Well they say opinions are like a-holes: everyone has one and they all stink. So I suppose I'll add mine to the mix. I'm sure this has already been said by some and argued by others (I did not read the 100 pages), but maybe my spin will add some "value". I lay the standard disclaimer that I'm no doctor, I dont pretend to have any facts or information to back my claims, I'm only giving my viewpoint, right or wrong.
I believe that most masks are not capable of stopping virus spread, but any interaction where both/all parties are wearing any form of mask does help to minimize the risk. --- I wear one when I must (as a retail sales person, I wear every time someone comes into my store), or when the majority of people around me have one on. Even if it may not help, it certainly does not hurt.
I believe there is no reason to he any more afraid of this virus than the flu, with the exception of no known "cure". If you are susceptible, please be cautious. Those with strong immune systems probably have little to worry about.
I believe the claimed number of deaths due to Covid19 are drastically inflated. Many reports indicate most deaths are people with pre-existing conditions and I would argue that a number of these people could/would have died from the non-covid issue. It is very likely that getting a virus (covid) contributes to acceleration of problems or complications, but to say that they are all "Covid19 deaths" is far fetched.
While I would like to believe this is a politically charged bag of BS, I am not so narcissistic to believe the US is the center of the world. Too many countries have been affected and impacted, and the world would not shut down just to get some kind of point proven against the US or its president. However, it is highly likely the analysis of response measures will be used as a political battle, as will the blame game of where it all started and how it spread.
Perhaps by biggest thought on this topic is one I've held for years, just not specific to Covid that did not "exist" until recently, is that humans are causing their own susceptibility to disease. All the germophobic individuals that live protected lives, overuse antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers, and otherwise have not allowed themselves to build natural antibodies in their immune systems have brought this on themselves. Again, I may be 100% wrong, but I feel most rural people have used the 5-secomd rule or eaten food with dirty hands, or otherwise built up their immune systems by not worrying about perfect cleanliness. And these same individuals are rarely sick to any significant degree. On the other extreme is the anti-vax, vegan, tree hugging crowd that bathe in purell daily are the ones that are sick every week. --- I'd bet that the same people with strong immunity are a very low percentage of those who were symptomatic COD patients, and the people sick every week no doubt self diagnosed they had it and are a bulk of the percentage of those affected and in hospitals.
Just my 2 cents.