Where should one be looking for a SxS double rifle in a 7mm or .30 caliber rifle that isn't an expensive new build? I'm not really interested in a new Chapuis even though companies like Larkin and Moore generally stock double barrel set new builds in the $13K~14K range.
I'm really thinking about something like a Simpson or Merkel, older Austrian/German builds or, more classic British options. Ideally, I'm looking for something in 30-30 but, 303 British, an older 7x57R (or similar) or, an 8x57 variant would be worth further consideration. Perhaps I'm also overlooking some British caliber designations in the Pre- and Post-war periods that are hidden gems escaping me at the moment. I really need to stay in the under $10K range with $7K'ish being more realistic.
Would a drilling be a better option for a more budget-friendly option? My other random "off-the-wall" thought is something along the lines of a smooth-bore 28 Gauge shooting small slugs or a large buckshot load (either singly or stacked like .410 shotgun loads with 3 Buck balls stacked).
I have a hard limit of 200 yards at the extreme with most of my hunting area being in the 30yd~100yd range. My quarry, besides evil drink cans and containers, are feral hogs in East Texas, USA, livestock killing dogs and, possibly deer near tree cover.
I periodically check Guns International, Champlin, a few sites like this but, I'm not really seeing much. Perhaps my expectations are not realistic but, there are probably people like myself who have a rifle or two that are now not viable for their original purpose either due to travel restrictions, changing game laws, or Covid influenced economic or health impacts.
Hmmm ...
perhaps a 28 gauge SxS shotgun is a viable alternative. Am I having a lockdown-influenced mental lapse!