Pulling for her Bob.My 77 year old healthy as can be mother got the 2 Pfizer shots. And has Covid now.
Pulling for her Bob.My 77 year old healthy as can be mother got the 2 Pfizer shots. And has Covid now.
Hoping she recovers Bob.My 77 year old healthy as can be mother got the 2 Pfizer shots. And has Covid now.
Bob is she getting regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion? It knocked mine out in two days. I was fully vaccinated with Moderna.My 77 year old healthy as can be mother got the 2 Pfizer shots. And has Covid now.
No she is at home on a vitamin regimen. She is suffering but hanging in there. Hopefully she'll be over the worst of it soon. She stays active which i think makes all the difference with Covid-19. And like her kids, she's very strong willed.Bob is she getting regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion? It knocked mine out in two days. I was fully vaccinated with Moderna.
I hope she recovers quickly Bob!
Pulling for her Bob.
Thanks so very much Gentlemen.Hoping she recovers Bob.
you bring up some very good pointsAnd we're supposed to be trusting anything "Rat Face" Fauci is telling us now....really......
Wuhan scientists planned to release coronaviruses into cave bats 18 months before outbreak
Leaked documents reveal researchers applied for $14m to fund controversial project in 2018web.archive.org
And WHY after 18-months is the CDC recalling the authorization for the use of the RT-PCR test that has been the gold standard for testing. Oh, and waiting till 1 Jan 2021 to do it?...... really This is the test protocol the the developer of it says.... well, listen to him in his own words.
Kary Mullis - Covid PCR test inventor - Not Meant To Be Used For Infectious Diseases
Links and resources; Virology Pseudo Science - Lots Of Links Below https://www.bitchute.com/video/4hDZWL3AWKcv Jimmy Dore Questioning Why The Lancet Took Down Peer-Reviewed Vaccine Autopsy Study Within 24 Hours https://old.bitchute.com/video/7xvT6n5Zhz8b/ Dr Mike Yeadon - The Censored Video...www.bitchute.com
RIP Dr. Mullins - https://lightonlight.education/the-...ary-mullis-the-inventor-of-the-pcr-technique/
The mRNA vaccines will not prevent Covid infection, prevent us from carrying and transmittting the virus.
the purpose and function of the mRNA vaccines are to minimize the symptoms and affects of Covid infection (eg avoid hospitalization).
Now now Bill. Don't be using logic or you'll be interned in a covid camp for being a logical person or a free thinker.A quick search of the net revealed the following recent Covid article published on MNBC;
“Vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness, not to prevent infection or prevent any symptoms,” Dr. Anna Durbin, director of the Center for Immunization Research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said during a briefing Wednesday.”
There are piles of studies out there, including controlled trials that show just how effective this vaccine is at preventing infection. Like this one: VA study Cliffs notes: over 100,000 person study that showed 96.2% effectiveness of Pfizer and 98.2% of Moderna IN PREVENTING INFECTION!
Good questions, and the answers are complicated. I'm not sure many would want to read my wall of text about government policy failures and communications failures. To be clear, I'm opposed to any vaccine coercion (but I think incentives are good, would have worked well and should have been used instead). There is an argument to be made that the unvaccinated pose a threat to people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons (small cohort) as well as people who cannot mount a sufficient immune response to the vaccine/virus. The other factor is that for the vaccinated, sterilizing immunity is temporary (~6 months for Pfizer, longer for Moderna), and thus could potentially prolong the pandemic if 3rd doses are withheld to get the rest of the world vaccinated (one of the advisory panel arguments against boosters). In my personal opinion, none of these reasons meet the threshold to justify a vaccine mandate by the Feds, but they care not about my opinion!So I offer a couple questions to all here - if the mRNA vaccines do prevent infection, why are the unvaccinated such a threat to those vaccinated? Further, why are only the unvaccinated treated as the only threat to the Heath of others?
Yes, that is a true statement and what public health officials care about as far as their populations at large. They don't care if you get sick or not, just as long as you don't get hospitalized for a month or more and/or die. This is precisely the reason why the FDA advisory panel recommended against a 3rd dose/booster shot, because the vaccines still offered protection from severe disease a year later even if the individual was susceptible to contracting the virus. The advisory panel was rightly overruled because the FDA realizes that preventing infection entirely will stamp out the fire of the pandemic more quickly. The vaccines weren't "designed" to prevent infection, but they do anyway because that's how your immune response works in this case, for as long as your antibodies are present in sufficient volume. Once antibody immunity wanes, you are protected by B and T cell immunity that will not by itself prevent infection, but it will shorten the severity and length of the disease.A quick search of the net revealed the following recent Covid article published on MNBC;
“Vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness, not to prevent infection or prevent any symptoms,” Dr. Anna Durbin, director of the Center for Immunization Research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said during a briefing Wednesday.”
I haven't failed to mention waning immunity, look through all of my posts and I go into that in great detail.If this was posted in FB it would have been flagged with a missing information disclaimer....
What you have failed or deliberately avoided to mention is that there are now many more studies that show the waning efficacy of these "vaccines". They were first sold to us as highly effective in prevention. Now, 8-10 months later as the latest data reflects, their effectiveness is waning and requirement for a booster is necessary.
Furthermore, the data a also reflects that the 90%+ efficacy in prevention that was originally advertised now seems to be down around 40-50% against preventing infection by the Delta variant. The CDC (via the Brandon Administration's direction) is now once again moving the goal posts by rebranding the vaccines as not necessarily being effective in preventing Covid, but helping to reduce the numbers of severe case of Covid and minimalizing hospitalizations..
Regardless of what you have personally posted in the past, I was referencing what you said just now, and that statement about vaccine efficacy has missing information...I haven't failed to mention waning immunity, look through all of my posts and I go into that in great detail.
I've also explained the reason for the initial vaccine schedule of 3-4 weeks between doses, the compromises made, and the other vaccines that require 6+ months between doses to fully realize maximum effectiveness. The need for a 3rd shot was expected from the beginning and is by no means a failure or even a surprise.