COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

My 77 year old healthy as can be mother got the 2 Pfizer shots. And has Covid now.
Bob is she getting regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion? It knocked mine out in two days. I was fully vaccinated with Moderna.
Bob is she getting regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion? It knocked mine out in two days. I was fully vaccinated with Moderna.
No she is at home on a vitamin regimen. She is suffering but hanging in there. Hopefully she'll be over the worst of it soon. She stays active which i think makes all the difference with Covid-19. And like her kids, she's very strong willed.

I have a cousin in the hospital with basically the same reaction I had. His x-rays look great. His d dimer is decent... But he keeps lingering and gets depressed. Those damned doctors keep pushing for him to go on a vent. They give him a 25% chance of recovery if he goes on a ventilator but he is in way better shape at this point than I was. He just isn't as mean as me nor the lady I signed my complete medical directive over to;) All that talk of the vent wears on him. They need to only take him good news!

When they told me I was improving by the day, I told them that was bullshit. I was going to make marked improvements 4 times per day and get out of there. And I made them document it as I did!

It becomes a head game, like so many things in life!
I say a prayer for her Bob.
And we're supposed to be trusting anything "Rat Face" Fauci is telling us now....really......

And WHY after 18-months is the CDC recalling the authorization for the use of the RT-PCR test that has been the gold standard for testing. Oh, and waiting till 1 Jan 2021 to do it?...... really This is the test protocol the the developer of it says.... well, listen to him in his own words.

RIP Dr. Mullins -
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My simple answer, NO.
And we're supposed to be trusting anything "Rat Face" Fauci is telling us now....really......

And WHY after 18-months is the CDC recalling the authorization for the use of the RT-PCR test that has been the gold standard for testing. Oh, and waiting till 1 Jan 2021 to do it?...... really This is the test protocol the the developer of it says.... well, listen to him in his own words.

RIP Dr. Mullins -
you bring up some very good points
the PCR test tests for covid but the problem they have is the amount of cycles used and the identity of what covid is being shown, when the PCR test was tested for the use of testing for covid19 the German guys doing the testing did not have the virus so could not work out how many cycles should be used before you had problems with false positives
scroll down and listen to the audio in this link about a person in Sydney wanting to know about the PCR testing
the PCR test is the PCR test it does not matter where it is used but how, it is not a good test
here is another link to give you some more info to be able to make an informed choice

also there is quite a bit of concern about who to listen to for information about the jabs, someone in an earlier post said that the vaccines used in America sterilised the virus but that is just not true
we all need to do our own research, whether you get jabbed should be your decision, you are not being selfish by not getting jabbed for someone else, how can me getting jabbed save you?
that would be like me asking someone else to put on sunscreen as l are going out in the sun and do not want to get burnt, there is no logic or common sense there, a vaccine should sterilise the virus and give you immunity but the definition of a vaccine was changed this year to suit these new jabs
here is a video of Dr Christina Parks a PHD with her testimony for Michigan HB4471 on 8/19/21

IMHO we should be able to use the already tested and peer reviewed treatments available instead
What if "Delta" is the "vaccine?"
Just to lighten it up a bit.... ;-)

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Forgive me if the following has already been stated - I have not made it thru all 21 pages yet.

The mRNA vaccines will not prevent Covid infection, prevent us from carrying and transmittting the virus.

the purpose and function of the mRNA vaccines are to minimize the symptoms and affects of Covid infection (eg avoid hospitalization).

this is exactly why segregating and vilifying the unvaccinated is illogical and dangerous.

per a close friend who is a practicing Dr of Immunology, he offered that barring the discovery of a magic anti-virus, it will forever be in our world, our lives, and we will all eventually contract a strain of Covid. The good news is that variants naturally become less fatal with each generation.
The mRNA vaccines will not prevent Covid infection, prevent us from carrying and transmittting the virus.

With all due respect, this is completely untrue. There are piles of studies out there, including controlled trials that show just how effective this vaccine is at preventing infection. Like this one: VA study Cliffs notes: over 100,000 person study that showed 96.2% effectiveness of Pfizer and 98.2% of Moderna IN PREVENTING INFECTION!
No vaccine ever has 100% efficacy, simply because people are diverse. 5% breakthrough infections doesn't mean the vaccine doesn't prevent infection, unless you were to categorize all vaccines as not preventing infection?

the purpose and function of the mRNA vaccines are to minimize the symptoms and affects of Covid infection (eg avoid hospitalization).

Yes, you are correct. Sterilizing immunity was hoped for but not required. We were blessed with the "bonus" of sterilizing immunity though (for as long as your antibodies remain high). Go back a few pages and read my post about the role of antibodies.
Rimshot, thanks for your reply. I sense you are closer to the health care industry than I am. I’m just an engineer posing questions to my friends who are are expert and relatively high in the industry, and by closely studying public news sources.

(full disclosure - I’m 62, had Covid in Jan of 2020, got the J&J vaccine in May of 2020 because I have a history of pneumonia.)

So I offer a couple questions to all here - if the mRNA vaccines do prevent infection, why are the unvaccinated such a threat to those vaccinated? Further, why are only the unvaccinated treated as the only threat to the Heath of others?

A quick search of the net revealed the following recent Covid article published on MNBC;
“Vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness, not to prevent infection or prevent any symptoms,” Dr. Anna Durbin, director of the Center for Immunization Research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said during a briefing Wednesday.”
A quick search of the net revealed the following recent Covid article published on MNBC;
“Vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness, not to prevent infection or prevent any symptoms,” Dr. Anna Durbin, director of the Center for Immunization Research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said during a briefing Wednesday.”
Now now Bill. Don't be using logic or you'll be interned in a covid camp for being a logical person or a free thinker.

Can't have people using logic when it comes spreading infection.

Not to mention the original "3 weeks to gear up the hospitals"... They still scared of "flooding the system". I know government is inefficient but hell's teeth shouldn't they be geared up by now?
some very good points there Bill

the video l posted up earlier #409 post has PHD Christina Parks testimony under oath stating that the Vaccines do not stop transmission of the virus and were never designed to stop the transmission of the virus, she would know, check out her qualifications and as l said she is under oath and not being paid by big pharma

Here in Victoria we had an ambo on the local radio asking people who have recently been jabbed to go to there GP instead of calling an ambulance and clogging up the emergency department at the hospital
apparently people are having adverse reactions, especially heart problems that need to be checked out
problem is its pretty hard to get into your GP and IMHO if you think you are having a problem with your heart go to hospital straight away
There are piles of studies out there, including controlled trials that show just how effective this vaccine is at preventing infection. Like this one: VA study Cliffs notes: over 100,000 person study that showed 96.2% effectiveness of Pfizer and 98.2% of Moderna IN PREVENTING INFECTION!

If this was posted in FB it would have been flagged with a missing information disclaimer....

What you have failed or deliberately avoided to mention is that there are now many more studies that show the waning efficacy of these "vaccines". They were first sold to us as highly effective in prevention. Now, 8-10 months later as the latest data reflects, their effectiveness is waning and requirement for a booster is necessary.

Furthermore, the data a also reflects that the 90%+ efficacy in prevention that was originally advertised now seems to be down around 40-50% against preventing infection by the Delta variant. The CDC (via the Brandon Administration's direction) is now once again moving the goal posts by rebranding the vaccines as not necessarily being effective in preventing Covid, but helping to reduce the numbers of severe case of Covid and minimalizing hospitalizations.. The moral here is that the narrative is subject to change according to the depth of the hole Brandon has dug himself into...
So I offer a couple questions to all here - if the mRNA vaccines do prevent infection, why are the unvaccinated such a threat to those vaccinated? Further, why are only the unvaccinated treated as the only threat to the Heath of others?
Good questions, and the answers are complicated. I'm not sure many would want to read my wall of text about government policy failures and communications failures. To be clear, I'm opposed to any vaccine coercion (but I think incentives are good, would have worked well and should have been used instead). There is an argument to be made that the unvaccinated pose a threat to people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons (small cohort) as well as people who cannot mount a sufficient immune response to the vaccine/virus. The other factor is that for the vaccinated, sterilizing immunity is temporary (~6 months for Pfizer, longer for Moderna), and thus could potentially prolong the pandemic if 3rd doses are withheld to get the rest of the world vaccinated (one of the advisory panel arguments against boosters). In my personal opinion, none of these reasons meet the threshold to justify a vaccine mandate by the Feds, but they care not about my opinion!

A quick search of the net revealed the following recent Covid article published on MNBC;
“Vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness, not to prevent infection or prevent any symptoms,” Dr. Anna Durbin, director of the Center for Immunization Research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said during a briefing Wednesday.”
Yes, that is a true statement and what public health officials care about as far as their populations at large. They don't care if you get sick or not, just as long as you don't get hospitalized for a month or more and/or die. This is precisely the reason why the FDA advisory panel recommended against a 3rd dose/booster shot, because the vaccines still offered protection from severe disease a year later even if the individual was susceptible to contracting the virus. The advisory panel was rightly overruled because the FDA realizes that preventing infection entirely will stamp out the fire of the pandemic more quickly. The vaccines weren't "designed" to prevent infection, but they do anyway because that's how your immune response works in this case, for as long as your antibodies are present in sufficient volume. Once antibody immunity wanes, you are protected by B and T cell immunity that will not by itself prevent infection, but it will shorten the severity and length of the disease.
If this was posted in FB it would have been flagged with a missing information disclaimer....

What you have failed or deliberately avoided to mention is that there are now many more studies that show the waning efficacy of these "vaccines". They were first sold to us as highly effective in prevention. Now, 8-10 months later as the latest data reflects, their effectiveness is waning and requirement for a booster is necessary.

Furthermore, the data a also reflects that the 90%+ efficacy in prevention that was originally advertised now seems to be down around 40-50% against preventing infection by the Delta variant. The CDC (via the Brandon Administration's direction) is now once again moving the goal posts by rebranding the vaccines as not necessarily being effective in preventing Covid, but helping to reduce the numbers of severe case of Covid and minimalizing hospitalizations..
I haven't failed to mention waning immunity, look through all of my posts and I go into that in great detail.
I've also explained the reason for the initial vaccine schedule of 3-4 weeks between doses, the compromises made, and the other vaccines that require 6+ months between doses to fully realize maximum effectiveness. The need for a 3rd shot was expected from the beginning and is by no means a failure or even a surprise.
I haven't failed to mention waning immunity, look through all of my posts and I go into that in great detail.
I've also explained the reason for the initial vaccine schedule of 3-4 weeks between doses, the compromises made, and the other vaccines that require 6+ months between doses to fully realize maximum effectiveness. The need for a 3rd shot was expected from the beginning and is by no means a failure or even a surprise.
Regardless of what you have personally posted in the past, I was referencing what you said just now, and that statement about vaccine efficacy has missing information...

Furthermore, this is NOT how the Brandon Administration and the Center for Disinformation and Confusion has been selling these vaccines to the American people.. Instead of admitting their mistakes and following the "science" as it has evolved, they have lied, deceived, misdirected, and doubled down on every bit of "guidance" they have laid out since this shit-show began. You cannot believe a word these idiots say, and they wonder why so many people are vaccine hesitant? LOL...

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