Custom - 375 H&H Rifle


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Jun 21, 2024
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Is there any chance someone recognizes the trademark stamped into the stock of this rifle? I bought it several years ago, it’s a custom 375 H&H on a Mauser action. The guy I bought it from didn’t know anything about it. I’m curious to know who did the work.

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Because it’s on the stock, it could very well be the stamp of the person who commissioned the rifle to begin with. Custom gunsmiths usually put their mark on the action or barrel because the stock could be easily changed or simply sanded off and refinished. They want their mark on the metal.

I would recommend removing the stock from the barreled action to look for any stamps that may indicate the year the action was made. That could help narrow down your search.

Beyond that, having the chamber checked with a go/no-go gauge for the 375H&H and the barrel slugged to verify size would be a good idea.
These are the markings I found when I removed the barrel and action from the stock. I can’t make heads or tails of them. Do they indicate a makers mark?
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That's are Belgian proof marks und the letter S with a star above ist the mark of the controller, in this case Mr. Charles Daenen, controller of proof between 1952-1962 and 1974-1980.

The Belgian proof date is marked by a letter. On the pictures show above, it's hard to say where it is. If the mark in the second picture is a g, then the testing year would be 1953. I am not sure about this, although it's not impossible because the rifle is well restored.

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expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Total con artist! Bradley Joseph Clemens!
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Regarding Senga Senga. Brad Clemens. Do your research with him. He owes people money…took deposits, no hunt! Two words, for anyone who wants to hire him…..background check. His character shows and this character follows every aspect of his life. Not to be trusted at all!
Grandpa Moose wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Thanks for the advice/help. Hope the kids get a good plug from my mis post. Rain like crazy here
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Hey there Matt - i would love to understand some more about your bringing trophies home from South Africa in your checked luggage. My PH is holding onto a bushbuck euro and flatskin for me - and i am due back in South Africa in just over a week. He does have the export permit provided by the taxidermist for me. When you have a moment - could we go through the EDC Form and App? Looking forward to hearing from you.