its my understanding , that after being an active member of a pistol club, for x amount of time , your allowed your licencve to own a handgun .
and then after owning and storing the hand gun at the club ,for how ever long .....
your allowed to store it at home .
once you've got your handgun licence your allowed 38 ,9mm and all the big hand cannons .this is just my understanding , not 100% accurate.
but as for semis ,
if your a culler by trade , or own x amount of land , where there is problem animals (ie, dogs, and ducks, say your a rice farmer) and you need to take quick repetitive shots
you can try to qualify for a C category licence.
but im sure the semi auto firearm can only be used on that property .
I cant figure why I can own a pump action centre fire rifle to hunt deer , on my A & B catagory licence , but not a pump action shotgun to hunt ducks.
I should add that this is laws and regulations for Victoria, l cant speak for other states