norfolk shooter,
you raise a good point.
I have often wondered why sticks are so prolific in Africa.
when hunting on your own, they are just impractical.
with a backup crew to carry them, as on a safari, they might well have come into vogue due to the frustration of guides at the potential lack of shooting ability of clients.
Guys, I can't agree with you on that.
The ultimate goal must be to give the animals the safest shot, so we are take the life away from them.
And in Africa wounded not found-full price.Not pleasant either.
At our annual hunting competitions you can see the clear difference between freehand and stick shooting.
@Norfolkshooter-Respect, then you are one of hundred.Not to be generalized.Sure.
I hunt and carry the whole year over the stick on the stalk.Sticks in different variations.The stalk and the safe shot with moonlight on boar and fox would not be possible at all without that.It does not disturb me and in Africa carries him the tracker.In the Bavarian mountains (far shot distance) everyone has it .
Logically, for a snapshot on elephant shoulder on 30m there nobody would need him.
With the Jim Shockey stick, I shoot up to max. 130-150 m, with the divisible, where you can lie on butt and fore-end , you could easily reach up to 200 m out on boar and fox.He is a little more complicated in handling.However, I generally never like to shoot far.At home I can, so I want, every day to go hunting and if it does not fit, I just leave it.
Buffalos in front.I feel much better with a stick.
Fox in the full moonlight on the stubble field over the divisible stick.
Messured 199 m. Had I had time to measure the distance before, I would not have shot