COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

All true, but I assume @Bhfs300 will be wearing a brand name N95 mask during his travel, will sanitize surfaces/hands, and keep the airplane vent pointed at him; that will certainly help minimize exposure.

Time spent at the safari will have your guard down. I'd have my N95 on in the vehicle and if you can't confirm all the clients have been vaxed, I'd be taking my dinner plate into my room

I agree we should be getting on with life - everyone go out and get vaccinated so we can do that (y)
You obviously got the vaccine (and so did I). Why are you afraid of others if they don’t have it? Wearing an N95 mask in hunting vehicle, not shaking hands, and eating dinner and drinking alone sounds like a great way to ruin a safari. Covid isn’t going away anytime soon and people aren’t going to suddenly accept the vaccine. Get the vaccine for yourself and get on with regular life. We can’t worry about everyone else.
Here in liberal-land, I see people wearing masks jogging with no one else within a hundred yards and vehicles with only the driver aboard and he/she is wearing a mask.
The vaccines reduce the severity of the symptoms and the associated complications of a Covid infection. They do not reduce the likelihood of infection. The vaccinated and unvaccinated can both be infected and both infect others including the vaccinated And the unvaccinated. - Bill
You are partly wrong. The vaccines also reduce your chances of infection but yes, some vaccinated people will get infected and either not know it or have less severe symptoms, which are great reasons to get vaccinated.
The advertised difference between infection likelihood of Vaxed vs unVaxed are within the margin of statistical noise. Data from the US and around the world are baring this out.

The unvaxed pose no unique threat to others, and only a small percentage pose any greater risks of serious illness and ….. to themselves.

My wife and I attended a wedding two weeks ago. Of the 8 seated at our dinner table, seven of us had already contracted covid, six contracted it after their vaccine! I contracted Covid in Jan of 2020, well before a vax was available. One gentleman had it two months prior. Oh, by the way, my wife was not only the only one who had not contracted covid, She was also the only one at the table without a vax. (Bless her strong Nebraska genes and country girl antibodies!)

We are all going to contract covid, Probably multiple times (variants). I put my faith in prompt medical attention with proven therapeutic meds.
I dunno Bill. In "my" more immediate family's sample of ten (Me, wife, both kids, one DIL, three sisters and two BIL`s =10. All vaxed. Only one breakthrough covid case (so far anyway). Elderly sister with health issues just recently spent one night in hospital and released to recover at home.

Therefore, if vaxed, 90% = covid free. :unsure:
Obviously, small samples mean very little.

I get my booster (Moderna to top off my JnJ) this week. Ifin it don't kill me, maybe I'll book my second trip to Africa. :)
Great plan Shootist! Life is short, live it well.
I have yet to figure out if you are vaccinated why do you care if someone else is vaccinated or not.

At some point this has gotten silly and just seems like another way to keep us arguing amongst ourselves.
ROFLMAO, oh really,

thankyou for this mornings belly laugh ROFLMAO l cant stop LOL
you do realize the reason that big pharma has not given Ivermectin the ok is because it is so cheap and they cannot put a patent on it now LOL money money money LOL
Mercks new drug is $700 a dose or Pfizer has a new pill that is Ivermectin
but cannot work because you say Ivermectin does not work although there are plenty around the world who disagree with you, even the Japanese have made Ivermectin a treatment LOL
as for your placebo controlled trials, the graph shows the use of Ivermectin before stopping, stopping and then using again, there's a good one for you and with millions of people ROFLMAO
you have given me the best laugh for the day, better than l could ever expect LOL
Klaus Schwab once said not so long ago that "by the time the sheeple figure it out it will be too late, they will be in the cool room"
What's your qualifications for all the information your righteously passing on? You know, just so I know that you're not part of a conspiracy trying to control me for unknown government purposes, or maybe big pharma tricking me into/out of my free vaccinations?
I have yet to figure out if you are vaccinated why do you care if someone else is vaccinated or not.

At some point this has gotten silly and just seems like another way to keep us arguing amongst ourselves.
Because the virus keeps mutating in hosts but I still believe it’s a personal choice. Also because our local hospital is nearly full of unvaccinated people, including a friend of mine, so now our county is pushing mandatory masking in public buildings again!!! Sucks!!
What's your qualifications for all the information your righteously passing on? You know, just so I know that you're not part of a conspiracy trying to control me for unknown government purposes, or maybe big pharma tricking me into/out of my free vaccinations?

nobody is trying to trick you into/out of your free jab TT stop talking sh!t
be a better troll ;)
Because the virus keeps mutating in hosts but I still believe it’s a personal choice. Also because our local hospital is nearly full of unvaccinated people, including a friend of mine, so now our county is pushing mandatory masking in public buildings again!!! Sucks!!
On the ER thing - the average wait time here is around 11 hours right now.

A good friend of ours had a bad fall recently. Busted up his face pretty bad.
After waiting four hours, they gave up and went home. Fortunately he's doing OK.
Must Watch
Start at 7:00 to skip intro on the first video

Would you hunt with a Safari Company that required Covid vaccination for all hunters and staff?

After my wife and I having a bad case of Covid we had our entire staff to have Covid Vaccinations. Here is my question, should Safari Companies require all visiting hunters to have had full vaccination for Covid? Believe me I believe in personal rights as much as anyone, but I am asking for everyones opinion.
No , it is no one's business if someone else is vaccinated or not.
I feel that it is fine for them to require it

If you don't like it then you can find another outfitter.

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Natural Bridge, Virginia