Distinct sound of an African lion

John Wasmuth

AH elite
Aug 10, 2016
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Went out on the back deck to watch the sun rise and thought I was dreaming. Off in the distance I heard my neighbors, about a mile away, African Lion greeting the morning sun…. That distinct sound that’s like no other sound you will ever hear. I wish I could have recorded it for you. Great way to start the day.

More like a scathing indictment of the “more money than sense” detachment from reality that is so prevalent throughout America. What an abominable occurrence. Just like that other thread on luxury exotic hunting in Texas…….. Aside from the good it has done in rescuing a mere handful of species from extinction, the American exotic species hunting (along with high fence whitetail deer) industry is a complete joke. A ridiculous, fanciful and delusional extravagance. Money with no class excess. Devoid of conservation value and common sense. A farce and an imitation. Absolute nonsense and absolutely nauseating. As big of a joke as the G2 “ranch” being such a prominent sponsor at DSC…… Ignorance magnified by wealth. Quite similar to what one would see on MTV cribs….
That took a weird turn :unsure:

There are many bush noises that make me feel alive - the lion in the distance is definitely one of them
Yea I have no idea where that BS came from because someone has a pet lion that’s a “pet” and not ment for hunting which is illegal in the state of Texas on all accounts. Someone doesn’t have a clue. Hearing lions off in the distance while having morning coffee isn’t something one gets to enjoy every morning. Really is enjoyable.
Went out on the back deck to watch the sun rise and thought I was dreaming. Off in the distance I heard my neighbors, about a mile away, African Lion greeting the morning sun…. That distinct sound that’s like no other sound you will ever hear. I wish I could have recorded it for you. Great way to start the day.

How do you get to hear a lion in Texas?...... :E Shrug:
Perfectly legal to own in Texas. Along with Tiger and many other species. My only worry would be keeping them fed.
Perfectly legal to own in Texas. Along with Tiger and many other species. My only worry would be keeping them fed.
I had a client that owned two males.

He had made arrangements with a couple local dairy farms for bull calves and old cows.

He used to go in the pen with them, I think he was nuts. Eventually both died and had them full mounted and on either side of his entryway when you walked in.
the American exotic species hunting
By this you mean high fence hunting ranches that stock exotics? or that people hunt exotic species that were released into the US awhile back?

If its the latter, I would disagree. Hunting low fence blackbuck and axis deer in south Texas is a great experience and has given these animals another suitable habitat to thrive in. Same with aoudad and gemsbok (New Mexico). I think you were talking specifically about the high fence exotic ranches though. Not something I am interested in personally

More like a scathing indictment of the “more money than sense” detachment from reality that is so prevalent throughout America. What an abominable occurrence. Just like that other thread on luxury exotic hunting in Texas…….. Aside from the good it has done in rescuing a mere handful of species from extinction, the American exotic species hunting (along with high fence whitetail deer) industry is a complete joke. A ridiculous, fanciful and delusional extravagance. Money with no class excess. Devoid of conservation value and common sense. A farce and an imitation. Absolute nonsense and absolutely nauseating. As big of a joke as the G2 “ranch” being such a prominent sponsor at DSC…… Ignorance magnified by wealth. Quite similar to what one would see on MTV cribs….
This is a question that I have raised indirectly before in other threads. I have mentioned that I have no interest in hunting non-indigenous species in either Africa or the US. Nothing wrong with it, but not my thing. But assuming your comment is serious rather than merely inflammatory, I assume someone who believes this also would never hunt a sable, waterbuck, lechwe, or nyala, on a game farm in the Limpopo. They are not native, and exist there solely due to game farms and ranches.

And if we are talking "fanciful and delusional extravagance" how about hunting from a tented "camp" on such an African game ranch where the "tents" are equipped with concrete floors, electricity, wi-fi, beds with mattresses, and hot and cold running water en suite. It is all fanciful make believe and by average American standards, an extravagance.

I don't hunt exotics on high fenced ranches in Texas, but I am grateful for their presence across much of the southwest part of the state where they form the basis of tremendous free range hunting opportunities. There I am typically hunting from a hotel or a ranch. The fanciful South African model is infinitely more comfortable, and I gladly participate in that make believe when there.

I just find it hard to draw too fine a line between between one delusional excess being a bad thing and another being perfectly fine.

Now, if we simply want to talk about the specific efficacy of keeping apex predator cats as "pets," I suspect we are in full agreement. It is a terrible practice.

I probably should add we would agree on Frankendeer as well. Whenever I see one of these 220-inch 27 point monstrosities hanging in someone's trophy room, my immediate reaction is to laugh.
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This is a question that I have raised indirectly before in other threads. I have mentioned that I have no interest in hunting non-indigenous species in either Africa or the US. Nothing wrong with it, but not my thing. But assuming your comment is serious rather than merely inflammatory, I assume someone who believes this also would never hunt a sable, waterbuck, lechwe, or nyala, on a game farm in the Limpopo. They are not native, and exist there solely due to game farms and ranches.

And if we are talking "fanciful and delusional extravagance" how about hunting from a tented "camp" on such an African game ranch where the "tents" are equipped with concrete floors, electricity, wi-fi, beds with mattresses, and hot and cold running water en suite. It is all fanciful make believe and by average American standards, an extravagance.

I don't hunt exotics on high fenced ranches in Texas, but I am grateful for their presence across much of the southwest part of the state where they form the basis of tremendous free range hunting opportunities. Their I am typically hunting from a hotel or a ranch. The fanciful South African model is infinitely more comfortable, and I gladly participate in that make believe when there.

I just find it hard to draw too fine a line between between one delusional excess being a bad thing and another being perfectly fine.

Now, if we simply want to talk about the specific the efficacy of keeping apex predator cats as "pets," I suspect we are in full agreement. It is a terrible practice.
My post was largely influenced by an extra cup of coffee this morning and could’ve been worded better for sure but yes I was serious. We are in agreement on the native range/endemic species topic (I realize this isn’t the 20s so I will compromise to an extent) as well as the lions as pets topic. I’ll clarify that the latter was the object of my ridicule in that it is a ridiculous extravagance. Probably not the best descriptor use.. That and the American exotic game market as a whole, particularly the hunting part of it.
By this you mean high fence hunting ranches that stock exotics? or that people hunt exotic species that were released into the US awhile back?

If its the latter, I would disagree. Hunting low fence blackbuck and axis deer in south Texas is a great experience and has given these animals another suitable habitat to thrive in. Same with aoudad and gemsbok (New Mexico). I think you were talking specifically about the high fence exotic ranches though. Not something I am interested in personally
Agree totally (y). I hasten to add that I’m not happy about them being here in the first place but since they are they should be managed. Kinda similar to the water buff in Australia. I have evolved somewhat as I used to be in the eradication (questionable feasibility) camp on the issue but as long as a species doesn’t cause harm like feral pigs or zebra mussels or constrictor snakes in south Florida I guess they can stay..
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My post was largely influenced by an extra cup of coffee this morning and could’ve been worded better for sure but yes I was serious. We are in agreement on the native range/endemic species topic (I realize this isn’t the 20s so I will compromise to an extent) as well as the lions as pets topic. I’ll clarify that the latter was the object of my ridicule in that it is a ridiculous extravagance. Probably not the best descriptor use.. That and the American exotic game market as a whole, particularly the hunting part of it.
We're tracking. As I added to the post above after your comment, we also would be in agreement with respect to the Frankendeer industry.
One of benefits of game ranching in Texas and elsewhere, is option to keep species non extinct and huntable.

True potential in this practice is to have species kept in numbers with possibility of reintroduction:
Arabian oryx, scimitar oryx come to mind. Nilgai as well. Natural range of Nilgai, in India.

There are others, I am sure.
But without doubt, all financed by hunting comunity dollars.

Now, hunting gemsbok in Texas? Not for me. (available in Namibia, natural range)
Hunting Nilgai in Texas? Why not. (India is closed for hunters)
Used to have a zoo nearby that took in animals no one wanted.

They had two male lions that would welcome the cool mornings with huffing.

Before pita closed them down, wife and I would sit on the back porch drinking coffee and listen to the glory.

Coastal South Carolina.


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