Deep Thoughts on trophy shipping

First, let me say that I might have a very different view of this if I had more money. And I realize many people that visit this site have a lot more money than I do, so I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. But I believe the process of shipping trophies to the US from Africa has a negative impact on trophy hunting in Africa. It has become too frustrating and expensive for me. I have only hunted in Africa 5 times, so I am not a leading expert on this, but it’s only taken 4 times for it to have a negative impact on me.

2 days ago I received my crate from a trip to South Africa in May of 2021. Today I received a final statement for the cost. We waited months to get them on a plane. Finally they suggested we put them on a ship. Then we waited months to get them on a ship. I was actually thrilled when I saw the price for ocean shipping. Then we waited weeks while they sat in Houston. Then I got the final bill for getting them from the port to my house. There went my savings. $900 of the bill was for customs exam and warehouse fees. And they were shipped from Houston without even consulting me about cost, so there’s nothing I can really do about it now. (Can I?) And I used a well-known customs broker. That’s 15 months and $3000 for 6 plains game skull mounts of which 2 were management animals. (And that doesn’t count the $1500 for taxidermy fees, crating, etc.) And truthfully, I know it could have been a lot higher than $3000, but that is still too much, especially when added to the frustration of being at the mercy of all the entities in the shipping process and the feeling that you have no control in the matter.

2021 was an incredible trip that I would love to do every year, but my frustration over shipping has lead me to plan 2 years of cull hunts before my next trophy hunt. I get most of the Africa experience without the cost and frustration of shipping. I didn’t bring trophies back from this year’s hunt and will not bring anything back next year. I still plan to go to Africa every year, but I no longer plan to trophy hunt every trip. Cull hunt 2 and trophy hunt every third year. Maybe most do not feel as I do, but it seems if let’s say 10% of hunters do, that’s a lot of trophy hunting Africa is missing out on. Hunters doing fewer trophy hunts, and those of us with limited budgets taking fewer trophies to cover the costs of shipping.

What’s the answer? I talked to my ph/outfitter about this on my 2021 hunt. He said if it were him, he’d just come for the experience and take good pictures and leave the trophies in Africa. I don’t think I’m quite to that point yet.

Am I just crazy and looking at this entirely wrong?
I wish I had found this thread sooner. I took my first trip to Africa in early august (Namibia) and it was life changing. I love great taxidermy and seeing them daily transports me back immediately.

My biggest issue/fear has always been the shipping ransom. I have endured self inflicted stress worrying about shipping. My frustration boiled over on my 17hr flight home because I felt hostage to whatever the shipping fees would be once I had an animal mounted (all fees to get an animal from taxidermist to airport for me to pick up) . I have gone back and forth so many times. I didn't take as great of photos as I would have if I had known I'd leave it all. I got caught up in the hunt and didn't think about the shipping at all.
I'm not a fan of euros, but it would be a way to have something from my trip. I'm also not interested in dip and pack. This is all on me. My fault, my decision, my stress. I just feel the animals I took deserve better than being left behind. I ABSOLUTELY despise the shipping racket.
Heck I just started a thread today about difference in shipping costs. The shipping costs will directly impact where I decide to hunt for future trips. It’s a high cost, no doubt. And I am not the type to just leave my animals over there. If I couldn’t bring some back then that would directly impact my decision to go/ not go.
Shipping costs were the only negative thing of my experience. The Safari outfitter and hunt was fantastic, the taxidermist was fast and did beautiful work, but the costs with shipping this summer and clearing were awful. Especially the $1235 for storage fees on this end, which although not close to my greatest cost were, I felt, ridiculous.
Add to that some aggravation with final delivery and no one seeming to have any idea where my crate was after 3 missed delivery dates and I really will carefully consider what and if I want to ship again. I had nearly as much in shipping as the Safari. My thoughts of returning this year got put off because of this.
The positive thing though was the attitude adjustment I got in regards to how things run elsewhere in the world as opposed to here in the U.S. Everything ran like clockwork in Africa and all the difficulties and aggravation was over here.
I got an education on how cutting edge we are not.
I have done only 4 safaris. 2018,2019,2021 and this year 2022. What I thought was high in 2018 is cheap now. 2021 was fairly expensive on freight. But nothing like 2022 turned out to be. I have determined that I will bring no more animals back. Take good quality photos. For what 2022 is going to cost in dip pack, frieght and clearance fees and the taxidermy.
I could have done an Elephant hunt in Zim with Wayne that I been wanting to do. Now that's on hold due to all the other post 2022 safari costs.
I have done only 4 safaris. 2018,2019,2021 and this year 2022. What I thought was high in 2018 is cheap now. 2021 was fairly expensive on freight. But nothing like 2022 turned out to be. I have determined that I will bring no more animals back. Take good quality photos. For what 2022 is going to cost in dip pack, frieght and clearance fees and the taxidermy.
I could have done an Elephant hunt in Zim with Wayne that I been wanting to do. Now that's on hold due to all the other post 2022 safari costs.
This was my first trip, but extensive reading here is where my stress began. All the stories of price increases under the guise of covid (though some legit) is what soured me on probably leaving it all. Like many have said (you as well) the savings would allow me to go on another hunt that would take several years for me to save up for. Very thankful for this site and experiences of others to help guide a newbie along. Thank you
I don’t see why you can’t bring Euro mounts home with you. I guess it’s just a money grab.
From what I read, you can bring finished taxidermy products back with you on the plane. It sounds like it would be more economical to do so and fly to Africa and pay the excess baggage fees to bring it back.
At my age I now am trying to figure out what to do with all my stuff, ie, mounts, hunting/fishing gear, camping/backpacking gear, tools, books, reloading gear, kayaks, etc.
Doesn’t bother me thinking of leaving dead heads behind. I still have a stack of backskins I am trying to decide what to do with. Why I paid for backskins to be tanned I have no idea…dumb! Especially since some of them were destroyed in tanning or lousey taxidermy handling, or whatever.
Hopefully I will be able to return to Africa with my granddaughter some day. I could care less if I never get to pull the trigger on another PG, but a leopard and another Cape Buff I would consider trigger time.
And my nemesis jackal!
With the current insanity with shipping

1.9 MB.
Couple hundred bucks canvas print and poof.

My first and maybe only trip, so think I probably would have regretted not having some taxidermy done. It's cost me the same price as my trip to get everything mounted and back from SA, so even if I did hunt there again, probably would just bring back the photo's!
Just put out a post on my totals, air cargo with Badger from SA to Seattle WA was $2250, clearing was $1001 with Coppersmith Seattle and $548 to DHX for sea cargo to Honolulu.
My crate was 104 kg and 42x34x43in 185kg volumetric.
Taxidermy work with Karoo was $4800 and Included 3 wall pedestal mounts, 3 Euros, and 5 skins.
First, let me say that I might have a very different view of this if I had more money. And I realize many people that visit this site have a lot more money than I do, so I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. But I believe the process of shipping trophies to the US from Africa has a negative impact on trophy hunting in Africa. It has become too frustrating and expensive for me. I have only hunted in Africa 5 times, so I am not a leading expert on this, but it’s only taken 4 times for it to have a negative impact on me.

2 days ago I received my crate from a trip to South Africa in May of 2021. Today I received a final statement for the cost. We waited months to get them on a plane. Finally they suggested we put them on a ship. Then we waited months to get them on a ship. I was actually thrilled when I saw the price for ocean shipping. Then we waited weeks while they sat in Houston. Then I got the final bill for getting them from the port to my house. There went my savings. $900 of the bill was for customs exam and warehouse fees. And they were shipped from Houston without even consulting me about cost, so there’s nothing I can really do about it now. (Can I?) And I used a well-known customs broker. That’s 15 months and $3000 for 6 plains game skull mounts of which 2 were management animals. (And that doesn’t count the $1500 for taxidermy fees, crating, etc.) And truthfully, I know it could have been a lot higher than $3000, but that is still too much, especially when added to the frustration of being at the mercy of all the entities in the shipping process and the feeling that you have no control in the matter.

2021 was an incredible trip that I would love to do every year, but my frustration over shipping has lead me to plan 2 years of cull hunts before my next trophy hunt. I get most of the Africa experience without the cost and frustration of shipping. I didn’t bring trophies back from this year’s hunt and will not bring anything back next year. I still plan to go to Africa every year, but I no longer plan to trophy hunt every trip. Cull hunt 2 and trophy hunt every third year. Maybe most do not feel as I do, but it seems if let’s say 10% of hunters do, that’s a lot of trophy hunting Africa is missing out on. Hunters doing fewer trophy hunts, and those of us with limited budgets taking fewer trophies to cover the costs of shipping.

What’s the answer? I talked to my ph/outfitter about this on my 2021 hunt. He said if it were him, he’d just come for the experience and take good pictures and leave the trophies in Africa. I don’t think I’m quite to that point yet.

Am I just crazy and looking at this entirely wrong?
You likely have the best plan. Bring some trophies from time to time but dont weigh yourself down with the cost and frustration annually. The best part of your plan is to hunt Africa annually. Dont let anything get in the way of that!
Heck I just started a thread today about difference in shipping costs. The shipping costs will directly impact where I decide to hunt for future trips. It’s a high cost, no doubt. And I am not the type to just leave my animals over there. If I couldn’t bring some back then that would directly impact my decision to go/ not go.
Good thread. Like so many of us I got some great mounts of the main animals I wanted and am grateful to see them everyday. On my future hunts I am only planning on great pictures for which I have a quality camera and have learned how to use it. The only exception at least in my plans is for my leopard in 2025. If successful I will have a full body mount but know it will have to go in our cottage not our main home
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Am I just crazy and looking at this entirely wrong?
in 2017, I paid total shipping cost 700 eur, 2 scull mounts + 3 capes. (in one installment), to my door.
In 2018, I paid total shipping costs just over 800 EUR, 2 scull mounts + 3 capes, + full zebra hide, in one installment, to my door.
In 2022, I paid shipping costs first 8oo EUR, then another 450 EUR, for only 3 capes (eland, steenbok, waterbuck), so in two consecutive payments.
When I got a bill for second part I was furious, not because of additional cost, but because this was not planned at all. (WTF is that?! With same shipping agent?!)

While actually safari can really be well planned without extra costs (from landing of plane till take off), trophy shipping costs are totally impossible to plan, and it looks like they are increasing (Compare my bills in 2017 - 5 trophy. and 2018 - 6 trophy, with 2022 - only 3 trophy shipment)

In my particular case, I am running out of space for trophies.
I have plan to get only few more trophies, and that's it.
But I also plan to hunt in Africa as long as I can. So, culling hunts are certainly an option.
Take photo, go home, plan for next.

Also, the "trophy" can be expensive.
Compare exportable elephant to tuskless, for example.
And both are supposed to be similar experience.

So, all in all, you (we) are not entirely wrong. At one point we just stop collecting trophies, for this or another reason.

Another weak point:
Taxidermy I do at home.

But when I was planning my first safari I was considering local African taxidermy.
And getting reply and quote from taxidermist in Africa, is next thing to impossible. I was trying to get some cost estimate, but to no avail.
Add to this unpredictable shipping costs, ant they can spiral sky high, out of any control. So these two things (local taxidermy + shipping) are weakest points in Safari industry today.
I am going to Africa for the first time in March 23. I am seriously thinking of taking photos and leaving the horns and capes in Africa. I am worried what the PH and others would think. I don't have room in my house for more than photos.....

What would you do ? The cost of taxidermy and shipping is almost the cost of another safari....
I am going to Africa for the first time in March 23. I am seriously thinking of taking photos and leaving the horns and capes in Africa. I am worried what the PH and others would think. I don't have room in my house for more than photos.....

What would you do ? The cost of taxidermy and shipping is almost the cost of another safari....

Do what you want to do. There is nothing wrong with having some nice trophy photos on your wall to remember your hunts. Your PH and others will have zero problems with what you decide. But be ready for ones that you might want to mount, it happens.

Just make sure that you have a good quality camera if your cell phone won't take quality pictures.
I am going to Africa for the first time in March 23. I am seriously thinking of taking photos and leaving the horns and capes in Africa. I am worried what the PH and others would think. I don't have room in my house for more than photos.....

What would you do ? The cost of taxidermy and shipping is almost the cost of another safari....

I’d consider euro mounts. I have also had some excellent table top skull mounts done on small pedestals.
……. I am worried what the PH and others would think. ….,

What would you do ? i....

It’s your hunt. The PH will be just fine with your decision.
Get on with your hunt.
in 2017, I paid total shipping cost 700 eur, 2 scull mounts + 3 capes. (in one installment), to my door.
In 2018, I paid total shipping costs just over 800 EUR, 2 scull mounts + 3 capes, + full zebra hide, in one installment, to my door.
In 2022, I paid shipping costs first 8oo EUR, then another 450 EUR, for only 3 capes (eland, steenbok, waterbuck), so in two consecutive payments.
When I got a bill for second part I was furious, not because of additional cost, but because this was not planned at all. (WTF is that?! With same shipping agent?!)

While actually safari can really be well planned without extra costs (from landing of plane till take off), trophy shipping costs are totally impossible to plan, and it looks like they are increasing (Compare my bills in 2017 - 5 trophy. and 2018 - 6 trophy, with 2022 - only 3 trophy shipment)

In my particular case, I am running out of space for trophies.
I have plan to get only few more trophies, and that's it.
But I also plan to hunt in Africa as long as I can. So, culling hunts are certainly an option.
Take photo, go home, plan for next.

Also, the "trophy" can be expensive.
Compare exportable elephant to tuskless, for example.
And both are supposed to be similar experience.

So, all in all, you (we) are not entirely wrong. At one point we just stop collecting trophies, for this or another reason.

Another weak point:
Taxidermy I do at home.

But when I was planning my first safari I was considering local African taxidermy.
And getting reply and quote from taxidermist in Africa, is next thing to impossible. I was trying to get some cost estimate, but to no avail.
Add to this unpredictable shipping costs, ant they can spiral sky high, out of any control. So these two things (local taxidermy + shipping) are weakest points in Safari industry today.

This is not on
I can pit you in touch with taxidermists that will definately reply with quotes or estimates for you no problem
I am going to Africa for the first time in March 23. I am seriously thinking of taking photos and leaving the horns and capes in Africa. I am worried what the PH and others would think. I don't have room in my house for more than photos.....

What would you do ? The cost of taxidermy and shipping is almost the cost of another safari....

Its your hunt and your decision
You do what you want to do and whats best for you
The money saved on shipping amd taxidermy can go to more animals hunted
If you PH or outfitter has a negative thought on this tell them to pay for the taxidermy and ahipping. Then you will see how quickly their minds change
Relax and enjoy
This is not on
I can pit you in touch with taxidermists that will definately reply with quotes or estimates for you no problem
Thanks, and its good to know, there are still some reliable in business.

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Hello! I’m new… from Texas!
schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.