From the CDC site describing the potential adverse effects associated with Yellow Fever vaccine. I suppose if more of us took this one, the internet medical "experts" would be in full dudgeon about it as well. By the way, it is required of most active duty soldiers - as in no choice.

Reactions to Yellow Fever Vaccine

Reactions to yellow fever vaccine are generally mild and include headaches, muscle aches, and low-grade fevers. Rarely, people develop severe, sometimes life-threatening reactions to the yellow fever vaccine, including:

  • Allergic reaction, including difficulty breathing or swallowing (anaphylaxis)
  • Swelling of the brain, spinal cord, or the surrounding tissues (encephalitis or meningitis)
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome, an uncommon sickness of the nervous system in which a person’s own immune system damages the nerve cells, causing muscle weakness, and sometimes, paralysis.
  • Internal organ dysfunction or failure
If you recently received the yellow fever vaccination and develop fever, headache, tiredness, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea, see your healthcare provider.
Some people may have an increased risk of developing a reaction to the vaccine, but may still benefit from being vaccinated. These people, or their guardians, should talk to a healthcare provider about getting vaccinated:

  • Between 6 and 8 months old
  • Over 60 years old
  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
I don't have a strong feeling one way or another regarding Covid vax, but I will say ONE last time:
ALL of the anecdotal vaccine testimonials above about how great vaccinations have been for mankind (and they have been) were NOT with mRNA vaccines. This was the first. There are 6 more in the "pipeline"......but we don't know the long term affects of these either. In addition, the stellar efficacy of the vaccines.....all of them....was proven to be false. They did some good things and some bad. We were not allowed to discuss the bad. All major manufacturers promised....on price them fairly, to help mankind, and to make a slim profit. But they made amazing billions, and are I write this....colluding with UK and European governments to force Covid vaccines upon young children without long term testing. (New UK 5 billion Pound contract). People that have negative experiences with vaccines need to be heard. In the past, they were random and often false. Now? Today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's fact. This is once again timely, as a new wave is coming from China, and I am going back to Africa.....good hunting......FWB
My neighbors, both in their 70's and both fully vaxed, were down recently for 3 weeks with Covid.
A friend didnt get the shots, his wife did. They both got Covid, same time, same symptoms, same duration.

Neither my wife, my son nor I have had the jab, and not going to so there wont be any need to take any plastic banana booster of the week.

This latest and greatest booster is also now potentially a cause for strokes in folks over 65, which is the group its supposed to protect!!
Hope we dont start with this sh.....again.......
Just been made mandatory to wear masks in government health facilities well as this put out...
Wont be going there then....
I took the J&J vaccine for one reason only. I wanted to go on Safari in 2021 and that was the only way it could happen at that time.
Here’s my take on it. It was completely and totally mishandled by politicians and media across the world. The whole thing became a political football that was used to overreach in power and fear mongering.
One side said it was deadly and therefore everything had to be shut down but they shut small businesses while Walmart remained open. The other side said it’s less fatal than the flu, yet I can’t recall a single solitary person I’ve known who has died from the flu. However, I have had quite a number whom I’ve known who have died from Covid. They said the elderly with preexisting health issues were at the greatest risk yet all I know who died were almost entirely male and 50ish and very healthy, some even models of health before catching it while my 91 year old mother had little issue with it.
I personally know one who died from the mrna vaccine and another very healthy friend who now suffers from heart damage because of it. Still yet we have the authorities pushing vaccines and saying they are safe and effective while others are claiming exactly the opposite.
My wife worked through the first 1/2 year of the peak of the start of Covid as an ER nurse unvaccinated and didn’t catch it and while many in government and health industries got rich from it the government actually threatened to step in over the wages being paid to nurses who kept working through it and then those same nurses were fired if they didn’t get the vaccine after it became available leaving hospitals horribly short staffed.
Now she has been told by the hospital she works at that the “official” numbers are the vaccines are only 5% effective. I doubt I know anyone that hasn’t had Covid and I can only think of 4 who weren’t vaccinated.
Right now I think masks are a joke unless it’s an N95 and vaccines at best are dubious. My wife has never had it despite working every single day with Covid positive patients but she uses the N95 mask as well as other precautions but she’s had flu and has the stomach bug now all caught at work. I work from home and have had it after being vaccinated. Considering we are three years down the road I think it is a clear verdict on the completely inept and criminally incompetent leadership of this world for such confusion and contradictory information out there and a lot of it from the authorities. So much harm has been done and so many have suffered loss in families, friends, and business that it really is unforgivable that people are still playing games with this. Follow the science my foot! Follow the money and agendas is more like it.
I took the yellow fever vaccine 25 years for my 3 trips to Cameroon, 2 bongo hunts and a lord derby eland hunt. I just had to take it again so I can go hunt Cameroon in March. It will also allow me into Uganda next March for a buffalo hunt. You just gotta do what you gotta do if you want to hunt these countries!!
I don't have a strong feeling one way or another regarding Covid vax, but I will say ONE last time:
ALL of the anecdotal vaccine testimonials above about how great vaccinations have been for mankind (and they have been) were NOT with mRNA vaccines. This was the first. There are 6 more in the "pipeline"......but we don't know the long term affects of these either. In addition, the stellar efficacy of the vaccines.....all of them....was proven to be false. They did some good things and some bad. We were not allowed to discuss the bad. All major manufacturers promised....on price them fairly, to help mankind, and to make a slim profit. But they made amazing billions, and are I write this....colluding with UK and European governments to force Covid vaccines upon young children without long term testing. (New UK 5 billion Pound contract). People that have negative experiences with vaccines need to be heard. In the past, they were random and often false. Now? Today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's fact. This is once again timely, as a new wave is coming from China, and I am going back to Africa.....good hunting......FWB


From what I have read, flatwater bill is spot on regarding the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone who invented mRNA vaccines and has the original patents is not in favor of them. At least without significantly more testing. He was basically silenced by the media and social media during the pandemic.

For more information the podcast Joe Rogan did with Dr. Malone is very informative.

As flatwater bill states, the covid vaccine was the first use of mRNA vaccines. The last few months, we are starting to see reporting of the potential problems that come with mRNA vaccines.

When looking at the good that vaccines have done, mRNA vaccines should be placed in a separate category. We are still a long ways from knowing all the problems relating to them.
I took the J&J vaccine for one reason only. I wanted to go on Safari in 2021 and that was the only way it could happen at that time.
Here’s my take on it. It was completely and totally mishandled by politicians and media across the world. The whole thing became a political football that was used to overreach in power and fear mongering.
One side said it was deadly and therefore everything had to be shut down but they shut small businesses while Walmart remained open. The other side said it’s less fatal than the flu, yet I can’t recall a single solitary person I’ve known who has died from the flu. However, I have had quite a number whom I’ve known who have died from Covid. They said the elderly with preexisting health issues were at the greatest risk yet all I know who died were almost entirely male and 50ish and very healthy, some even models of health before catching it while my 91 year old mother had little issue with it.
I personally know one who died from the mrna vaccine and another very healthy friend who now suffers from heart damage because of it. Still yet we have the authorities pushing vaccines and saying they are safe and effective while others are claiming exactly the opposite.
My wife worked through the first 1/2 year of the peak of the start of Covid as an ER nurse unvaccinated and didn’t catch it and while many in government and health industries got rich from it the government actually threatened to step in over the wages being paid to nurses who kept working through it and then those same nurses were fired if they didn’t get the vaccine after it became available leaving hospitals horribly short staffed.
Now she has been told by the hospital she works at that the “official” numbers are the vaccines are only 5% effective. I doubt I know anyone that hasn’t had Covid and I can only think of 4 who weren’t vaccinated.
Right now I think masks are a joke unless it’s an N95 and vaccines at best are dubious. My wife has never had it despite working every single day with Covid positive patients but she uses the N95 mask as well as other precautions but she’s had flu and has the stomach bug now all caught at work. I work from home and have had it after being vaccinated. Considering we are three years down the road I think it is a clear verdict on the completely inept and criminally incompetent leadership of this world for such confusion and contradictory information out there and a lot of it from the authorities. So much harm has been done and so many have suffered loss in families, friends, and business that it really is unforgivable that people are still playing games with this. Follow the science my foot! Follow the money and agendas is more like it.

similar experience here. In the early days my wife worked her regular MRI job and also worked in the Covid ward. Never got it and never brought it home - and this was with reused surgery masks. Fast forward to post vaxes, and she got it from a vaxxed coworker wearing an N95, while being vaxxed and also passed to me, also vaxxed. Crazy stuff.

I think part of what makes, or made, in the early days, Covid so difficult is that we were treating it as a pure respiratory virus, when it seems to be much more.
similar experience here. In the early days my wife worked her regular MRI job and also worked in the Covid ward. Never got it and never brought it home - and this was with reused surgery masks. Fast forward to post vaxes, and she got it from a vaxxed coworker wearing an N95, while being vaxxed and also passed to me, also vaxxed. Crazy stuff.

I think part of what makes, or made, in the early days, Covid so difficult is that we were treating it as a pure respiratory virus, when it seems to be much more.
Much more for sure. Many if not most I know of who died were taken out by blood clots and I didn’t hear much about that anywhere in the media.
Strange virus indeed. My sis (76) and brother-in-law (79) caught it. She brought it home from kids at church spring of 2022. They refused the shots because of all the questions.
She ran a low grade fever and had a minor headache for 4 days. Then done with no further issues. He on the other side had to be hospitalized and rehabbed for nearly 2 months. He was born with inherited respiratory issues. His father died of pneumonia when he was 14.
I had to make a rush trip to East Texas to help my sis out for a bit.
Apparently two totally opposite health situations. They still are not taking the poke. To each their own.
I don’t trust the government one inch about anything! Most are overpaid and power hungry with to many benefits that us peons will never achieve.

Angry old fart?…yep probably so. Sadly it appears I will be leaving this life in a much bigger mess than I found it.
I keep hearing "significantly more testing". I suggest reading up on the history of the polio vaccine. There was a HUGE controversy, ala the covid vaccines, between live and killed virus. The killed virus camp said test for ten years. The live virus camp said "we can't wait that long". Live virus testing was first done on monkeys then on thousands of children then on hundreds of thousands of children. Fast forward today and if we followed the same guidelines about extensive testing, I'm guessing we'd still see people by the tens of thousands dying from the disease. Same goes for polio, tens of thousands more crippled because we waited ten years to test it. Life is full of risks. Take the jab or not, your choice.
Take the jab or not, your choice.
This is the significant issue! Too many were not given a fair choice.

Nurses, military, others fired, freedoms taken away.

Governors and bureaucrats flexing their muscles and mandating things they had no right to do. i.e. Walmart staying open, crowded elbow to elbow way to often, while the local hardware store which rarely has more than 3 or 4 customers at at time was forced to close.
This is the significant issue! Too many were not given a fair choice.

Nurses, military, others fired, freedoms taken away.

Governors and bureaucrats flexing their muscles and mandating things they had no right to do. i.e. Walmart staying open, crowded elbow to elbow way to often, while the local hardware store which rarely has more than 3 or 4 customers at at time was forced to close.
100% ! In my opinion this is the central issue. Individual’s personal health care decisions are exactly that. Individual and theirs to make. If your individual choice is/was to get an mRNA vaccine against Covid, great. I’m glad you had the choice and availability of a vaccine for your individual circumstance. If you chose not to get an mRNA Covid vaccine, like me, I’m happy you had that option as well. But if you are one of the folks who had the vax mandate ran up their arse and had to decide beeen a career/personal belief amd taking the vaccine, I am truly sorry you were put in that position. It is/was just plain wrong, un-American, and an infringement on personal liberty. This should never be allowed to happen again. But it probably will. And there should be repercussions.
The only thing I trust less than the government are corporations. Not taking it now or ever
On the other hand, over the last three years I’ve had an annual flu vaccine, a tetanus booster, a cholera booster, two shingles vaccines and I’m due for a yellow fever booster next year. Oh, and four COVID vaccines, plus the latest omicron booster, which may not do much at all, apparently. And I’ve had COVID at least once (confimed by a test) and perhaps a second time (not confirmed).

Some vaccines seem to prevent illness (tetanus for example) while others seem to make any illness you do get less troublesome (flue vaccine for example). COVID vaccines are clearly among the latter.

Vaccines, along with chlorinated water, are one of mankind’s (can I still say that word?!) greatest advances in public health. Nothing is perfect of course, and some people react to one vaccine or another in unpleasant ways, I don’t, it seems, so I’m happy to get whatever jab is on offer. That strategy seems to have served me reasonably well for my 64 years, so I see no reason to change it now.

But to each their own.
I've been through 2 major flu pandemics, 1957 and 1968, caught both and survived. The 1957 one put me, a fit healthy young bloke into hospital with 4 hourly penicillin injections (to stop developing pneumonia) for a week semi-conscious. In 1968 it was like a bad dose of the flu and kept working. When covid arrived in Australia I had two Astrazenica vaccinations followed by two Pfizer boosters back in New Zealand. In November 2022 covid caught up with me and with the help of a five day course of Paxlovid, I survived that too. Whether it was due to some immunity left over from 1957 and 1968, or the vaccinations & anti-virals, I don't know, but I do know that something kept me out of hospital and still in the game at my age.
The only thing I trust less than the government are corporations. Not taking it now or ever
Funny. I’m the opposite. At least with corporations I know the motives, and they rarely involve control.
Only if you also delete the thread called ”Poltics”. Really tired of that one!
@Kevin Peacocke The purpose of the thread was to share information with fellow hunters in a quickly changing landscape so they could make decisions and be informed.

@spike.t shared some useful facts for members on Zambia, current facts on the ground for anyone headed that way. Get on a plane, don't, at least you know if you head to a health facility in Zambia you'll have to wear a mask.

What ensues


The rest ......


@Hank2211 That, Politics thread is the trash bin. I wish we did not have it.

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mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!