Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

Id be very interested to hear the perspective of a couple of outfitters that were physically at DSC this year... The only people I have spoken with were exhibitors that were in Dallas, but that were in direct contact with Atlanta all week because their company had booths in both locations..

From the 12-15 exhibitors at TTHA that also had booths at DSC that I spoke with... the story was the same across the board (zero exceptions).. DSC was a disaster of a show for them.. no one was happy with the results.. (this was coming from the people at TTHA, that were communicating with their co-workers or employees that were working the booths at DSC.. I spoke to no one physically present on the ground at DSC)...

I did get varying degrees of "forgiveness" and/or "understanding from different people though...

Some were absolutely outright angry with DSC about how things were managed, how things were messaged, how willing (or unwilling) DSC was to communicate, etc..etc..

others wrote it off to a combination of bad weather and a series of bad DSC decisions but didn't appear upset beyond the fact that they had very poor results financially at the show..

what I haven't heard anyone say (retailer, outfitter, or otherwise) is that they thought the show was a success... unilaterally from a vendors perspective what I have been told was that it was a train wreck..

by contrast, TTHA was also VERY slow this year.. the weather didn't do that show any favors either..

but across the board, every exhibitor I spoke with there (multiple outfitters, multiple retailers, 1 gunmaker/gunsmith, etc) was happy with the show.. everyone acknowledged that the show was slow.. some made a little money (I don't think anyone did super well), some lost a little money, etc.. but they knew it was an inaugural year, knew the weather had a big impact, and were happy with how SCI managed the event, happy with how SCI communicated, etc..etc..

With minimal sales happening in Atlanta, and with only slightly better sales results happening at TTHA, my guess is Nashville will explode and be an exceptional event for everyone that attends this year... Folks that either haven't gotten out yet, or haven't made decisions yet will likely head to Music City USA and be brandishing their checkbooks there..
Saturday at DSC...

I speak Afrikaans and can tell you that the outfitters were not happy. Mainly blame management. DSC might have to throw them a bone next year.
I just don’t think a lot of people fancy going to Atlanta and the African hunting market is not that large in the SE from my experience.

I had a great time as a consumer and met fellow AH members that helped me a lot with reloading knowledge. The one on one time with exhibitors was nice with low crowds.

Don’t read too much into the Rolex outfitter attention grabbing part. The bread and butter hunting clients definitely do not have one.
I don't know about D&Y but several exhibitors stated to me that during and after the "exhibitors breakfast"several were told by staff they would not have booths in the future because they expressed their frustrations about the show and this had nothing to do with the weather!
I personally witnessed 2 board members and one employed staff member speak to exhibitors and their tone and arrogance was a personal embarrassment to me!

@Surgeon1 - You are the 3rd attendee this year who has described to me the behavior of DSC personnel at the convention as arrogant and embarrassing!

Personally my decision to not attend Atlanta was made back in 2023 when I bought my $1,500 lifetime membership and then had to contact DSC a couple months later to ask why they hadn't charged my credit card and I wanted to make sure my membership was valid because I wasn't getting the magazine........

"Oh yeah sorry about that, our data was breached so we had to not processes any of those memberships for security reasons; but we'll be happy to run your card again and get your membership activated immediately!"

I almost declined but figured it would be bad form to renege on it; only to be informed a week later that the show was being moved to Atlanta for 5 years; followed by the SNAFU that I had with show check in for 2024.

I'm glad I decided to stay home..... and the weather had nothing to do with my decision!
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The show may have been slow but tonight's auction is over a million dollars raised for conservation so far...

Thats wonderful news for DSC... but doesn't really do anything for the exhibitors that donated all of those auction items, but didn't have a crowd present to buy any hunts/guns/etc..

my concern is.. if Im an exhibitor.. and DSC's model has been to leverage auction donations in exchange for booth placement on the floor, and priority on the waitlist (vendors waiting to get into the show), whats the motivation for me to provide a donation hunt or rifle, etc next year? If those donations dry up, or get smaller, those conservation dollars dry up too...

there has to be a symbiotic relationship between DSC, the exhibitors, and the consumers.. everyone has to have something that benefits someone else, and no one can get a "raw" deal in the exchange..

If DSC and the consumers benefit (lots of dollars going to conservation and an empty floor makes it easy for consumers to shop and/or speak with exhibitors... but the exhibitors get hammered... the model breaks...
Thats wonderful news for DSC... but doesn't really do anything for the exhibitors that donated all of those auction items, but didn't have a crowd present to buy any hunts/guns/etc..

my concern is.. if Im an exhibitor.. and DSC's model has been to leverage auction donations in exchange for booth placement on the floor, and priority on the waitlist (vendors waiting to get into the show), whats the motivation for me to provide a donation hunt or rifle, etc next year? If those donations dry up, or get smaller, those conservation dollars dry up too...

there has to be a symbiotic relationship between DSC, the exhibitors, and the consumers.. everyone has to have something that benefits someone else, and no one can get a "raw" deal in the exchange..

If DSC and the consumers benefit (lots of dollars going to conservation and an empty floor makes it easy for consumers to shop and/or speak with exhibitors... but the exhibitors get hammered... the model breaks...
I agree completely. Was just trying to give a small silver lining to a rather bleak sky. Seems like DSC is slowly strangling the goose laying golden eggs. I spoke to two outfitters at Atlanta that said even though crowds were way down, they were able to spend quality time with good prospects. So not a total bust (in those 2 specific instances). I feel for the exhibitors with less desirable results from the show.
Sadly I think everyone is in complete agreement...

We desperately need a strong DSC and a strong SCI.. (hell.. I'll take a strong TTHA, strong Wild Sheep, strong Ducks Unlimited, and a dozen other conservation and hunting organizations go along with them)..

I don't think this show did DSC any favors... there was already considerable controversy and a large number of exhibitors and legacy show participants upset long before they opened the doors last week... it would have been nice if the show had been a huge success.. it would have quelled most of the conflict and I think everyone would have moved past the decision to move to ATL, some of the poor messaging and communication that happened over the last several months, etc..etc..

but throw in a once in a lifetime snow storm, and some apparently less than good communication during the show.. and things seem now significantly worse than they were just a week ago..

It certainly doesn't set the DSC/ATL 2026 show up for success... I think DSC has a whole lot of work to do, and really needs to think about what its next steps are going to look like if it wants to recover well and come back strong in 12 months..

Exhibitors will be watching closely.. and will likely be much more vocal this time around.. and there is risk they will vote with their checkbooks if DSC doesn't play their cards right... and consumers are going to be even harder to convince to spend a weekend in Atlanta than they were before.. its definitely going to take some pretty serious enticing..
There has been a tremendous amount of unwarranted negativity regarding the DCS Atlanta decision out of the gate. Unfortunately, the freak snowstorm removed any way to gage what might have been.

Atlanta as a venue has a lot to offer. The airport, convention center, hotels, and restaurants are as good if not better than most other options. There is a huge pool of potential attendees in the South-East which could in theory help to grow the organization. Unfortunately, there is no way to really measure the response because of the snowstorm. I personally know 30 to 50 people who had planned to attend but did not or could not because of the weather. The hotels ended up being understaffed, and nearly all the restaurants did not open Friday. Having lived in Atlanta most of my life, a complete shutdown like this is rare. It's been a decade since a shutdown like this, and honestly, we haven't had snow like this since 93.

It is impossible to know what might have been, but we do have a couple of controls. There was a Boat show and travel show at the same convention center the same weekend. Those shows are very well attended year after year, but were a bust this year. It was the snow.

The exhibitors were universally disappointed, but many reported quality bookings. The reports from the TTH show in Dallas were also very unfavorable.

The execution of the show was great in my opinion. They had express check ins at the hotels, and it took me all of 2 minutes to get my badge. I attend Friday and Saturday. I had tons of great interactions with exhibitors.

Most of the complaints about Atlanta are from people who don't really know much about Atlanta. It has the same problems every other major city has. It's a great place to get shot if you are a gang banger trying to break into new territory in the projects. It's as safe as any other major city in tourist and commercial areas. Traffic is also terrible in Nashville. I haven't driven through Dallas in many years, but I'll bet the traffic is bad there too.

To any outfitter or exhibitor reading this, you cannot judge the show based on this year. You had a state of emergency and non-stop news coverage begging people to stay home. I know many friends who lost power due to ice on the trees.

I had heard that DSC had sold a record number of tickets in advance. I would like to know if that is true. Releasing that information might help determine true attendance potential absent the freak snowstorm.
There has been a tremendous amount of unwarranted negativity regarding the DCS Atlanta decision out of the gate. Unfortunately, the freak snowstorm removed any way to gage what might have been.

Atlanta as a venue has a lot to offer. The airport, convention center, hotels, and restaurants are as good if not better than most other options. There is a huge pool of potential attendees in the South-East which could in theory help to grow the organization. Unfortunately, there is no way to really measure the response because of the snowstorm. I personally know 30 to 50 people who had planned to attend but did not or could not because of the weather. The hotels ended up being understaffed, and nearly all the restaurants did not open Friday. Having lived in Atlanta most of my life, a complete shutdown like this is rare. It's been a decade since a shutdown like this, and honestly, we haven't had snow like this since 93.

It is impossible to know what might have been, but we do have a couple of controls. There was a Boat show and travel show at the same convention center the same weekend. Those shows are very well attended year after year, but were a bust this year. It was the snow.

The exhibitors were universally disappointed, but many reported quality bookings. The reports from the TTH show in Dallas were also very unfavorable.

The execution of the show was great in my opinion. They had express check ins at the hotels, and it took me all of 2 minutes to get my badge. I attend Friday and Saturday. I had tons of great interactions with exhibitors.

Most of the complaints about Atlanta are from people who don't really know much about Atlanta. It has the same problems every other major city has. It's a great place to get shot if you are a gang banger trying to break into new territory in the projects. It's as safe as any other major city in tourist and commercial areas. Traffic is also terrible in Nashville. I haven't driven through Dallas in many years, but I'll bet the traffic is bad there too.

To any outfitter or exhibitor reading this, you cannot judge the show based on this year. You had a state of emergency and non-stop news coverage begging people to stay home. I know many friends who lost power due to ice on the trees.

I had heard that DSC had sold a record number of tickets in advance. I would like to know if that is true. Releasing that information might help determine true attendance potential absent the freak snowstorm.
Maybe. But I think we have a mess on our hands, and I hope there is a serious and thoughtful after action review.

I truly hate having to attend anything in Atlanta. I am fairly certain that I am not alone.
@Mark A Ouellette, I heard from a D&Y client that D&Y were not allowed to exhibit in a booth at DSC this year. DSC was enforcing some rules and several exhibitors had their booths cancelled. Is that correct?

I think you may have your info crossed. I sat and chatted for about an hour with 2 very well-known Zimbabwe outfitters. I was told that Dalton and York were banned from SCI because of a booth infraction last year. They allegedly sub leased a booth which is apparently against the rules. According to my source they are banned from even entering the SCI convention center. SCI has strict rules about "brief casing" and this runs afoul of those rules. Seems like a major penalty for a minor infraction. It could be that my sources had bad info, but they are generally credible and we were all sitting at the DSC convention so it seems unlikely.

Maybe someone with a direct D&Y contact could clarify.
I learned this afternoon that I did have my info crossed...honest mistake. It was not DSC but SCI as you said. I thought the penalty was harsh but that's just my perspective.
Maybe. But I think we have a mess on our hands, and I hope there is a serious and thoughtful after action review.

I truly hate having to attend anything in Atlanta. I am fairly certain that I am not alone.

There is for sure truth in your statement. I'm going to put together some type of city guide for attendees and a separate one for exhibitors which could maybe help the organization. If you come back next year, maybe you'll let me show you one of the nicer restaurants in town. I've traveled to most of the major US cities and plenty of foreign cities, and Atalanta has a lot to offer. It's just not known as a tourist city, and probably harder to come in as a tourist and get the most out of your trip there without a little local knowledge.

For example, one outfitter complained that she had to be escorted to the Walmart because it was sketchy. The problem is that there is only 1 Walmart inside the perimeter and it is sketchy as hell. People who live inside the perimeter don't shop at a Walmart. I could have recommended 20 other places to go pick up the supplies they needed.

I also think DSC needs to really focus on getting the new quality attendees in the door. They are going to have to make up for the large number of Texas folks who aren't going because they are pissed it isn't in Texas. I have some ideas about target markets that I plan on sharing.

I just really hope the exhibitors know that the snow was a huge contributing factor.

It wouldn't shock me if it gets moved. I have no idea how that works with the contracts, or if that is even a possibility. If it doesn't get moved, I think a snow free DSC Atlanta could be a big success.
There is for sure truth in your statement. I'm going to put together some type of city guide for attendees and a separate one for exhibitors which could maybe help the organization. If you come back next year, maybe you'll let me show you one of the nicer restaurants in town. I've traveled to most of the major US cities and plenty of foreign cities, and Atalanta has a lot to offer. It's just not known as a tourist city, and probably harder to come in as a tourist and get the most out of your trip there without a little local knowledge.

For example, one outfitter complained that she had to be escorted to the Walmart because it was sketchy. The problem is that there is only 1 Walmart inside the perimeter and it is sketchy as hell. People who live inside the perimeter don't shop at a Walmart. I could have recommended 20 other places to go pick up the supplies they needed.

I also think DSC needs to really focus on getting the new quality attendees in the door. They are going to have to make up for the large number of Texas folks who aren't going because they are pissed it isn't in Texas. I have some ideas about target markets that I plan on sharing.

I just really hope the exhibitors know that the snow was a huge contributing factor.

It wouldn't shock me if it gets moved. I have no idea how that works with the contracts, or if that is even a possibility. If it doesn't get moved, I think a snow free DSC Atlanta could be a big success.

My guess if anything is moved it is 2027 and beyond. As I said earlier I’m part of putting on an annual trade show. The way our contracts work if you cancel and they resell the space you get out with little or sometimes no penalty. The further out you cancel the more likely that is. A year out is tough and usually has a high penalty.
I also think DSC needs to really focus on getting the new quality attendees in the door. They are going to have to make up for the large number of Texas folks who aren't going because they are pissed it isn't in Texas. I have some ideas about target markets that I plan on sharing.

I agree… but would offer that it’s not only the Texans… there is a significantly larger audience, that includes MANY of the exhibitors that are unhappy about a move outside of Texas… DSC needs to consider this and think about how to “fix” it…

I’m glad someone (you, and hopefully others as well) is willing to share ideas on how to expand DSC into new markets…

My question (and concern) based on recent activities is whether or not DSC will listen…
It wouldn't shock me if it gets moved. I have no idea how that works with the contracts, or if that is even a possibility. If it doesn't get moved, I think a snow free DSC Atlanta could be a big success.

It would seriously surprise me if it moves..

Exit clauses are pretty common in convention center agreements.. but typically there is a penalty that must get paid (usually +/- eighty percent of the total contract value) to get out with less than 12 months notice…

I can’t see DSC cutting a check for eighty percent of the value of the lease of the atl convention center, and then pay the full value of some other convention center as a viable option for correcting the problem..

MAYBE they attempt a move in 2027… but if that’s the plan.. they better move quickly..
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First Post on a topic, but I figured I would participate rather than just be a lurker as I have been for numerous years.

I am from the west coast and previously attended SCI in Reno, Vegas, and then Nashville. I started going to DSC in Dallas as it fit better with my work schedule, and it was an easy 4 hour flight. In addition, I found the convention less hectic than SCI. I could really ask my questions with a PH and meet other like minded individuals (many from this forum) who had quality recommendations to make. I only book hunts off positive referrals from people who have actually hunted the area recently and had positive things to say about the experience, whether they got their animal or not. I have been very lucky as this has worked really well for me.

I have always approached the conventions as a way to make direct contact with an outfitter/Ph. I have learned over the last 30 years or so of going on outfitted hunts that face-to-face was hugely important for me. I have to feel like I could spend the amount of time a 10-14 day hunt entail with a person. Doing it over whatsapp seems too impersonal for me.

As for this year's show, as a consumer I loved it. Not a lot of people and lots of time to talk. I had narrowed my next hunt (2026) to a particular species and was deciding between two countries. I also made contact with my outfitter for this summer's hunt and got some more details I had questions about. I ended up going with an outfitter that fit my personality and booked a 14 day hunt for 2026.

I usually walk the floor the first day, pick up the brochures of the outfits on my short list, ask some general questions than go back the next day with my checkbook out and sit down for a more detailed discussion. That usually gets the attention of the folks at the booth.

I felt bad for the workers at the OMNI as they were totally overworked and understaffed. Local restaurants were closed (Friday) due to the snow conditions. I saw front desk staff working the bar and tables inside the sports bar there.

In short, it was definitely a cluster, but Ill go back and see what a regular year looks like. I enjoyed talking to previous outfitters that i hunted with and catching up with them, knowing that they didnt have many people stopping by their booths.

I think it would be useful to compare pre-registration numbers this year to last year. This would filter out the weather impact and isolate the impact of moving the show to Atlanta. We may not be privy to this info, but the leaders at DSC should closely consider this. It may not be too late to find an alternate site for next year.
It would seriously surprise me if it moves..

Exit clauses are pretty common in convention center agreements.. but typically there is a penalty that must get paid (usually +/- eighty percent of the total contract value) to get out with less than 12 months notice…

I can’t see DSC cutting a check for eighty percent of the value of the lease of the atl convention center, and then pay the full value of some other convention center as a viable option for correcting the problem..

MAYBE they attempt a move in 2027… but if that’s the plan.. they better move quickly..

I think the move will be mainly by exhibitors, I predict that a small but capable number of exhibitors will have had enough of the issues and will approach SCI leadership in Nashville about favorable terms to attend the TTH show in Dallas.

Which is sad, because after all I am a DSC life member and believe in what they do; but Dallas had bad weather too and while I attended neither show all reports put the TTH show as having a good turn out.
A high profile exhibitor told me at the TTHA show that he is pitching an idea to SCI. Instead of SCI being the sideliner, his suggestion is to make it the headliner with TTHA on the side. If that happens, it could be a very different scenario. This same exhibitor has also been with DSC for over 30 years and in no uncertain terms, he was very disappointed with the current direction. He did exhibit at both events the same weekend.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!