Double Quarries with a friend.


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AH veteran
Mar 14, 2023
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Abingdon, MD USA
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Limpopo South Africa. US. Maryland. Kentucky. West Virginia. Ohio. Illinois. Pennsylvania. Delaware.
So my buddy and I just got back from Africa this June. It was my 1st trip over and his 2nd. Spending 10 days with him on Safari reinforced our friendship. Do you guys usually go with friends, spouses, alone...? Which is your favorite?
Have any pics of you and a buddy with 2 harvested animals? Walt got a Golden Wildebeest and I got a Gold Medal Red Hartebeest the same morning in Limpopo. The first is the "serious" picture "for the record", and the second was our "cutting up" picture. Good times!

van Wijk Safaris 276.JPG
Wife only. It is tough to take a friend unless you are seriously "besties".
My wife and I go and have a great time. No need to drag in someone else with different expectations.
In 2022, my wife and I went to Namibia with one of my best friends that I've known since middle school (in my early 40s now) and his wife. We had a great time, and the girls enjoyed coming out on stalks with us.

I just went to RSA in May with another friend that I've known just as long (was supposed to be the 3 of us, but my friend from the first trip had to cancel due to work issues) and the two of us had a great time as well.

Definitely different experiences, but both were great.

Our next plan is for our kids to come along in 2026 - same friend and wife from 2022. My 13 year old daughter is hunting now, and so is their 14 year old son. Should be a good time!
Rare I hunt with anyone abroad, and when I do (even my son) we always have our own PH or guide.
A good friend and I just got back from a trip to SA and had a blast! I still have not pulled all of the photos from my camera and resized them but we took some great pics with all the skulls cheering with some beers. Highly recommend taking a friend @BC Tal

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First time (Limpopo) my best friend and his wife accompanied my wife and me. On my second trip to the Eastern Cape and the Kalahari, I went alone. All three hunts were different, and I enjoyed hunting with my wife as an observer, and alone. It's what you make out of the hunts, experience and the company that matters.
There is something special about hunting with your dad. My dad and I have shared camps since I was a small child. As a young boy he took me with him. Now as an adult it's a privilege to be able to take him with me. I can't imagine a trip without him. Solo trips don't interest me at all. Sharing camp and spending time together is my only expectation the animals are always just a bonus.
I tend to go alone, it's a little more peaceful that way.

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Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles