Daily Rate Question


AH senior member
Apr 21, 2009
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Africa , Canada, Mexico
I was in the cape 2 yrs ago we are planning another trip.
There will be 2x1 , with my fiance only shooting 1-3 animals.
All together we plan to Harvest 10-15 animals.

All you outfitters do you flex on the daily rate , when a large number of animals
are shot. Say $50 to $100 a day each. 7 day Hunt
Everyone is flexible if they want business. I think you are proposing a fair deal! That is big hunt planned.

All you outfitters do you flex on the daily rate , ..........

I am not an outfitter but...

Being facetious: As long as you are flexible on how much food you want to eat and drink (cut back to one meal a day, preferably PAP and tomato sauce.) and the type of accommodation you want (tent without heat or lights in sleeping bags) and walking vs riding (no bakkies).

That all being said. There are many outfitters who may allow your fiance along as an observer and she can take an occasional trophy. This will create the reduced fee you are searching for.
But, if she is hard core trophy hunting those three not likely.

If you are planning on killing 15 animals in 7 days that PH and staff are going to be working their AS*ES off for you. That pressure is not real a bonus.

Good luck.
If you are interested in going to the Limpopo province, I know a few outfitters who are extending their "show specials". PM me if you want more info.
Hey baserman if your still wanting to do the East Cape Take a look at my Bob Puckett Special under Hunting Deals its a good place to start. you can PM me with any questions. Bob
I like Brickburn am not an outfitter.......

and probably should not try to answer your question....but I will anyway! The daily rate (DR) is more about your accommodations, staff support, meals, vehicle travel, etc. You will get a break on the daily rate for hunting 2 on 1 (only needing one PH). Most of the outfitters have figured their DR pretty close to what they need, in SA there is lots of competition and quite a range in DR prices. And with anything in life you get what you pay for!

It will be a big chore to take 15 trophy animals in 7 days hunting 2 on 1! I'm not saying it can't be done but it will be quite an achievement. Now if you are up for some culling and taking multiple animals of the same species it becomes easier and you would most likely get a break on the trophy fees.

Outfitters what say you?

At any rate I hope you enjoy your trip and have a great time!
It is quite simple in life . In order to give a good service we need to make a decent profit . Outfitters structure their businesses differently . It is not only the daily rate you should look at . You need to assess the whole deal . It will be quite tough to harvest the amount of animals you mentioned in that timeframe. You are welcome to contact me with specific requirements and I might be able to assist .

Happy Hunting !!!
I was in the cape 2 yrs ago we are planning another trip.
There will be 2x1 , with my fiance only shooting 1-3 animals.
All together we plan to Harvest 10-15 animals.

All you outfitters do you flex on the daily rate , when a large number of animals
are shot. Say $50 to $100 a day each. 7 day Hunt

I'm sure most Outfitters would be happy to work with you in this regard.

But as Richard alluded to - it costs money to run a quality operation. be aware of buying "cheap hunts". It is a cancer in our industry and more often than not - what you pay is what you get...

10 - 15 animals over a 7 day hunt? I guess that would depend on where you hunt... In the Cape Provinces and Freestate this is a possibility - in bushveld areas not so likely in a fair chase environment.
When you want to hunt a lot of animals we are always open to negotiate.Must add that in the bushveld areas you will surely need more days,this will make the hunt more pleasureble for you and the wife.You do not want to hunt under pressure all the time,you must enjoy the trip.
Last Time We had a 10 day hunt , in 7 days we shot 11 animals .
that was our limit. Sat around enjoyed time doing nothing for 3 days this was our vacation. Inclued in this hunt I was lucky enough to take A Caracal w/Hounds , Jackel and A bush pig
Well I will try to see who will work with me when it is time to book.
As far as accommodations , I don't need 5 star , good bed , good food , hot shower that works.
Everyone picked the highest number of animals 15 , I explained 10 -15 . we would try to shoot as many as time would allow.
Some are tops Orbi , gems buck for her also some Odd stuff to be discussed

Thanks for your Input

10-12 days for 10 animals on a fair chase will be best, but let us know what is your 'wish list' of species.
Hi Blaserman,

Think you have seen most of the outfitters responses is almost the same, good food cost money! But every outfitter on here will be able to cut you a good deal on a hunt package. As stated earlier in the bushveld areas you are going to have a busy hunt!

But that is why you come "isn't it"

Let us know what we can offer you when the time comes.
Best regards
Ok I was thinking We could do a 10 Trip.
List of animals
Also want info on Bat eared fox, Ardwolf
spotted hena and any odd animals that are allowed to be taken and Imported in the US

Black & Blue Wildebeest
Common reedbuck
Vaal reed buck
Wart hog
Steen buck
Eland Possible
Blue Duiker
My wife & I always hunt together, sharing 1 gun. I typically do most of the shooting (although she IS a better shot!). If we are charged 1 daily hunter rate & 1 daily observer rate for this shared experience, we've always been happy & felt it was fair.

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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