AH enthusiast
Thats just foolishly incorrect.I just received this in my mailbox:
For Attn: Adriaan Wepener
I noticed that you posted the article written by the Minister of Dept Environmental Affairs about 'canned lion' hunting on the Africa-Hunting website.
In her article she does not mention anything about the ethics or the morality of trophy hunting. The Bible regards trophy hunting as a sin. This is because killing wildlife merely as a 'sport' for trophies shows disrespect of Gods creation.
( check-up Proverbs 12 v10 and 27 ). For my own opinion
I regard venison hunting as the only type of hunting which can be justified.
This means that just because this government allows it and says that its 'sustainable' does not make it right. I can use an example as a comparison, such as casino gambling (eg: Sun City) which is legal in this country, but the Bible also forbids its practice. So I urge you to seriously reconsider your involvement with trophy hunting.
Graeme Siebert
Verse 10 specifically references the care of domestic stock/pets by the owner. Nothing to do with game.
Verse 27 states that properly using the flesh of hunted game for food is an act of diligence and to not do so is lazy. Not a word about taking parts for a trophy, which actually could be construed as "using" all the parts.
Never mind the fact that in that day and age it was required of shepherds and herdsman to protect their stock from and KILL the predators including (and likely especially) LIONS. And here's the kicker; Jews (the chosen people who wrote the old testament) were/are forbidden from eating the carnivores they had to kill because they are among the unclean animals God forbade them to eat.
Samson killing the lion with his bare hands and leaving the body to be taken over by bees? David killing lions and wolves with his sling? Hello?
Thats just a strained, incorrect interpretation of verse.
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