Double Rifle 750 Nitro Express

AH ambassador
Oct 1, 2007
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Double Rifle 750 Nitro Express made by Armitalia di Lucchini Sandro & C. snc Sarezzo (Brescia), Italy

Marco Scaiola, a big bore fanatic from Italy, emailed me these pictures of this humongous double rifle to share on AH.

This double rifle 750 nitro express was made by Armitalia di Lucchini Sandro & C. snc Sarezzo (Brescia) in Italy and is owned by Mr. Lucchini. It took 8 years to build and it weighs 12 kilograms (26.5 pounds).


Marco Scaiola holding the double rifle 750 nitro express

















Lucchini Sandro & C. firm has been present on the world market since 1946. Current production is limited to classic double-barrrelled shotguns with Holland & Holland system, Anson action and external hammers, with smooth and rifled bore, in the various gauges and types. All the rifles are produced with the specific characteristics requested by customers, in engraving, the quality of the butts and dimensions.
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That is certainly a brute! I would not want to have to pack that sucker around all day and I imagine the recoil is a bit hefty. ;)

Beautiful piece of wood on it. Jerome is Mr. Lucchini planning on slaying any pachyderms with it when it is completed?
Kelly, I don't know what he is planning on hunting with it, but I know it is big enough to kill a T-Rex... I would love to see it in action! I will ask if they have a video.
Hi Jerome
Well the bigger the better as you know well but that might be hard work shooting not to mention carrying around LOL.It will stop most of the dangerous game in their tracks or at least make a cape buff shake it’s head.:)
It looks to be a beautiful rifle though would love to see him shoot it.
Looking forward to seeing the video clip should you be fortunate enough to get one.;)
Thanks Louis
Well gentlemen, I've looked that things over pretty closely, and as far as I can tell there are a couple parts missing! I didn't see any sign of the wagon wheels, or the tow bar, to hual that thing into battery for the artillery bombardment ! :D

I would dearly love to be present when he fires the first shot out of that double rifle, and even more so if he happens to get a double discharge! :eek:
Unfortunately Marco just informed me that there are no videos at this time of this 750 Nitro Express Double Rifle in action as it is new.
That is a canon... beautiful looking work of art, but that is just what it is - a collectors piece. Very curious to see it in action and am pretty sure there aren't too many people who can handle it. It will ruin any animal, but i have my doubts about the bullet travellin more than 50m from the barrel and what kind of penetration it will have... Very nicely built gun though. Looks like something out of a flintstone series.
That is a canon... beautiful looking work of art, but that is just what it is - a collectors piece. Very curious to see it in action and am pretty sure there aren't too many people who can handle it. It will ruin any animal, but i have my doubts about the bullet travellin more than 50m from the barrel and what kind of penetration it will have... Very nicely built gun though. Looks like something out of a flintstone series.

:D:D:D Man! Would I hate to have to carry that thing on the spoor of an elephant in November heat! The trackers would need a four man litter to carry it for the client! Shallom The bullet will probably travel no farther than the guy pulling the trigger! :) I was just teasing Chris Sells (Double Gun Imports) about talking Ivan Carter into buying the 600NE Heym double he had in his booth. Ivan justified it by saying he needed it to shoot springbok! :) Ivan's 600NE Heym double is big, but a 750NE???????????? :confused:
Well I think I have to agree with Ryan on this one. While I am sure the frontal area on the tiny projectiles from the 750 NE will certainly get somethings attention, I would think that the maximum depth of penetration will not be that great.

Some guys just always have to have one bigger or twice as many. :)
Penetration? . . . with that cannon there's a chance the prey would just shit itself and die of a heart attack when fired upon!

A beautiful piece of work.
One word, WOW!

If the hunter runs out of ammo, he could probably beat the animal to death with it!

BOOOOOM ! Jerome its a canon , would love to use it with double shoulder pads, a 1300 grain would cut a animal in two, must be a exquisite masterpiece with thunderous ballistics, would love to see the canon going off from ones shoulder , are there any vedios of the test fires? Thanks to Mr. Marco to produce a beautiful double in a caliber so massive , how much is the price to customize one of these????
Thanks Jerome
Yes mate thats true , you can club a pachyderm to death , but one word WOW is for this double .

Mac, Did you notice the mono bullet? :D OSR in the making? LOL
Mac, Did you notice the mono bullet? :D OSR in the making? LOL

Yes I noticed that, but I doubt there will ever be many shot through it. The first one may do the trick, however. :eek:
I bet that will make some tears after it's finished and the first pair does it to it!
I'm totally unimpressed with this overweight blimp.

Same BC as a 450 grain .458 bullet at 300 fps lower velocity means less penetration on elephant. Sort of like a 45-70 on elephant unless you believe you kill elephant with hydrostatic shock.

Buffalo? You'll be lucky if you can even walk that far lugging this piece of pig iron.

The rest of the big four: Lion weigh less than elk and nobody complains about the .375 on them. Leopard sometimes weigh only about three times as much as the rifle.

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