so tightly intertwined that SC was really operating more as an arm to DSC than it was a different entity. But now we see Tracks Across Africa with an SCI logo attached rather than a DSC logo.
Kudo’s to SCI by the way in picking Tracks Across Africa up. That was a brilliant move on their part I believe (much like their move with TTHA at Kay Bailey). If DSC is going to create voids, Im forever thankful that SCI is filling them rather than someone else. Especially when it comes to conservation or hunting minded efforts.
The new CEO has told membership hes going to continue to communicate about corrective actions the organization is taking (the commitment was to reach out with additional information by the end of January or early February.. but, here we are in early March and no such communication has occurred)..
There are numerous questions about why the 5 people that were put forward by the steering committee that provides board candidates were who was chosen… That hasn’t been communicated either (although I will concede that DSC has never really done a good job at this.. this is not something new)..
I could go on and on and on..
And I should reiterate.. myself and others on AH that have expressed concerns several times have always stated, the concerns are because we love the organization, and want it to succeed.. not because anyone wishes anything ill for DSC.. Its clear that LOTS of people involved in DSC are unhappy.. but no one can seem to deduce if DSC really cares or intends to do anything about it. All people want is to understand what is going on in the organization and why. I don’t think its unreasonable that people that donate time, money, energy, and effort to a global conservation organization be advised about what the board is doing and why they are doing it. A board does have a fiduciary responsibility after all.
Anyway, all of that led me to picking up the phone and having a very long call with Dave Fulson recently (after a few years of no communication)..
With the recent debacle of how voting for the board has been managed the past few weeks, I just couldn’t stand it any longer. I needed to have a better understanding of where DSC actually is, where it is going, and why.. And one of the real burning question s for me was “Why is Tracks Across Africa now sponsored by SCI? I thought it would never be sponsored by anyone other than DSC.”.
Dave is (was) far more of an insider and knowledgeable than I ever have been regarding DSC. He and his business partner have served on multiple boards with DSC, and again, his business relationship with DSC spans more than 2 decades, and I know he is deeply involved in industry and knows leadership at many of the major conservation and hunting organizations (SCI, Wild Sheep,etc) and several of the supporting industries like ammunition and firearms, etc.. hes far and away the most connected person I personally know across conservation and international hunting..
Without going into all of the details of what amounted to more than a 2+ hour phone call. Most of my questions I believe are now answered. Sadly, I really don’t like what I have learned. There seem to be a number of very purposeful steps and actions that have been taken that have led us to where we are. I suppose others may think this is positive, and that’s why DSC is doing what they are doing (essentially desiring to revert to being a “Hunting Club” as opposed to a “Conservation Organization”). Im not among them though.
Dave did say he’s happy to talk to anyone else that has questions though, and that he would answer them as honestly and as directly as he can, which is the purpose for me posting this thread. I figure there are a lot of people here on AH that have expressed the same questions and concerns that would probably like to have some answers as well, but don’t know anyone personally that really knows what is happening or why, or that has had a front row seat to most of the activity. Dave definitely spent many, many years sitting on the front row.