Forrest Halley
AH legend
Now I've never fired a .416 Rigby...but I've straddled the forward swivel with my .375 Encore a bunch. I never had any issues to report, but I can understand how that would be a great distraction. Whenever I have any magnum rifle to shoulder I am always thinking of the chorus to this song as I squeeze the trigger.Well as I have said before on the subject of sling studs in the forend...I had a brno in 416 rigby long time ago. ..and bent the quick detachable steel sling attachment under recoil with my left fore fkn hurt and thought I had broken it...the lion that I had just shot and that was rolling around I didn't give a fk about as was jumping around making sure my finger was still in one piece...while being told to shoot again...and me telling them to fk off...when could get my hand into operation again I finished it off...but when it hit my finger the priorities suddenly changed....
It just suits the whole experience. I'm never sad with a big rifle and I never feel like I'm in trouble when times are bad. However, I'm damned sure going to hold on because it's definitely coming.
"Don’t you ever be sad
Lean on me when times are bad
When the day comes and you are down
In a river of trouble and about to drown
Just hold on, I'm comin'
Hold on, I'm comin' "
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