Hello again Captain Munro,
Regarding the Lead Sled, I totally agree with those who say it should only be used to develop an accurate load and / or to zero your sighting arrangement for your favorite factory load, never ever for general practice.
That said, I do not own one.
Nonetheless, I have kept my own freezer full for a tic over 50 years of hunting at home, here in N. America.
And, I’ve kept the braai sizzling throughout 5 trips to Africa.
So, apparently a Lead Sled is not exactly required but, indeed it does look like a good tool, (strictly for load development as mentioned).
Perhaps my brain is too far gone with the years and mileage, to discern much difference in recoil from hard kickers.
Anyway and however, I recall that with full power ammunition, fired from Model 70 rifles, (very popular here in Alaska), recoil from both the .416 Remington and .458 Winchester felt about the same to me.
For those who compare firing a 12 gauge slug to firing the .416, I would agree, provided the shotgun slugs are the 3” version.
Prior to retiring from my 28 year career, I was required to fire a certain amount of 2 & 3/4” ammunition, both buckshot and slugs, from both Model 870 Remington pump and Benelli M-1 semi-auto shotguns, several sessions each year.
Although recoil, especially from the pump gun, was “sporting”, I did not remember it being as snappy and somewhat harsh as the .416 Remington cartridge, fired from the Model 70 rifle.
In case anyone might know somebody who cares......
Yours Truly’s favorite hunting cartridge is the .375 H&H.
It is IMO the best of the best for here in Alaska, as well as the parts of Canada where grizzly and polar bears are common.
In Africa, the .375 is my preference for so called “plains game”.
I’m told that with today’s extra tough bullets, (such as the 300 grain A-Frame, 350 grain Woodleigh, etc., etc), it is also quite good for buffaloes, both African and Australian varieties.
This is not to mention N. American bison, for which, apparently the .375 is also a real peach.
Captain Munro, it is worth repeating that sooner or later you will want a .375 so, might as well get one now and be done with it.
You won’t be sorry if you buy either the current production Model 70 Winchester or the sadly discontinued CZ Model 550 Magnum.
Likewise, I believe it was IvW that also recommended the Brno Model 602 Magnum, tragically long ago discontinued.
(My own .375 is the Brno 602, with simple Zeiss 4x scope in Alaska Arms brand lever rings and of course, the original Brno express sights still in place).
Blah, blah, blah, out,
Velo Dog.